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Natural Chrysocolla


"I am unable to let go my past and am filled with guilt and not able to forgive myself and others who have hurt me. The result is I am not able to grow spiritually and not at peace. Kindly help."



Hi there R,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Forgiveness can be a very tough topic for many people, often because we carry this story of "forgive but never forget" and forgiveness is not about forgetting. It is more about setting yourself free, more than the other person.

Crystals that encourage forgiveness include:

What I like to do when I do forgiveness work on full moons, is to hold the stone in my hand and after a few grounding breaths, I think of anything that really hurt me in the past month. You can also sit there and allow those memories to come up for you naturally if there is nothing specific you want to forgive.
Once something comes up, I say that I forgive them, myself or the situation and then I send love until I really feel that love surrounds that person, myself or the situation and then I say THANK YOU. Once I've done that, I release. Sometimes I see it float away, other times I write it down and then burn it. Burning it also allows me to say out loud that I forgive, I love and I am grateful, then let it go to the universe. It's a very powerful practice to write and then burn.
After doing this I spend time with a grounding stone to ground myself again in my body.

I hope this helps and remember you're deserving of forgiveness and releasing whatever doesn't serve you :)
Be gentle with yourself!

Siobhan Gouws-Moller, from SGCrystalHealing


DISCLAIMER: We feel that crystals can complement other therapies and support energetic well-being. Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment. For medical advice, please consult a licensed healthcare specialist.

Posted on November 12, 2020
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