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Chrome Diopside


"Hi there, I am currently fighting thyroid cancer. Metastatic and it spread to my lungs. Radiation no longer works, I will be starting chemo soon. What Crystal do you recommend for me?"



Greetings JG,

Thank you for reaching out to us about your crystal needs. Firstly, I would like to send much love and healing energy your way as you deal with thyroid cancer.

Bloodstone and Smokey Quartz can be used to help with counteracting the negative effects of toxins in the body such as radiation and chemotherapy. They should be cleared regularly, if not daily. Bloodstone will also be helpful as it can keep the blood flow to healthy areas of the body and purifying the blood.

Amber can be a great aid for healing, as it helps the cells of the body to remember a state of perfect health. Amber is well-known in healing circles for its ability of transmuting negative energies into positive.

A great crystal for dealing with any type of cancer is Amethyst. A highly spiritual crystal, Amethyst is all about protection, purification, and recovery of all types. Having Amethyst in the room can help to keep the energies clear, assisting your body in it's task of self-healing.

Green Diopside is one that I recommend for those with cancer. It will help heal during treatments by restoring the flow of healing energy while removing energetic blockages.

I hope you find this helpful!

Terreasa Burgess, from Enchanted Thyme Gift Shop


DISCLAIMER: We feel that crystals can complement other therapies and support energetic well-being. Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment. For medical advice, please consult a licensed healthcare specialist.

Posted on May 30, 2020
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