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From: lori
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 9:58 AM
Subject: - Discount Prices on Healing Crystals, Minerals & Tumbled Stones

Hello, just found your site, I have some health issues, what cyrstal would be good for heart problems, I have paplatations on a regular bases (have been to doctor) and have stomach problems and how do you use them?

thank you


Hi Lori~

We're very glad you stopped by our website. Let's see what we can come up with to help with your conditions. Crystals can be a great supplement to one's healthcare protocol, reinforcing your own healing intentions.

Rhodochrosite is the classic heart stone, but would also have effects on the stomach. Working with both the Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras, Rhodochrosite can clear away negative energies from those areas. It is a very soothing stone that combats stress, and brings the energy of wholeness back to the heart. This crystal is also emotionally healing, which some crystal-workers will argue is integral to the progress of physical healing, especially where the heart is concerned.

Garnet works with the Heart Chakra, and is thought to help with palpitations, specifically.

Not knowing exactly the type of stomach problems you are experiencing, the best stone for that area would deal with the Solar Plexus Chakra. A stomach problem might indicate a lack of will and/or follow-through. Jaspers can help with this issue and can facilitate one's inner fortitude. Yellow Jasper is commonly worn by those who have health issues with the stomach, as it has a tendency to help with digestion.

Of course, the "master healer" is Clear Quartz, which can amplify and focus one's intentions, while simultaneously sending out protective energies.

You can find many of these crystals on our website through our catalog menu system or through our search function at the top of each page. I hope this helps. If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to send another email.


~Crystal CAT

Posted on May 02, 2007

  On this page, you can see a list of Stones for Physical Issues and scroll down to see the list of stones for Heart  (Submitted by: Shawn on March 02, 2010)
  Hello my name is jake ,
my wife has corinary spasms she has had 8 heartattacks and 2 bypass surgerys i was wondering if the is a cyrstal that might help in the long run? thank you for your time  (Submitted by: jake on February 27, 2010)

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