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WEEK OF 05/22/13 - 05/28/13 

WEDNESDAY 05/22/13

Presentation is everything when it comes to getting a message across.  Use caution today since Mercury is in an uncomfortable position with Pluto and Chiron.  Insecurities could lead to choices based upon emotion rather than reason.  These are not optimal conditions for communication since internal conflict and lack of empathy could lead to misunderstandings.  Uranus helps out by suggesting we find alternate means of communications like writing a letter, email or even social media.  These will allow you to be creative and give you a moment to pause before you act.  Just be sure to step away for a moment and re-read and reconsider before you send.  Petrified Wood will encourage a second look at everything and Smokey Quartz will protect you from yourself. 

Number of the day: 6

Let 6 be your reminder to consider others as you do what is right for you.  It is always important to take care of ourselves but it does not need to be at others' expense.  Rhodochrosite will encourage your caring side to be front and center. 

THURSDAY 05/23/13

Have you ever had things turn out exactly as you had hoped only to find out that was not what you wanted?  That is sort of the overall theme for today when Venus, Mercury and the Moon are asking us to turn our confusion and frustrations inward.  Mercury and the Moon will have us looking for hidden messages in everything while Venus' influence has us wondering why we are dissatisfied when things went according to plan. All of us tend to look towards outside forces to make us whole - right now that does not seem to be working.  As you seek to understand more about what will bring you happiness you may come to realize that it all begins and ends with you.  Soul searching is never easy but it will prove to be most valuable as you go forward.  Be courageous and you will find what you seek.  Optical Calcite will offer insight.  Moonstonewill allow you to deal with what you uncover in a positive and affirmative manner.

Number of the day: 7

Often the greatest mystery is what is going on in our own heads.  The energy of 7 can help you to understand yourself on a deeper level.  That is how we transcend beyond any perceived limits.  Hold Lapis Lazuli on your Third Eye for fruitful communications with yourself. 

FRIDAY 05/24/13

Tonight's Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius completes the cycle that began in April.  We began with a partial Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio that gave you a glimpse at what was buried deeply - maybe too deeply!  The Solar Eclipse earliest this month introduced you to the beginning of changes both mentally and physically.  Now our third Eclipse challenges you to explore your beliefs.  You have learned much from the last few weeks and how you process that will affect your beliefs, faith and convictions.  That is where all true change begins and that is what needs to evolve before you will see the kind of positive change that you desire. Truthfully we were already on the path to new thought patterns following that Pluto/Uranus square a few days ago.  That transit was like a harsh slap in the face that sent you reeling.  Now you've picked yourself up and along comes the Moon in Sagittarius to help you realize what it all means and how you can make it work in your favor.  Not enough cosmic goings on for you?  Well Neptune is forming a T-Square (90 degree angle) to the Eclipse that is going to reveal any lies that you still make and accept as  truth.  They could be your undoing so let them go! Patterns will be broken and re-formed so take control and build the patterns that will set you on your brightest path.  Black Tourmaline will ground, protect and help you deal with your emotions - change is never easy!  Moss Agate gives your courageous new efforts a boost of abundance and confidence. 

Number of the day: 8

It may seem as if there is too much work ahead and it will just be easier to leave things as they are now.  Do not be ruled by these doubts!  You will get what you want and you can make anything happen.  Ruby gives you heart and courage. 

SATURDAY 05/25/13

Socializing is a breeze when Mercury and Venus are working well together.  The Gemini energy is going to encourage you to get out there and circulate.  Conversations are friendly and jovial and there is just an overall atmosphere of fun and frolic.  Remember that you've got Venus in your corner so those social interactions could lead to business and financial opportunities.  If you have considered taking something that you love and making it profitable this is the time to act - especially if you are looking for a partner or benefactor.  Botswana Agate will encourage your inner child to come out and play. Serpentine helps you make the most of the abundant energy. 

Number of the day: 9

Are you bouncing off the walls from all the mental and emotional activity?  Go get physical and get you out of your head and into the world for a while.  9 energy is about being impractical and silly and having fun.  Maybe that is what life is all about, so enjoy and take Fire Agate to keep the party going. 

SUNDAY 05/26/13

Are you exhausted from yesterday's activities?  Good because this is a better time to lay low and rest up.  Saturn will be casting it's serious shadow across Venus and we will feel subsequent challenges when it comes to relating to others.  You aren't really feeling the love right now so use this energy to have some "me" time.  Activities that allow your mind to find some peace can be especially beneficial under this influence.  Apophyllite will assist while you reflect and Dumortierite will enhance the peaceful aura. 

                                                                                                                           Number of the day: 1

 Rest, recover and reflect as you take some much needed time off from the expansive energy of the last few days.  You have learned much and you are ready to take off - but it will be there tomorrow and you need the break.  Blue Lace Agate will help you relax. 

MONDAY 05/27/13

Mercury and Jupiter are presenting us with an overall fabulous day.  This happens only once a year (the same with Venus tomorrow) so make the most of it.  The planet of expansion will light up all those areas that Mercury influences like travel, communications and our overall mindset.  You will think big - act big - and go big as your optimism leads you to doing everything on as grand a scale as possible.  Do not hesitate because it will all work in your favor!  Even if you don't physically begin anything be sure to use this energy for ideas and plans for future actions.  Fancy Jasper will draw all of the amazing energy and show you how to use it.  Citrine gives you confidence and conviction if doubt tries to creep in.

                                                                                                                    Number of the day: 2

You've played and you want to get out there and get something started.  All of the energy is geared towards you getting exactly what you want.  Be sure you know what that is and you are willing to put in the time and effort.  Tanzanite offers insight and incentive. 

TUESDAY 05/28/13

Maybe Venus was wondering why it didn't get to enjoy some of the benefits of Jupiter because it muscles Mercury out of the way today.  When Venus and Jupiter are conjunct you can see and feel just how glorious life can (and will) be.  Now is when you begin to realize the potential benefits of those grand plans from yesterday.  You know that your life is about to expand in all kinds of wonderful ways and you cannot wait to live your dream.  And really why should you?  The urge to indulge yourself will be almost overwhelming and it is absolutely ok to give in - a little!  You really want to be cautious under this influence not to overspend, eat or play.  Green Quartz will let you enjoy the beautiful energy while Black Agate reminds you to stay in reality and trust that there is enough joy there - at least for now! 

Number of the day: 3

Do you know all of those songs about being happy & joyful and just not worrying?  I think they were all written on a day like today.  Whatever you do whether it be work or play it is sure to be amazing.  Aqua Aura will add to the already beautiful atmosphere.  

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Posted on May 20, 2013
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