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WEEK OF 08/17/16 - 08/23/16


Wednesday 08/17/16

The Sun and Jupiter will encourage you to make an impact today as they boost your faith and self-assurance.  This transit lets you know the difference that you can make in this world by just being yourself.   You know without a doubt that you have what it takes to get what you want...and you won't be afraid to use that power to its full potential.  Your influence is broad, powerful and generous, so you won't be focused solely on yourself.  You will seize any opportunity to help another.  Use Hematite for even further insight into how you can bring more good into this world. You will be confident and determined in your approach towards others without appearing arrogant or pushy.  Blue Lace Agate will assist you in establishing worthwhile associations.

Number of the day: 7

7 gives us the strength to believe.  You may not think that requires strength, but faith can be hard to hold onto when challenges are everywhere.  Blue Aventurine will help you to recover any that you have lost.

Thursday 08/18/16

A trine brings out the best in both planets involved and has them working in cooperation for your benefit.  Venus and Pluto are delivering that kind of experience today.  Pluto offers an overall theme of life and death, so it carries a lot of intensity and meaning when we feel its impact.  Those endings and beginnings are going to feel really positive within the comforting discipline that Venus brings to the trine.  This is constructive energy that you can use to get rid of worries about security...particularly in the areas of love and money.    You may experience endings, but within the context of the situation, you’ll be happy to bid farewell.  Your next breath will be to welcome the new energies you’re attracting to fill their place.  You can make this a time of reassurance, reward and regeneration by simply following your heart and trusting your instincts.  Rhodonite will open your heart and encourage you to follow its guidance.  Change always requires faith, so carry Red Aventurine to support yours.

Number of the day: 8

Nothing is ever guaranteed, but the energy of 8 makes it probable that what you put out will come back to you in a very positive way.  One of 8's goals is to help us achieve balance, so it’s a reminder that efforts are rewarded in kind.  Dioptase encourages you to work for what you want.

Friday 08/19/16

Your thoughts and personal exchanges could get you into trouble today with Mercury in a few troublesome transits.  It begins in an opposition with Chiron and ends in a quincunx with Uranus, making it very easy to get in your own way.  You won't trust what you say or what you hear and everyone will be on the lookout for discourtesy during their interactions.  Thinking very carefully before you present or react to any idea could help avoid confrontation and hurt.  Still, it may be best to wait for a more receptive time if you have something important you need to relay.  Internally your dialogue could be just as damaging, as your thoughts are scattered and uncertain.  You have difficulty making choices because you clearly see the merits (and downfalls) of all your options.  When you feel powerless with your inability to choose one over another, your instincts could push you into going with anything just to end the mental anguish.  Use Tourmalated Quartz to avoid giving in to impulse and feel comfortable putting things aside for the moment.  You will only make things worse by committing to a course that doesn't feel comfortable.  Chrysocolla can assist with keeping your conversations light and breezy.  You’ll be much happier if you can avoid heavy, emotional and insinuating discussions until everyone is feeling less tense.


Number of the day: 9

9 reminds us that we’re all a part of the world, but it’s our individuality that enables us to connect with others.  The strength and value of those connections is what enables us to create the best possible world.  Iolite lets you learn more about yourself so that you can find your place within the world.

Saturday 08/20/16

Your resourcefulness will be evident today with several transits that enhance your ability to manage and lead.  Mars and Jupiter want you to ignore convention and forge your own course towards success.  Use this energy to spark your thoughts and actions with unique strategies that can bring you closer to your goals.  You’ll really want to be focusing on the journey for the best use of this energy.  That’s where you’ll find the opportunities for growth and reward.  Focusing on your destination will only distract you from enjoying and gaining the full benefits of the ride.  Venus and Uranus will drive this home when they add their combined energy to the whimsical atmosphere.  Unpredictable and seemingly impractical acts can yield sensible and profitable results.  This is not the time to play it safe, so use Selenite to enjoy the freedom of radical experimentation. This is very personal energy and it is meant to teach you the importance of enjoying everything you do.  Blue Tourmaline will make sure you pay attention because it will benefit your overall well-being if you have fun while taking care of business.  

Number of the day: 1

On a day influenced by the energy of 1, take time to consider and banish any fears that might be keeping you from claiming your individual place in the greater whole.  Use Axinite to trust and align yourself with the Universe.

Sunday 08/21/16

Once the Sun moves into Virgo it’s going to feel natural to step away from frivolity and focus your attention towards more practical matters.  It's time to get real and direct your focus back on your goals.  Virgo energy is a phenomenal agent for change because it’s precise and detailed.  It helps you to create healthy personal standards that let you be at your best when living your physical life.  Don't think of it as the energy that replaces fun with work.  It is actually the force that lets you feel the pride in the completion of each task and the empowerment of doing the work to get what you want.  Your physical labors and mental intentions will benefit greatly from applying Virgo's tenacity and dedication towards them.  Use Bloodstone to encourage those practices when working towards your goals.  Pietersite will show you how to utilize current resources like past lessons, experience and current situations to your greatest advantage.

Number of the day: 2

2 challenges us to constantly bring in new and positive entities to build upon what we have.   Zebra Jasper will encourage you to bring things together for something unique.

Monday 08/22/16

Mercury and Jupiter want to send you on a journey and you really want to take it!  If physical travels are a challenge, then allow time for mental wandering because there are amazing benefits to be realized from this transit.  Your mind won't be able to focus on facts and details...the little things are going to pale in significance as you’re thinking on a very broad and expansive scale.  Expect to be bubbling over with enthusiasm that you’ll want to share.  It will be easy to give in to exaggerations, but others will be understanding as they feel your excitement.  Use this energy to promote yourself and your vision because you’ll gain important backing.  The Sun and Pluto are going to join in and enforce that feeling that it’s time to take control over your life.  As you become aware of obstacles, you’ll find that you have what it takes to overcome them.  Direct your efforts towards any situations where you feel your back is against a wall because you’ll uncover the ability to break right through it!  Prehnite will enhance your problem solving skills.  It is a good time to think about what is really important to you and make plans that are in alignment with your highest goals.  Use Angel Aura Quartz to help with that process.

Number of the day: 3

3 reminds us that anything is possible - but that can also make it difficult to commit to any one course.  Fluorite will help you to understand that commitment actually grows your options rather than limits them.

Tuesday 08/23/16

Yesterday you figured out where you need to go and now Mars and Uranus are going to help you take that first step...or the next one.  They are producing impulsive, restless energy that could have a profound effect on your next move.  It all depends on you and how you choose to work with this energy.  You could play it safe, but will be reminded that risk does equal reward.  What you do now will get you closer to what you want, so you want it to be your best output.  You might be driven to extreme measures that will take you out of your comfort zone.  Why not try to work with the energy and go for it?  This is how you get major results, so use Red Jasper for courage if you need it.  You don't want to over-think things and get caught up in all the possibilities.  You especially don't want to dwell on doubts and let your moment pass you by.  Smokey Quartz  will keep your thoughts focused on success.  Follow your instincts, make your move, and trust that the consequences will be in your favor.


Number of the day: 4

Sometimes it is too easy to indulge in self-pity rather than take action.  4 and Blue Spinel will kick up your enthusiasm and get you moving towards inevitable success.



Posted on August 15, 2016
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