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Equinox comes from a Latin word which means “equal night.” The Spring, or Vernal, Equinox on March 20th brings almost equal amounts of day and night to everyone around the world. It’s also the first official day of Spring, which is a great reason to celebrate!

Keywords associated with Spring Equinox: Fertility, birth, manifestation, balance before action.

Crystals associated with the Spring Equinox

Amethyst is one of the crystals best associated with this day but if you're wondering about what other crystals work with the energy, take a look at the "Crystals for Spring/Vernal Equinox" video, where Lourdes and Tara talk about Rose Quartz, Snowflake Obsidian, Amethyst, HowliteGreen Aventurine, Moss Agate and Tree Agate.

Other crystals you can work with for "Rebirth and New Beginnings" would be Carnelian and Labradorite. Carnelian helps to calm the fear of death and rebirth, while Labradorite helps to reveal one's destiny and brings forth strengths to share with the world and others.

Other Items Associated with the Spring Equinox

Eggs, lambs and rabbits are associated with the Spring Equinox and that should come as no suprise as these are the symbols we regularly see around Easter time.

Lemongrass is one of the herbs associated with the Spring Equinox and you can even make your own aromatherapy spray to celebrate the Spring Equinox. There are no rules as to how you should celebrate this day but it's a great time to note that Spring is coming and isn't that a great reason to celebrate anyway?


Posted on November 03, 2013
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