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WEEK OF 12/11/13 - 12/17/13 

Wednesday 12/11/13

Tiny but powerful Pluto can have an interesting impact on our thought process when it collaborates with Mercury.  You may find yourself questioning everything as Pluto is naturally inquisitive (and a little suspicious).  You could end up finding answers that you did not even know you were looking for.  And those answers will make a difference in how you proceed.  Your instincts will be heightened, so pay attention and follow your own guidance.  You know what is best for you and this transit will challenge you to trust yourself over all of the outside influences.  Dioptase will help you to get and understand answers.  Indigo Aura lets you trust in yourself and what you know to be true.

Number of the day: 2

2 spreads the energy of peace and it can be a calming influence when you are plagued by doubt.  Use 2 and Herkimer Diamond when you need to strengthen your self-confidence and remain steady when things go awry. 

Thursday 12/12/13

Jupiter and Saturn are in a very happy trine that can not only get you to where you want to be, but allow you to truly enjoy the journey.  You will feel grounded and practical and you can really get a lot done right now.  You derive so much pleasure from each task that you complete that you want to celebrate by completing another and another.  You won't have to look very hard to find the joy in everything today, so take advantage and really enjoy yourself and this wonderful energy.  Tanzanite will enable you to notice those joyful little things that you might not normally see.  Green Aventurine compliments the exuberance of the atmosphere.   

Number of the day: 3

The energy of 3 will encourage you to enjoy life and all that it has to offer.  Use 3 and Orange Aventurine to keep smiling and feel the joy. 

Friday 12/13/13

Mars is busy today, but it could bring your activities to a halt.  A semi-square with Mercury could produce stress as you realize all that you have to accomplish.  Let's face it -  this is one of the busiest times of the year as we all rush to many perceived finish lines.  Later, Mars and Neptune could have you feeling as if you are simply not doing enough to make things happen and to live up to your own expectations.  Add a Sun/Moon semi-square that has you at odds over what you want to do and what you think you should be doing, and you could just spend the entire day beating yourself up with the judgment stick.  Don't be overcome by the weight of tasks and responsibilitie, because it will just make you irritable and desperate with yourself and others.  Just say "No" when you feel stress building and take the opportunity to give yourself a break.  This is crucial!  Take time to re-think and re-group, and when you begin again it will be from a much better place.  You may also find a lot of it is not as important as you may have thought.  Lithium Quartz will remind you to pause and breathe.  Red Jasper will encourage happy actions.

Number of the day: 4

When you need to get something done, you want to have 4 in your corner.  Use 4 and Tiger's Eye for motivation and practical inspiration and you can accomplish anything. 

Saturday 12/14/13

Slowing down continues to be your best bet as now Mars and Saturn face off in a semi-square.  You will want to resolve issues and find solutions to problems and other things that are in your way, but it will not be easy.  Everything is going to be more complicated and take longer than you expect.  And of course, that will result in frustrations and delays that make it harder for you to focus on ways to accomplish your goals.  If you can fight off the discontent and let go of any timelines or agendas, then this could be a very helpful transit.  The goal is to get you to approach things from an internal perspective before you take any physical action. That requires time and thought, so don't try to fight your way past it and you will get everything - and more - completed in a much more enjoyable and productive fashion.  Botswana Agate can help you to slow down and listen to your inner guidance.  Blue Lace Agate will bring a calming influence to your plans.

Number of the day: 5

5 lets you know when it is time to get away from it all.  Leave the tasks and duties for another day and let 5 and Green Tourmaline take you on an adventure. 

Sunday 12/15/13

Mercury and Mars are still affecting us with their combined energies, but today's transit is more playful than educational.  You will be encouraged to be at your most innovative when you approach tasks and activities.  You don't want to be inhibited by rules and instructions, so tap into your creativity to find your own way for the best results.  Creative thinking and analysis will be especially favored right now, so use Fluorite for mental prowess.  Rutilated Quartz lets you have fun with what you conjure in your mind.

Number of the day: 6

6 can surround you with the energy of comfort and stability.  6 and Clear Quartz will help you to feel at home no matter where you are. 

Monday 12/16/13

You will get excited about possibilities that arise today, but take a moment to consider the consequences - both good and bad - before you jump in head first.  Jupiter will always entice you towards going bigger and achieving more, which is a valuable tool.  Today's transit with Mercury though, suggests that you think it all through carefully to make sure that you are getting what you want and not just more of anything.  Consideration will also help you to avoid disappointments and other potential hazards that are part of the road to expansion.  Use Aquamarine to carefully estimate each opportunity.  Once you decide your best course of action, then use Serpentine for manifestation and abundance.

Number of the day: 7

7 reminds us that there is always more than what we can access with our physical senses.  Use 7 and Selenite to explore new worlds. 

Tuesday 12/17/13

Now that you have had time to think things through, Mercury and Saturn will help you to begin putting things into motion. This transit can help you to make some great progress as long as you have a well conceived plan to follow.  If you think you might need a touch of the impractical to invigorate your activities, then Jupiter and Neptune in a sesquiquadrate will help.  Just don't let this unrealistic transit overcome your purposeful outlook.  You always want to leave room for the unexpected (especially since that is where the fun often is), but you don't want all of your hard work to end in disappointment from overblown expectations.  Bronzite will keep you focused and on track, while Labradorite reminds you to keep an eye out for anything special that you might want to add. 

Number of the day: 8

8 creates an atmosphere of success around everything that you do.  Even the tiniest effort yields important results (and there are no failures!) so look to 8 and Cavansite when you need to see how much you have accomplished. 


Posted on December 10, 2013
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