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WEDNESDAY 10/24/12


Emotions, intuition and imagination all take center stage under the influence of the Pisces Moon.  Reality has no standing during this transit so try not to worry about getting things done and taking care of business.  They'll be plenty of time for that later.  Instead use the energy to realize your intuitive side, allow your imagination to take you to new heights, and break down any boundaries or walls that are keeping you from reaching your full potential.  Aquamarine will keep your emotions from becoming overwhelming and Apophyllite will set your mind free to explore.


Number of the day:  1


1 is a reminder to keep the focus on you and your inner journey.  Let your imagination soar and tap into your personal energy to see where it takes you.  Epidote channels the energy.


THURSDAY 10/25/12


Now is the time for physical actions as the Sun and Saturn demand that we make things happen.  Saturn motivates us to develop plans and structures to attain our most ambitious goals.  The Sun reminds us that our success is imminent as long as we follow the path that we have designed.  This transit is a powerful motivator but it can leave us feeling overwhelmed and stressed. There seems to be simply not enough time, energy or resources available to complete our tasks.  Don't begin anything new and use the energy towards things already in the works.  You are bound to see some real progress.  Carnelian will reinforce the energy and Larimar will calm any anxieties.


Number of the day:  2


You will want to focus your energy outward to people and projects that matter.  Use the energy of 2 and Jasper to enhance your abilities.


FRIDAY 10/26/12


Get out there and make the rounds as Mercury and Venus offer the perfect energy for social and business interactions.  You will be charming, engaging and gregarious so use the energy to make new connections and deepen existing relationships.  There is a very receptive quality to this energy so it is an excellent time for negotiations and commitments.  Ruby will enhance business matters while Rose Quartz lets you enjoy personal relationships.


Number of the day:  3


Solo activities will not take you as far as working with a group.  Feel the energy of support and accountability that comes from working with others and carry Blue Calcite as a reminder that you are not alone.


SATURDAY 10/27/12


Too often we may feel as if we have no purpose.  We do what we are supposed to do in an endless cycle but without any clear direction.  We wonder why we are here and what we are meant to do.  Today is the day is the day that you may find the answer to that question.  The Sun and Chiron are in an extraordinary trine that gives you the clarity to know who you truly are and understand your specific mission.  You are empowered and confident in your abilities to make an impact on your life and your world.   This can be the beginning of a whole new cycle for you so carry an Optical Calcite to divine new truths and Tree Agate to ground your new realities.


Number of the day:  4


It is all out there for you. You just need to put some work in to make it all happen.  Copper will boost the productive energy of 4.


SUNDAY 10/28/12


There is a deceptive quality to the day that could lead to confusion and misunderstandings.  Mars and Jupiter are encouraging us to overestimate our abilities and resources. Venus and Neptune are giving us illusions rather than facts.  Try to stay centered and don't be swayed by pretty words and high hopes.  It is a good time to rely on others for support as Venus moves into Libra bringing with it harmonious interactions.  Bounce ideas off of others before taking any actions and use any criticisms as valuable tools to help you avoid mistakes.  Black Onyx provides grounding and protection while Malachite lets you see the truth.


Number of the day:  5


5 encourages curiosity, discovery and risk taking.  It's ok to explore new territories - both internally and externally. That is how we grow.  Go forth and conquer and carry Bronzite for protection along the way.



MONDAY 10/29/12


Mercury and Neptune are in a square position making us a little off balance.  Our senses are not as sharp as usual and it is difficult to understand lessons or directions.  You may have to read things over a few times before facts sink in.  Fortunately, Mercury moves into Sagittarius making us more curious so you may not mind the extra effort it takes to retain information.  Repetitive actions can really help to expand your mind during this transit.   Orange Aventurine will spark your curiosity and Star Sapphire will help you to retain focus.


Number of the day:  6


6 is our anchor when we find ourselves adrift.  Embrace the comfort that it offers if you feel anxieties throughout your day.  Yellow Calcite soothes and heals your stress.


TUESDAY 10/30/12


Do you believe in second chances?  You should, because here is a profound opportunity to find something that you have lost! The Sun and Pluto are working together to help us to recover whatever piece(s) of ourselves that we have been missing.  This transit offers a chance for essential healing, closure and/or whatever you need to move forward and begin anew.  There is extreme strength and power available that will make a major difference in your future.  Be cautious to keep your healing process to yourself - you don't want to broadcast to the world when silence is more powerful.  Amethyst can draw this powerful energy to where it is needed and Labradorite will let you see the difference in your life.


Number of the day:  7


 A magical number for a magical day!  7 encourages us to use the power of our thoughts to make major differences in our lives.  What could be more powerful? Moldavite keeps the energy flowing.


WEDNESDAY 10/31/12


It is a powerful day as we celebrate the fun of pretending and the end (and beginning) of another cycle.  The sky joins the festivities as the Sun and Jupiter compels us to move forward and seek out new horizons.  We are encouraged to leave the past behind by freeing ourselves from the bonds of others expectations and uncovering our true selves.  This is immensely transformational energy that can facilitate the death of the old and birth of the new you.  Hematite will aide your transitions and Imperial Topaz will promote abundance and prosperity as you welcome your fresh start.

Number of the day:  8


It is wonderful to feel the immense energy of the last few days and now 8 is here to help us ground it in reality.  Practical 8 along with Lapis Lazuli will show us how to successfully take our new thoughts and feelings and turn them into actions.

Posted on October 23, 2012
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