"I want heal my health and my lifestyle such as my happiness and blessings. I need a lot of blessings. I'm depressed and bi-polar. I just want to live a positive peaceful and happy life."
Hello, Q
I'm going to recommend some very nurturing crystals that I feel you can benefit from in multiple areas where you described wanting improvement. Their properties are listed, below:
Blue Chalcedony:
- Healing (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual)
- Depression (in general and specifically, bi-polar)
- Happiness
- Peace
- Therapy; This crystal can help with receiving and the facilitation of therapy, which doesn't necessarily mean formal care; It can also benefit self-help efforts
- Centering (helpful for anyone struggling with mental and/or emotional issues)
- Life purpose (can help you discover yours)
- Potential (realize yours and make productive use of talents)
- Positivity
- Quiets mental chatter (which can be beneficial for mental/emotional issues, when ruminating on troubles)
- Hormonal balance (which can be a factor in depression)
- Emotional balance and healing
- Happiness
- Hope
- Mood swings
- Centering and grounding
- Life purpose
- Potential (being your highest self and doing your highest good)
- Raise vibration
Orbicular Jasper (aka Ocean Jasper):
- Emotional balance
- Depression
- Release emotional blocks and limiting behaviors
- Joy and enthusiasm
- Healing (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual)
- Optimism
- Peace
- Pleasure (with daily activities)
- Uplifting
- Centering
- Positivity
- Clarity; It reveals the bigger picture behind problems, which can be helpful for mental/emotional issues
- Health and healing (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual)
- Peace
- Expands consciousness
- Releases energy blocks
- Supports your higher self
- Life purpose
- See the possibilities of your future life
- Positivity
- Raise vibration
- Spiritual growth
- Transformation
- Clarity
- Health (in general)
- Depression
- Happiness
- Hope and optimism
- Blessings (giving and receiving)
- Expands consciousness
- Positivity
In particular, Orbicular Jasper and Sunstone are Solar Plexus crystals. That chakra governs happiness and positivity.
May you find this useful.
Best wishes,
Katy Fae
DISCLAIMER: We feel that crystals can complement other therapies and support energetic well-being. Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment. For medical advice, please consult a licensed healthcare specialist.