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In the "Crystals for Aries" video, Lourdes and Tara talk about Vesuvianite, Green Tourmaline, Unakite, Tiger Eye, Moonstone, and Selenite.

For anyone who is falls under the sign of Aries or is trying to adjust to its energies, this video can give ideas, tips, and suggestions on which crystals to use. The astrological sign of Aries falls between March 21 to April 19.

Aries are known to be "Adventurous, Enthusiastic and Pioneering" and these crystals work well to harmonize and balance characteristic associated with Aries.

Other Crystals Associated with Aries:

Crystals for Aries

RubyThe vivid energy of Ruby reflects Aries’ passion and vitality, and supports the intensity of this fire sign. Ruby adds the spice to life that Aries craves. While Aries can be quick to anger (especially when he/she feels others are standing in the way of his/her success), Ruby helps to draw this anger more quickly to the surface, where it can be processed and dissipated. Ruby is a powerful heart stone, and can help personal but independent Aries connect to others emotionally.

Red JasperRed Jasper brings a sense of balance to intense and passionate Aries. Physically and emotionally grounding, Red Jasper can ease the intensity of Mars, Aries’ ruling planet. Red Jasper stimulates the Root Chakra, which aids all in the head” Aries with grounding and connecting to Earth’s rhythms. Quick to act, Aries sometimes has problems with details and planning – Red Jasper helps to think and plan before acting.

Green AventurineGreen Aventurine cools the fire and calms the heat of Aries. Green Aventurine can diffuse difficult situations, dispel anxiety and fear, and expel negative emotions. Helping to impart a sense of purpose, Green Aventurine strengthens achievement-driven Aries’ drive to succeed. Aries with short attention spans will find Green Aventurine can bring persistence to completing a task.

HowliteHowlite calms headstrong Aries and brings peace and cooperation to group situations.

Rhodonite: Rhodonite brings Aries patience and grounding in the expression of love. Aries’ relationships can sometimes be volatile – Rhodonite helps to stabilize them by imparting patience and emotional balance. Rhodonite also heals emotional wounds.

CitrineCitrine is helpful at soothing group or family discord. Citrine helps Aries accept and learn from constructive criticism, and teaches Aries, who is quick to self express and often speaks before thinking, to be gentler in their delivery of criticism about others. A strong Solar Plexus stimulator, Citrine is a good choice for Aries, who is determined to succeed.

AmethystThe calming energies of Amethyst help Aries to relax and sit in meditation. Amethyst also eases headaches, a common Aries complaint.

If you wanted to gift the Aries in your life with some crystals, we have the perfect gift bag that includes Howlite and Ruby.

Ruby reflects an Aries' passion and vitality while bringing spice to life. It helps to draw anger to the surface more quickly where it can be processed and dissipated. Howlite brings mental awareness and facilitates calm communication. It also enhances tactfulness when dealing with others.


Posted on November 13, 2013
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