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WEEK OF 10/16/13 - 10/22/13
WEDNESDAY 10/16/13
What would you do if you had no fear? This is the perfect question to ask yourself when Venus and Uranus are in an empowering trine. You are not just open to new ideas and situations, you are craving them! You are going to want to walk a path that you have never quite dared and now is the time to do it. You will gain so much from following your desires right now. Just be sure that you are focusing on the journey and not looking to commit to a certain destination...because you can never be sure where the paths with lead. Zebra Jasper encourages your walk on the wild side while Sodalite lets you follow your bliss.
Number of the day: 5
Of course the number of adventure would make its energy prominent today. Yet more encouragement to try something new. The eclectic energy of Inclusion Quartz will put you in the spirit.
THURSDAY 10/17/13
Your need for change continues today but the Sun and Chiron could have you focusing more on your fears than your drive. A lack of confidence and a desire to hide in the shadows may be stronger than the desire to grow and change. Instead of letting Chiron keep you from following your heart, use it as motivation to break through any internal walls that are holding your true self hostage. Now is the time to step into the light and be who you are. If others are not supportive, perhaps they are simply not part of your new plan. Charoite will help you to conquer your fears and overcome any doubts. Tourmalated Quartz can help you to feel safe and protected.
Number of the day: 6
6 offers the comfort of knowing that you always have support...even if you don't realize it. Let this energy help you eliminate any fears of being on your own. Use Fancy Jasper to encourage your resources to become more prominent.
FRIDAY 10/18/13
Venus and Saturn are going to show you reality - and it is good! Saturn has formed a ring of stability around your most romantic notions that will help you to see the possibilities. This energy has a very positive impact that makes you know, without a doubt, that everything is possible. Best of all, there is an excellent possibility that tangible support and assistance could become available to turn those ideas into facts. Moss Agate will bless your goals with a prosperous energy. Amethyst will ground your inspiration.
Number of the day: 7
Even reality requires a big dose of faith. Maybe it is believing in something that makes it real? Something to ponder while you work with Red Selenite.
SATURDAY 10/19/13
Mars and Neptune are in a face off and will only benefit you if you are willing to stay under the radar until it passes. Anything you try to do will get stopped in its tracks. Our energy will become quickly depleted and we cannot seem to find a happy home for our desire to move forward. The best thing you can gain under this transit is perspective and an understanding that sometimes your best strategy is waiting for a better time. You will go nowhere fast, so stay put and use Lepidolite for calm reassurance and Hematite for protection.
Number of the day: 8
The best way to conquer any surrounding chaos is to maintain an inner equilibrium. It can be a challenge not to let the outside difficulties in, so use Tiger Iron as an effective and positive barrier.
SUNDAY 10/20/13
There is much better energy for action today with several planets ready to back you up. The Sun and Pluto will help you to react well to challenges and rise to any occasion. You will find a solution to get past anything in your way. This is an excellent time to try the untried and follow your own path, despite any concerns of being too different. Then Venus and Jupiter add their own happy energy where a competition can be enjoyed and there are no winners and losers...it is all just part of the game and you are enjoying the spirit of it all. Unakite offers insights and creativity. Serpentine will attract exciting opportunities.
Number of the day: 9
Sometimes your best bet is to focus you energy on the experience and wisdom to be gained rather than any material profits. Let Blue Sapphire be your guide.
MONDAY 10/21/13
Mars and Uranus want to get you out of your routine and shake up your schedule. It may seem like you are being led astray, but something different is really what you need right now. You need adventure and surprise...too much stability will only make you stagnant and ineffective. Do something unexpected and go off the rails in order to stay on track. Labradorite will always lead you towards something unexpected. Carnelian gives you the courage to be someone else...even for a moment.
Number of the day: 1
Whatever action that you decide upon, do it for one reason - it is what you really want to do. It is important to care for others and sometimes sacrifice and compromise are necessary. But it is just as important to focus on yourself. Pink Tourmaline will help you know the right time.
TUESDAY 10/22/13
Mercury has begun the last retrograde phase for 2013 in the sign of Scorpio. The next few weeks will be interesting and, as with all Mercury retrogrades, remember to relax and go with the energy. Fighting it only brings about undue stress and won't get you anywhere but hiding under the covers. Your best use of this energy is for any psychic pursuits...Scorpio is an emotional sign that can help you to reach into the dark and gain valuable insight that will make a difference in your life. This is also a good time to cut any emotional bonds that might be holding you back. If there is a person or situation who has a harmful claim over your feelings, now is the time to use Scorpio's sting and eliminate this from your life once and for all. Take time now while you have the last day of the Sun in Libra to help you find where you need balance and what needs to be done to achieve it. Rainbow Obsidian will help you to clearly see what (or who) is harming you and Dioptase will give you the power to heal yourself and the situation.
Number of the day: 2
Combine the energies that are leaving with those that are ready to begin. It could result in a unique vision to help you bust through (or work around) any blockages that you encounter. Use Chrome Diopside to integrate the dual energies into a single force.
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