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Crystals for Creativity: How Crystals Can Aid Your Creative Process

By Sarah Duni Bourland


Creativity is something that we all naturally possess.  However, through life’s ups and downs it is not always easy to stay close to your creative self.  I enjoy writing poetry, playing music, drawing, and painting, though there are times when I am just not inspired to do any of them.  I know they are good for me to do and will make me feel better, but there are times when it just seems pointless to put the effort into it.

I’ve noticed that when I am in balance, I am more likely to feel inspired to create. That is when songs will show up in my head and I will be inspired to record them. Inspiration can be a very elusive thing.  I have learned it is better not to chase it, but to let it come to me.  However, it is important to be open and receptive to it, and to maintain a certain balance within yourself so that you can be open to receiving it. Crystals have helped me this way because they can help draw me out of myself and keep me grounded and balanced.  If I am feeling in a funk, often I will pick a crystal or two and just hold it and look at it, and notice how it makes me feel. They help me get into a meditative state, which relaxes me and opens me up to life’s flow.

Because of their structure, vivid colors, and the way they reflect and absorb light, crystals have an obvious visual appeal to artists.  I often find myself drawing or painting crystal-like shapes subconsciously.  It is as if from handling them and spending time with them, they become ingrained into my subconscious and will find ways of manifesting themselves through me.  When I first realized I could feel the energies of crystals, I understood that I can act as a channel for their energies.  When I hold a crystal, I can feel its energy rushing through me.

I started writing songs a few years ago.  I have been playing musical instruments since I was a child; however I had never had the inclination to be much of a songwriter.  I had come up with my own parts before, but had only composed a full song once, for a music theory class.  When I started writing these songs, it was not a conscious, logical effort on my part.  They just started coming to me.  This was around the same time that I started learning about crystals, and was given some by some friends.  I immediately became fascinated with the crystals.  I believe that they helped me get in touch with my intuitive side and opened me up to different forms of energy, which was how the songs started coming to me.

Even though I started playing and performing music at a young age, I always suffered from performance anxiety and stage fright.  When I started writing these songs, my husband encouraged me to perform them with him.  I was pretty terrified at the prospect.  Meditating with crystals also helped me in this area.  I would sit with some crystals and visualize performing the set, and visualize myself being okay and even enjoying it, and I would see a connection with anyone in the audience.  I have grown by leaps and bounds as far as performing goes.  Before I started writing these songs, I never would have dreamt of singing by myself in front of people.  But I somehow found the courage to because I had some songs inside of me that wanted to get out. Specifically, I found Orange Calcite to be very helpful for my stage fright.  I also have a Rutilated Quartz tower that helped me with that.  I even bring crystals on stage with me.  They help me feel protected.  I also try to use them to clear the stage of any negative energy before we go on.

Rose Quartzhas also been a huge help to my artistic side. It was the first crystal that I felt a very strong connection with.  Rose Quartz is known as the stone of unconditional love.  It is a beautiful pink color and has a wonderful loving energy.  A big part of being creative is truly loving yourself enough to express your true self, and believing that you have something worth expressing.

Right now I am working on a painting to donate to a fundraiser for bats.  I do not pride myself on being a great painter.  For me, it is more about expressing myself through the colors and brushstrokes.  I did not know what I wanted to paint for the fundraiser, but I felt compelled to make something for it.  I have a strand of irregularly shaped Clear Quartz crystals.  I had put the strand on top of a speaker, and one day I arranged it into a bat shape to help me feel inspired for the painting.  I did not want to just paint a picture of a bat.  I prefer to paint abstractly.  While I was researching bats online I came across a study done to research bat echolocation. Two brown bats had been equipped with a small microphone while they flew, and the microphone recorded their sonar signals, which had then been reproduced photographically.  I thought the picture of the sonar was beautiful.  It was pink and purple, and I thought it would be the perfect inspiration for my painting.  I wrote to the scientist who had done the study and got her permission to use the photograph. It could just be a coincidence that I had arranged the quartz strand in the shape of a bat on top of a speaker, and then found inspiration in the sound waves of the bat, but I like to think everything is all connected.

Have crystals helped you with your unique self-expression? Let them help show you the way!

Posted on August 10, 2012

    (Submitted by: Vinette on August 29, 2012)
  I read this article with rapt attention. I am trying to get back to my creative pursuits but feel blocked. I was looking for suggestions as to how to let my creativity flow more easily, when this article showed up on newsletter! Thank you, author, for sharing your experiences with crystals. It was truly fascinating and helpful.  (Submitted by: Susan on August 10, 2012)
  I currently am using crystals to aid me in stress reduction and life direction. Feel free to see pics of my Crystal Zen tabletop Meditation Garden at my blog : I love your article! Very inspiring!  (Submitted by: Ladybug on August 10, 2012)

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