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WEEK OF 07/23/14 - 07/29/14 

Wednesday 07/23/14

There is a lot of positive energy coming your way and you will start to feel it build up within you.  Venus and Neptune are moving into a transit early tomorrow and all you can see is the good!  This magical, happy atmosphere has you reveling in the best of everyone and everything.  Strife and problems are nonexistent and you only see the pleasure that you derive from your family, friends, acquaintances, home, work....everything that comprises your life.  And there are benefits to be reaped from your upbeat attitude!  You are naturally taking a gentler approach to life that is endearing and possibly even lucrative, as others will respond with a favorable and encouraging attitude.  If there is something that you want, now is the time to ask for it.  Use Green Aventurine to amplify and attract this energy.  You might even want to store some for a difficult day.  Fuchsite will renew your sense of wonder in the world and encourage your inner child to come out and play!

Number of the day: 1

1 reminds you that everything in your life radiates from the source...and you are that source!  Yellow Jasper will keep your rays of influence sunny. 

Thursday 07/24/14

Things just keep getting better with a trio of advantageous transits.  The Sun and Jupiter get things rolling by raising your confidence and giving you the mindset to take control and go after your goals.  Use this energy to make a move and you will make progress.  Your boldness will be rewarded and that will encourage you to further actions.  Then Mercury and Uranus are in a square - but there are benefits to be had!  Insights and ideas will come to light that may upset the balance but that is what it takes to initiate affirmative change.  Mercury then moves on to work with Saturn and clear away the doubts and fears.  You are left with a clear, realistic thought process that will enable you to make a practical plan that is dedicated and attainable.  Overall, the energy will give you the gift of manifestation with the know-how and stamina to back it all up and make something happen.  Amethyst has the perfect mix of spiritual energy and grounded wisdom to allow you take advantage of this extraordinary mix of transits.  Hematite will help you make the most of your gifts.

Number of the day: 2

It may not always seem like it, but the Universe has your back.  The energy of 2 and Botswana Agate  encourages you to realize that you are never alone.

Friday 07/25/14

Aren’t you tired of being afraid? The Sun and Chiron will challenge you to get past those fears preventing you from exploring innovative ways to learn and grow. A moment of bravery could give you the chance to heal something within yourself. It won’t be easy, but it is so empowering! Once you are free of the pain, you have left a space to be filled with light, love, abundance….all the good energy that is out there just waiting for you! Mercury will help with a sensitive and intuitive atmosphere that will open you to communications that can be healing for yourself and others. When you feel the stress of change, use Snowflake Obsidian to find a restorative balance that leaves you in a good place. Imperial Topaz lets your amazing inner strength come through and shine.

Number of the day: 3

When you feel stress from fears of not being perfect, take 3 slow breaths - in and out - and feel the comforting energy of 3.  Honey Calcite reminds you that your will to be perfect means that you already are!

Saturday 07/26/14

Now it’s Jupiter’s turn to join up with Chiron in a sesqui-quadrate that may highlight frustrations and let downs. Perhaps you have made a valiant effort to overcome your issues and it has not gone as you had hoped. Chiron’s role is to bring our inferiorities to light so that we can either find a positive way to use them or rid ourselves of them for good. Jupiter may exaggerate these issues making them seem insurmountable – but Jupiter will also give you the tools to work through them. The key is to relax and release expectations of instant results. Give yourself time and room and see how everything changes and improves gradually. Peridot will encourage you to stop focusing on what didn’t happen and thus leave room for good energies. Danburite reminds you that the things that take the longest are the ones that last the longest also.

Number of the day: 4

Use the energy of 4 to build...either from scratch or upon what you have already started.  4 can give you the creative spark you need to turn your will into reality.  Tiger Iron will help you to begin - even if that means you begin again.

Sunday 07/27/14

Practical and forthright communications will not be met well with Mercury and Neptune in a transit. You don’t want to ask for or present anything right now, because everyone will feel unfocused and mentally unprepared for facts. No matter how well prepared and convincing you are, things won’t go as planned, so wait a few days until your audience will be friendlier and able to appreciate your hard work and effort. If you can, allow yourself some down time to fantasize and allow your imagination to flourish. Use Celestite to relax and enjoy the atmosphere. Azurite will help you battle any impatience that arises from being prepared but still having to wait for the right time.

Number of the day: 5

Now is the time for courage and adventure.  5 wants you to feel the excitement of the un-explored so do something different and bring Green Tourmaline along to find new ways to indulge your curiosity.

Monday 07/28/14

Your emotions can easily get the better of you today with several transits that will be inciting some intense reactions. A Mercury/Moon square will make it a challenge to make any sense of your feelings right now and, as a result, it will be easy for any interactions to end in a misunderstanding. Then a Venus/Pluto opposition will produce an atmosphere of overwhelming desires. If something has been building, it will likely erupt under this influence. Avoid the urge to take over and manipulate the situation and be sure to employ your powers of empathy. Don’t be fooled, because this is intense energy and it could make or break something very close and important to you, so use care.  Aragonite will give you the grounding you need to take a beat before you act.  Black Tourmaline will help you to find the most positive and beneficial use for this energy while offering peace and protection.

Number of the day: 6

Give yourself a break and feel the gentler parts of your nature.  6 is about enjoying the simple comforts that don't take any effort.  Apophyllite will allow you to remember things that you love but haven't done for a while....and then encourage you to go and do them. 

Tuesday 07/29/14

You will be on the defense against perceived attacks from all sides. The reality is that Mars and Chiron have you feeling exposed and vulnerable and that discomfort is making you hypersensitive. Everyone is going to be feeling moody, so besides protecting yourself from feeling persecuted, you want to make sure that you choose your words and actions carefully so as not to offend others. The inability to productively express any anger or displeasure could help you if you follow your instincts to remain silent and let it all go. Serpentine can keep you from trying to either express any negative feelings or allowing them to build up within and cause you even more distress. Carry White Agate to keep positive thoughts and avoid making anyone else feel bad.

Number of the day: 7

7 gives us the strength to believe.  You may not think that requires strength, but faith can be hard to hold onto when challenges are everywhere.  Blue Aventurine will help you to recover any that you have lost. 



Posted on July 22, 2014
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