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WEEK OF 09/04/13 -09/10/13 

WEDNESDAY 09/04/13

You could feel annoyed at having to do things over and over and return to situations that you thought were done.  Mercury and Saturn are going to force you to mind the details and deal with all of those little things that can make you crazy, but can also make all of the difference when they are done well.  Venus can make it all a little easier for you by adding a positive influence that will encourage others to join you in your efforts and show you that it doesn't have to be all work and no play.  Red Jasper will keep you motivated to keep pushing ahead and Iolite enhances your focus.

Number of the day: 1

1 will help you to take the necessary steps to satisfy your needs.  Whether it is setting boundaries, letting something go or seeking something new, this energy will catapult your efforts to take care of yourself.  Fire Agate  lets you feel your personal power. 

THURSDAY 09/05/13

You may feel a struggle between logic and desire as Mercury and the Moon clash over what is really true and what is fantasy.  Our emotions are running with the Moon and want to be satisfied with what we are being presented.  Mercury will allow communications to be factual but still we could hear and believe what we want...rather than what is.  A minor aspect between Mars and Chiron could have you heading towards the pessimistic conclusion when any doubts arise.  Avoid any commitments or investments until the energy clears and carry Kyanite for clarity and Garnet for happy thoughts. 

Number of the day: 2

2 encourages you to consider all of the elements in play.  They may be complimentary or opposing but they all have a purpose and this energy can help you to bring them together and make them work for you.  Watermelon Tourmaline will unite the forces. 

FRIDAY 09/06/13

You may have felt a loss of control over your emotions yesterday as doubts and confusion were persistent.  Today is a very different story when Pluto and the Moon in a sextile position give us positive power and discipline that could prove very valuable.  Take time to go within and consider how you really fee,l but avoid sharing those feelings right now.  A stoic approach will enable you see situations in a different way and quite possibly bring about the drastic change that you need. Emerald will allow you to remain detached without coming off as cold while Jet helps you to understand what you really want and why. 

Number of the day: 3

3 will enlighten and enrich every situation as it allows you to see the whole picture...including things that may not have been apparent at first view.  Brown Calcite lets you use what you learn to its best advantage. 

SATURDAY 09/07/13

The Sun and Mercury are working with Jupiter to bring us some amazing expansive energy.  This is a  wonderfully optimistic day where you can really feel empowered to go after your dream.  Your options and resources are limitless and the only question is -  how much good stuff can you handle in your life?  And you can handle a lot!  Watch out for new and exciting opportunities that you may be exposed to right now and be ready to take advantage.  Even if you aren't sure, just go for it because you will definitely end up better than you started no matter how things end.   Picture Jasper will help you to mold your vision for your glorious life and Clear Quartz will draw in and send out more and more positive vibes.

                                                                                                                                                 Number of the day: 4

4 wants you to stop procrastinating and get busy already!  You've got things to do and it is time to get them done.  Pink Aventurine will get you moving. 

SUNDAY 09/08/13

We spend a lot of time working on our inner selves to bring about the changes that we wish to see in our lives.  Today Venus and Pluto will challenge you to look outward to enhance yourself and your environment.  The planet of beauty wants you to see how making something pretty can make a difference.  Change your hair, paint a wall, get something new just because you really like it.  It can seem superficial and unimportant, but those little things are often what can ignite the regeneration we are looking for and bring about some awesome life-altering changes.  Tanzanite will help you see where a little something new will bring you joy and Bronzite encourages you to boldly go for it!  

Number of the day: 5

You start off in one direction with a clear purpose when you get sidetracked by detours and obstacles.  5 will be your advocate for peace and help you to go with the flow.  Black Jasper will keep your travels safe. 

MONDAY 09/09/13

It could feel as if you are being forced to take a step back as Mars and Saturn in a square make if difficult to make any progress.  Transits like this can make you think twice about sticking to your plan and continuing the journey.  You wonder if it is really worth the effort.  The truth is that it may not be!  The purpose of this energy is to help you decide what is really most important and most beneficial to you.  Sometimes a roadblock can be the thing you need to get off of the path that may not be right for you.  Sodalite can help you realize if this is just a temporary setback or time to begin something new.  Moldavite will give you confidence in whichever path you choose. 

                                                                                                                                                  Number of the day: 6

When it is all too much, 6 is there with a cosmic hug.  It will remind you that a break is in order and help you find outlets for care and comfort.  Fluorite will amplify the support. 

TUESDAY 09/10/13

There is a lot of stress right now from outer sources.  Mars and the Moon in a temperamental square will have you feeling stress from outer sources.  Everyone and everything seems to want more than you've got to give and you are at your breaking point.  Feelings of being misunderstood, unsupported and burdened will be almost unavoidable under this transit.  Use caution because it is very easy to act out of character right now and you don't want any outbursts to have a lingering effect once the energy moves on.   You will be ok as long as you give yourself some nurturing and keep it all in perspective.  Morganite will help you to be kind to yourself and others and Lithium Quartz will give you a vital calming energy.  Breathe.  Smile.  Everything will be alright.  

Number of the day: 7

Have you ever come out of a difficult situation only to look back and understand how it led you to this better place that you're in now?  That is the energy of 7. Chrysoprase gives you hope and confidence that faith will be rewarded. 


Posted on September 02, 2013
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