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WEEK OF 12/25/13 - 12/31/13 

Wednesday 12/25/13

Merry Christmas!  Enjoy the day's celebrations and don't be swayed by the illusion that situations can only be changed through force.  Mars and Uranus are opposite each other illuminating our desire to be free of circumstances and boundaries that are beyond our control.  You may feel restless and uncertain because you are resistant to change, but at the same time long for it.  You do not want these feelings to erupt in impulsive actions because you will not properly consider the repercussions.  If a confrontation is unavoidable, then do your best to make sure it results in a newfound clarity and positive change for everyone concerned. It takes courage to deal with important matters and this transit will help you to find it...your challenge is to find the best use of the energy and not let it become yet another controlling situation in your life.  Most importantly, remember that timing is everything!  Use Rainbow Aura to infuse everything with the most positive of intentions.  Pietersite will enhance your intuition and let you know the best time and place for any action.

Number of the day: 7

The number of faith comes to us today as a reminder that there is more than our senses can perceive.  Malachite shows you how belief in something is what makes it real. 

Thursday 12/26/13

You may feel as if nothing is going your way even if that is not the truth.  This is the Sun and Saturn in a tense transit that will make you feel unappreciated and doubtful.  You could dwell on how hard you have worked without the expected results and how it has all gone unnoticed anyway so why even bother.  Or, you could turn it around and when you think about what hasn't happened stop yourself and consider what has!  Just by making an effort you have made a positive change and reached a goal - even if it didn't turn out as expected.  Mercury and Neptune give your imagination and sensitivity a positive boost from a sextile transit, so use that energy to consider all that you have accomplished and imagine how you will build from there as you, and the energy, move forward.  Tourmalated Quartz will provide a positive reality check, while Amazonite keeps you fighting for what you want.

Number of the day: 8

You may have to work at it to find the joy right now.  8 illustrates the theory of what you put out is what comes make someone happy and see how it comes back to you.  Pink Calcite will brighten the day. 

Friday 12/27/13

It is a much better atmosphere today as the Sun and Moon are in an alignment that allows us to realize that what we want and what we need are one and the same.  Too often we dismiss our desires as being fanciful and unnecessary and so we let them go and settle.  Can you really want too much?  It might be a good time to reconsider an old dream and realize how you could make it a reality.  Mercury and Saturn will help with some practical energy that is perfect for plans and strategies.  You have a fantastic opportunity to discover how you could turn your fantasy into actuality, so don't let this pass you by.  Shattuckite will let you revisit your best ideas and Tiger Iron helps you take the first step to making them happen.

Number of the day: 9

Take a lesson from the past when something seemed impossible and then happened anyway.  9 and Blue Sapphire can teach you how to use old experiences to make progress towards new goals.  

Saturday 12/28/13

Your old nemesis self doubt is going to creep in with Mars and Chiron in a transit that makes you wonder if you have what it takes to get to where you want to be.  Use this energy to strategize how to overcome the obstacles that you foresee rather than letting it cause frustration and abandonment.  Mercury and the Moon are in a sextile transit, giving your efforts to mentally figure out how to get past...or through...anything in your way a boost of imagination and flair.  Aquamarine will offer peace and confidence, while Iolite offers insight.

Number of the day: 1

You have the power within you to accomplish everything that you set out to do.  Don't doubt it - believe it and use Garnet to root that belief deep within you. 

Sunday 12/29/13

If you have any questions, then you will find the answers with the Sun and Mercury in a resourceful transit.  You are open to asking for and receiving help from all sources and communications are very clear and impactful.  Just be careful, because Uranus is also in the picture and that means that something is likely to change.  You want to be prepared for what comes of your newfound tools and insights, so keep Rainbow Obsidian handy to understand all of the ramifications of your thoughts and actions.  Green Kyanite will keep all of your communications fruitful.

Number of the day: 2

2 will always uncover new resources that will be of value as you progress.  Cavansite reminds you that a new resource could likely be found in a current just need to recognize the potential. 

Monday 12/30/13

Anything and everything is possible with the Sun and Uranus in a square.  You may find yourself with little or no control over the events of the day, so stay flexible to see where things will lead.  Mercury and Chiron encourage you to be more open to others for the possibility of healing some long held hurts.  And then there is Mars and Pluto in a square making us want what we want when we want it with no possibility of reason.  Beware the urge to fight for what you want and go with the flow.  There is an opportunity to release anything that has been repressed and begin 2014 free of its weight.  The key to the energy today is to relax and let it all come to you instead of going after it.  Do that and you will rule the day rather than it consuming you.  Angelite lets you see how all good things will come to you without a battle and Pink Tourmaline will keep everyone receptive to what transpires.

Number of the day: 3

3 wants you to remember to not take it all so seriously.  Life is meant for fun and adventure -  not toil and struggle.  It's all in your perception, so keep Larimar handy to keep yours on a positive note. 

Tuesday 12/31/13

The energies of the last week of 2013 have been say the least!  We wrap it all up with Mercury and Pluto helping us to see all the possibilities. You may find yourself deep in thought for a good part of the day as you take mental stock of past situations and consider new ones.  This is powerful energy for your ideas and goals, so take the time to measure their worth and plan your strategy.  What was true yesterday remains true for today....stay flexible and relax to avoid compulsive and negative thoughts and behaviors.  We have Mercury and Mars in a square making us short-tempered and irritable.  Angry outbursts can easily replace constructive communications and you do not want to end the year on the wrong tone.  If there is something bothering you, there will come a time to deal with it in a productive manner - just not today.  Relax and let it all go for now.  After all, tomorrow is a New Year!  Use Lithium Quartz for inner peace when you need it and Black Tourmaline to transform any negative energy that comes at you.

Number of the day: 4

It is time for reflection and review so use the energy of 4 to use this time as a tool for your future plans. Do not allow yourself to dwell on what wasn't finished because you aren't done yet...are you? Tree Agate encourages you to focus on all that you have accomplished and shows you how to build upon it.  


Posted on December 24, 2013
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