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WEEK OF 09/13/17 - 09/19/17


Wednesday 09/13/17

The Sun moves into a Square with Saturn and while this is sobering energy it is also very empowering.  Planets are often at their strongest in a Square and the combined energies of The Sun and Saturn will give you a starkly realistic look at what you need to do to accomplish your goals.  Then it will show you how to look within yourself and around your environment with a critical eye.  You will be determining what you have and how you can use it to your advantage.  There is a possibility that if you believe something is useless that you might discard it too quickly.  The greater possibility is that you will uncover hidden values that make everything worth your effort to preserve.  Pink Spinel empowers you to be assertive and creative so that you make the most of what you have.  Rose Quartzgives you the confidence and optimism to use this energy productively and progressively to avoid unnecessary drama.


Thursday 09/14/17

You may have been feeling isolated lately with many of this week’s transits encouraging self-sufficiency and self-empowerment.  The energy has been encouraging you to look within to find the solutions and motivation that you need to support your goals and dreams.  Today’s Venus/Moon Conjunction brings us very congregational type of vibe where you want to spend quality time with family, friends and associates.  Your sense of “self” is particularly strong and you want to share that with others.  There is an underlying agenda of gathering support for your goals and dreams but that is less important than the contentment you are feeling with gatherings.  You may discover a renewed appreciation for the people in your life and possess a deeper understanding of how you can mutually benefit one another to a higher degree.  Overall this is an excellent day to both give and receive interpersonal support.  Stilbitewill enhance the enjoyment of get tog ethers.  Rubyhelps you to fully appreciate yourself and the relationships that you continue to build.  


Friday 09/15/17

Venus and Jupiter will have you feeling sunny and cheerful.  You will have so much optimistic energy to work with and you can make great strides because you know that everything is possible.  This is a spiritually uplifting atmosphere where you feel free to enjoy yourself and all the good things in your life.  You will be particularly open when it comes to expressing your feelings and devoting your time, energy and even money towards things that matter to you.  This is an excellent time for selfless acts.  If you have doubts and worries that have been holding you back then point this energy towards it.  Here is the balance you have been looking for where your confidence will help you take the lessons of your concerns and add them to your talents so that you can effectively work towards your goals.  Everything has a value and once you have the self-confidence to figure out what it is and how to use it then you have already won. It will be all about attitude right now so use  Citrineto maintain your optimism while Hematiteshows you how to use those things that undermine your confidence to your advantage.


Saturday 09/16/17

Mercury moves into an energetic transit with Mars and natural caution and consideration will quickly be replaced with reckless thoughts and behaviors.  Despite the erratic feel to the energy there is a lot of clarity with this transit and you will think that you are being extremely decisive and precise.  Mars wants you to understand the importance of strategy but Mercury needs to move swiftly.  You may be so overly excited that your choices and actions could be driven more by adrenaline than by reason.  This could be incredibly helpful energy that will get you moving in a positive direction but you need to include some patience and forethought to gain the most from it.  You want to take the time to think before you go too far in a poor direction.  Blue Lace Agate can help your mind slow down long enough for deliberation while Onyx protects you from taking aggressive actions that will work against you. 


Sunday 09/17/17

You are going to be in a great mood with the Sun and Jupiter creating a favorable and supportive atmosphere.  It feels very important that you show off your talents but at the same time you don't want to waste time on performing duties and tasks.  Your mood and drive are more attuned to soulful activities like artistic endeavors and sociable discussions.  Even if you do muster up enough determination to get some work done you won’t have the focus or precision to make it worth the effort.  Some days are just meant to enjoy without worrying about agendas and jobs and this is that day!  Peach Quartz will let you get the most from this pleasant energy.  As the day progresses your motivation changes with the sky as Venus and Uranus come together in a Trine.  Now you are more excited about trying new things and working towards updated goals.  Uranus will be urging you to move swiftly while Venus restricts your movements by considering risks and using thought instead of pure instinct.  You have the ability to bring these energies together in a productive manner by operating in the present and not stressing over future possibilities.  You want to feel secure about your ability to create the contentment that you seek to make the most of this transit and enjoy the overall agreeable atmosphere.   Chlorite in Quartzwill help you clear away future assumptions and simply enjoy the present.


Monday 09/18/17

You could get a lot thrown at you today and it will feel as if you need to work extra hard to keep up.  Mercury and Jupiter are working together and that means you can expect sudden bursts of facts, tasks and tests that will require your undivided attention.  You can easily become exhausted because of the erratic nature of this energy.  You may think something is done only to find you still have much left to do.  Tiger Eye will give you mental and physical stamina when you need it.  This energy will be easier to manage and can even be an exciting experience if you let go of expectations of perfection.  That won't be easy while we are within the influence of Virgo but you will notice a real difference in your attitude if you accept that you will need breaks and you may miss a detail or two.  You always perform better when you are in the right frame of mind so use Bloodstone to release those unrealistic expectations and be proud of what you do accomplish.


Tuesday 09/19/17

You are so tired of thinking and processing and planning that it seems as if your brain just wants to shut down.  What you really need is a mental vacation.  A fact made very clear by the energy of Mercury & Neptune in an Opposition.  You want to avoid pushing yourself to keep working through this because you will not attain satisfactory results.  Not only will your output suffer but you will be left feeling exhausted, confused and defeated.  You want to treat your brain as you would the rest of your body and when it is tired allow it to rest.  There may be stuff that needs your attention but you won't be able to give it your best without first taking a time out.  Halite will help you create opportunities to delay and reschedule anything important.  Once you have give yourself the time and space you want to use it well so work with Hematite to indulge in mentally relaxing and rejuvenating activities.



Posted on September 11, 2017

    (Submitted by: set_al on September 13, 2017)

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