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WEEK OF 12/31/14 - 01/06/15 

Wednesday 12/31/14

2014 comes to a close under a peaceful sky.  We can all appreciate a break in the action considering the vibrant - and often turbulent - astrological activity this year. Enjoy the quiet atmosphere during your last day of 2014 and, as you look ahead, remember the good energy that you have to work with tonight.  A Capricorn Sun will enable you to make practical preparations for the coming year and a Taurus Moon helps you to appreciate the beautiful and wonderful things that you have and build upon their value. Use Ruby to connect with the Taurus Moon and Herkimer Diamond to enjoy what you have built and attract more of that positive, enterprising energy in the year ahead.  Happy New Year!

Number of the day: 5

5 is going to invigorate that longing for new adventures.  A New Year is about to begin so it is time!  Blue Aventurine will help you find doors and open them.

Thursday 01/01/15

Mars opposite Jupiter is the perfect transit to begin a New Year.  There is a tendency to place undue pressure on yourself with resolutions that are designed to affect immediate change.  It isn’t that they are unrealistic but your expectations of what and how long it will take to achieve your goals will be overblown.  You can and will do anything that you set your sights on no matter how challenging it may be, but change takes time and it is unrealistic to expect immediate results.  This transit is going to highlight that urgency but you have the power to turn it around.   Take the initiative to commit yourself to a realistic plan that will get you where you want to be without unnecessary stress.  Lepidolite will help you slow down because rushing could bring you right to a place of failure. Sapphire will help you extract what you need from this energy and let the rest go.

Number of the day: 1

It's a bright New Year and you want that light shining on you!  Use the power of 1 to eliminate any self-deprecating thoughts that make you think you are not deserving of what you have and all the good things coming your way. If it feels too difficult to realize your worth and value, use an Amazonite to show you how.

Friday 01/02/15

Venus and Chiron are producing an atmosphere that will cause you to wonder if the things that you care about are truly worth your efforts.  While there is a negative slant to this energy it can be a valuable tool that will help you to appreciate things that you may have been taking for granted.  You should be prepared to see why something that matters to you won’t work out rather than envisioning what you could do to make it work.  That means that you won’t easily see the value, so it’s going to take some effort to be positive right now.   You will need to decide what is worth fighting for and then follow through with affirmative thoughts and actions.  Use Apatite for insight into what is worthy of your commitment.  Carnelian will get you started in a progressive direction.

Number of the day: 2

You know who you are and what you are capable of, so it is time to share your gifts with the world.  Charoite gives you the confidence to let everyone see what you have to offer. 

Saturday 01/03/15

The Sun and Uranus are producing stimulating energy that begs for action but there is so much confusion that you won’t be sure which way to go or where you are even headed.  That lack of a definable direction could send you running in circles or worse yet, barreling towards disaster.  Unexpected opportunities may come your way and you want to take advantage of them, but use caution before you commit to anything.  Once there is more clarity and purpose in the atmosphere you can successfully act on all of those grand plans.  Pluto will join in to remind you of how far a strong will and purposeful goals will take you.  You will feel confident, so use that to build your strategy but keep it all internal for now.  The motivational energy of Morganite will be a perfect conduit for this energy.  Emerald will remind you how much you can accomplish by combining your heart and mind before you take physical action.

Number of the day: 3

Before you begin a quest for something new, it is important to appreciate what you have.  3 wants you to enjoy your life and have some fun.  It doesn't have to be all about work so treat yourself and carry Orange Aventurine to keep a bounce in your step.

Sunday 01/04/15

You want to stop and think carefully when communicating with others today.  A Mercury/Chiron transit can cause carelessness that will result in hurt feelings, even if that is not your intention.  A positive effect of this transit is that you may be impatient with rules and procedures and that can help you to break free of old patterns.  Later Chiron will move into a very beneficial transit with the Sun that can help you replace anything that you have left behind with new ambitions.  Venus is typically not the planet to look towards when you need a dose of reality, but a transit with Saturn today will bring you a helpful mix of passion and peace.  You can take a reasonable approach to relationships, business ventures and anything that you are devoted to and see some tangible results.  Saturn is still in Sagittarius making this an excellent opportunity to realize any longstanding goal.  Use Black Kyanite to avoid poorly expressed outbursts.  Amethyst helps you see how to turn your dreams into reality.

Number of the day: 4

Stay calm and maintain your course.  4 reminds us not to let distractions scatter your energies.  Black Agate will keep you steady.

Monday 01/05/15

You are ready to shake off the holiday festivities and get started on your new or renewed sense of purpose for 2015.  If you are wondering where to begin, you’re in luck because the Universe is providing inspiration via a Mercury/Saturn sextile.  If you have a goal then this is the kind of energy that you want to use as you get organized and plan your next steps.  Your strategies will be well conceived and you can easily develop a plan that makes the best use of your talents and resources.  This is also a wonderful time to look for new sources of guidance and assistance.  The Saturn in Sagittarius influence will bring in lots of optimism so you are confident that you are well on your way towards success.  Use Bloodstone to avoid overconfidence that could make you believe you can skip important steps.  Rose Quartz will encourage you to reach out to others for valuable input.

Number of the day: 5

5 will encourage you to take a risk and do something unexpected.  The results will be spectacular and you will feel liberated.  Yellow Aventurine will stimulate your actions.

Tuesday 01/06/15

Hopefully you took advantage of yesterday’s supportive energy and took the opportunity to set things in motion, because today is a very different story.  The Sun and Saturn won’t make it easy to feel encouraged right now and doubt and disabling thoughts will try to creep in and challenge your positive attitude.  It is always easier to accept negative energy than it is to push back.  You’ve got what it takes to keep your spirit intact as long as you don’t allow yourself to give in to the path of defeat.  You haven’t even really begun to make your moves yet so why give up so easily?  You won’t even have to bother wasting time and energy to fight any self-defeating thoughts because, if you just ignore them, they will be gone before you know it.  Cavansite will make you comfortable enough to gently push away any negativity.  Picture Jasper will replace any scary visions with happy thoughts.

Number of the day: 6

The desire for contentment that 6 offers can be a real asset right now.  Use it to bring peace and harmony to those areas of your life that need it.  Pietersite encourages comfortable growth. 


Posted on December 30, 2014
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