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WEEK OF 11/02/16 - 11/08/16


Wednesday 11/02/16

Mercury and Saturn are offering opportunities for enhanced knowledge, effective productivity and brilliant innovation.  You need to be the spark that sets it all in motion.  These planets are in a semi-sextile that is focused on performance and is meant to help you be successful at whatever you set out to accomplish.  This energy is most effective when you direct it towards things that are meaningful to you.  If you don’t care then it’s a waste of your time to use this energy to improve that situation.   Use Labradorite to be mindful and avoid misdirecting this energy in an effort to create enthusiasm that is non-existent.  Carnelian encourages you to find the best use of this motivational energy and see the results you can gain.    


Thursday 11/03/16

Tolerance, patience and fortune are important themes for the day with two transits that want to help you incorporate these energies into your life.  First, Mercury and Pluto are inciting your curiosity and eagerness to learn more about your world.  This is where you will need patience since the answers you seek will take time and work.  You may not be fully satisfied immediately, but you will feel rewarded and see results from your efforts.  Apatite will help you tap into your instincts and give them the attention they deserve.  Once the powerful combination of the Sun and Jupiter kick in, you’ll be filled with self-confidence & optimism.  Opportunities are sure to arise and you’re in the perfect position to take advantage of them.  This kind of atmosphere seems filled with lucky breaks, but some may not be as good as they seem.  Use Black Agate to keep a realistic outlook that will enable you to distinguish the real thing from false hopes.


Friday 11/04/16

Your attitude is more guarded and your outlook not as bright with Venus and Chiron bringing up insecurities.  This energy isn’t meant to stop you or hold you back.  It is truly an opportunity to move forward from a position of increased strength and confidence.   Self-doubts are obstacles that we create for ourselves and we are the only ones who have the power to change them. It never feels that simple, but it is.  These are the kinds of truths that square transits offer.  Use this energy to think about one self-deprecating thought that is holding you back from going after something you want.  Now see it as a personal asset - something unique that no one else has to offer – and consider how you can use it as a means instead of an end.  Venus and Chiron want to help you during the healing process but it is important to involve others in the experience.  Use Hessonite Garnet for the courage to ask for help when you need it and offer your guidance to others.    Fancy Jasper reminds you that you may not always be able to change the challenges that the world brings you, but only you have the power to change those challenges that you create for yourself.


Saturday 11/05/16

Now that you have embraced those characteristics that make you special and see them as strengths, it’s time to take them out for a spin.  Venus and Uranus are working together to encourage us to see what kind of impact we can make by just being our unique selves.  This energy is geared towards taking us beyond second-guesses, fears and doubts.  The atmosphere is filled with excitement, ingenuity, individuality and, of course, a dash of risk. You are ready and eager to let go of any hesitations and just do it.  It is important to know that “it” does not have to be a permanent life choice.  This energy works best with an experimental mindset.  Use Howlite to have fun with the day and be open to the unusual events that may come your way.  Nephrite Jade will inspire you to do what makes you happy.  That is what it is really all about.


Sunday 11/06/16

Focus, tact and dedication are just some of the helpful skills you will be able to employ as you get to the heart of things today.  A Mercury/Chiron trine makes you eager to forge meaningful connections and willing to give it your all to make that happen.  Those connections could be personal or they could involve a situation that you have been struggling to manage.  Champagne Aura helps you use this energy to view and approach things in a different way and that will take you on the path towards recovery and renewal.  You feel more capable of dealing with challenges and difficulties once the Sun and Saturn add their combined energies.  You know what you need to do in order to achieve a happy resolution.  Orange Selenite will support your courage and resourcefulness when it is time to act.


Monday 11/07/16

When you are faced with anything direct, orderly or efficient you may find yourself heading in the other direction.  Mercury and Uranus have you operating outside of the bounds of rationale and reality.  You literally prefer a chaotic situation and, if you need to be the one who creates it, then you are more than willing. Your impulses are overriding your common sense under this influence.  That could easily lead to trouble resulting from your choices and personal relations, so carry Rhodochrosite to remain aware of your actions and the potential ramifications. Logic will prevail later in the day when the Sun and Pluto bring out your curiosity and inner speculator.   You sense that there is new strength to be gained and/or the opportunity to renew something that has slipped away.  The only way to proceed is to investigate these callings to see where they will take you.  Septarian will be the perfect companion for your journey.


Tuesday 11/08/16

The sky is quiet today so let’s investigate the energy of the Scorpion Sun.  Scorpio is the sign that represents the mysteries that lie within everything.  It reminds us that there is more to everything we see, touch and feel than what is evident at the surface. Its investigative nature can lead you to ferret out those secrets.  Not so that you can share them, because Scorpio is as good at keeping a secret as it is at uncovering one.  Perhaps Scorpio’s greatest value is that it teaches us self-reliance. Knowledge is power and the more you have, the better you can take care of yourself.  Those secrets are a valuable commodity and that is why they are guarded so well.  Scorpio helps us to appreciate the darkness because it encourages us to create our own light. It also gives us the strength to keep it burning brightly, allowing nothing to extinguish it. Hematite will enable you to recognize the gifts that Scorpio can offer, while Black Tourmaline helps you manage the energy when it feels difficult.  You want to be prepared because this energy will not allow you to hide from yourself.



Posted on October 31, 2016
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