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Crystals for Love
By Crystal Cosmopolitan
Crystals for Attracting New Love: Ruby in Zoisite, Chrysocolla, Rainbow Obsidian, Morganite
“Love is the ultimate healer. In the near future some attributes of this energy will be studied scientifically, will be quantified, measured, and understood. Other attributes will remain mysterious, transcendent and beyond measurement. Fortunately, when the energy of love is deeply felt, its healing effects are experienced whether or not it is measured or understood.”
-Brian Weiss, Messages from the Masters: Tapping Into the Power of Love
This article is for those who have given up on love, those who have been disappointed one too many times, those who have decided to shut their hearts and enjoy everything else that life has to offer. This article is here to tell you—try one more time. This article is also for you, dear crystal lovers, who are ready for a new relationship and want it to be everything that you desire it to be. Working with these crystals and with affirmations, meditating, journaling and other spiritual practices will help you draw more love into your life.
Ruby in Zoisite (a.k.a. Anyolite)
We have probably all been hurt by those we love at some point in our lives and our hearts may have at times felt empty. Sometimes it could have been almost like a physical pain. Maybe it hurt so much that you were not able to properly function in the world for a while. And while many dismiss the “lovelorn” feelings as something trivial, scientific research has shown that this is highly relevant for our overall health:
“The heart is, in fact, a highly complex, self-organized information processing center with its own functional "brain" that communicates with and influences the cranial brain via the nervous system, hormonal system and other pathways. These influences profoundly affect brain function and most of the body’s major organs, and ultimately determine the quality of life.” (Science of The Heart: Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance: An Overview of Research Conducted by the Institute of HeartMath)
Many crystals can assist us in “filling the tank” of our heart, but probably one of the strongest and fastest working one is Ruby in Zoisite. A combination of two minerals - red Ruby and green Zoisite, with black inclusions - it combines their properties in a wonderful way. Its most noticeable effect is a feeling of peace and calmness, when placed upon the heart. It helps transmute the negative feelings and hurt from past relationships into a feeling of deep peace. The longer you work with it and the more consistent you are--the greater the benefits. It is a consoling stone, and it refills the heart with a healing and soothing energy. While it primarily works with the heart, it also spreads the feeling of peace throughout the whole chakra system of the body and strengthens the energy of the whole body. Hold it over the heart and in the middle of your chest for 15 minutes every night before falling asleep and every morning upon waking up.
Our throat chakra is often blocked as a result of things we were not able to say, feelings of anger we were not able to express; this creates a blockage in the throat chakra and a feeling of tightness and pain. Chrysocolla will first soothe your anger and provide insights into how it can be communicated in a peaceful way. Being angry only inflames your whole energetic field but does not bring relief or release. Chrysocolla helps in connecting the heart and throat chakra and expressing your truth in a way that is good for your whole energetic body by gently dissolving negative emotions and yet helping you process what needs to be processed and understand your past relationship in a different light.
Hold on your throat chakra for about 15 minutes in the morning, as soon as you wake up. Have a piece of paper and a pen next to your bed so you can immediately jot down what comes up at the surface. In that way you can release these feelings from your energetic field without having to discuss them directly with the person who brought them up, since that may not be practical or possible. Do this as many times as you feel you need. If you do this consistently and on a daily basis, your feelings will be processed in a shorter amount of time.
Rainbow Obsidian
While you are working with Ruby in Zoisite in the evening and morning, and the Chrysocolla in the morning, you might want to work with Rainbow Obsidian during the day. This stone is grounding, connecting you to your roots. It provides emotional safety and makes an energetic shield around your body. However, it also brings to light that which we contributed to the situation of not receiving the love that we wanted. It paints a picture of our role in the relationship, points out the way we showed up in that relationship and provides insights into solutions. It does not allow us to dwell in negativity and dispels any unloving thoughts and self-criticism. It creates a safe emotional space for understanding how we can grow emotionally and have a greater emotional satisfaction in the future. In addition, it strengthens our self-esteem and makes us confident about our future relationships.
After working with all of these crystals, it is time to bring new love in with Morganite. Morganite gently and joyfully brings hope, opens our heart for happiness, and instills inner peace. It clears the last remnants of the emotional imbalance and connects our heart to the Angelic realms. Its high frequency balances emotions, bringing us patience, lightness, and joy and helps open up the path for our beautiful divine souls to unite with their soul mates.
(Submitted by: Nicki on February 10, 2016) |
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(Submitted by: ADRIAN C on February 10, 2014) |
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(Submitted by: ADRIAN C on February 10, 2014) |
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