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WEEK OF 07/19/17 - 07/25/17
Wednesday 07/19/17
You will be wholly focused on the business at hand with a Mercury/Saturn Trine offering a round of realistic thinking followed up with result-driven actions. You will get things done today and most likely exceed your own expectations. Not that you will really have any except to successfully manage each situation as it comes strategically and efficiently. This is your moment to know that you have whatever it takes to achieve your goals. Strawberry Quartz will assist as you make proficient and creative decisions, directions and deeds. You won't be concentrating on the future, but your actions now will lay the groundwork for where you are headed and the rewards you will earn. You will (and should) feel pride in what you accomplish right now, but you won't naturally see beyond each moment. Foresight will need a little boost, so work with Azurite to recognize how you can use your talents and power to create the future you deserve.
Thursday 07/20/17
Venus and Pluto are highlighting your greatest fears as the day begins. You don't want to let these negative ideas play through your thoughts on their own because they will grow and become more realistic. Instead take this chance to focus on them. Consider where your fears are coming from and why they seem so likely so that you can successfully battle them. Use Rutilated Quartz to recognize your ability to find practical solutions to overcome any loss, disappointment or problem. Once you know what you can do, those limiting fears will be reduced to distractions that may never happen. But if they do, then you are prepared! As the day progresses your plans will disintegrate when faced with the unpredictable energy of a Sun/Uranus Square. Don't think this means all is lost. In fact, this is a golden opportunity to think on your feet instead of keeping to a schedule or conforming to a pre-determined path. We are organic creatures living in an unstable environment and you want to learn how to flow within it instead of fighting against it. If you allow yourself the freedom to live in the moment, then you will get to exactly where you are meant to be. That is how you will find true fulfillment and joy. Selenite will quiet your bossy ego and help you let go so that your spirit can soar.
Friday 07/21/17
Each of us shares a duty to make our world a better place and this is felt more deeply during a Sun/Chiron Trine. You may find yourself evaluating your current standing to understand what is and isn’t working towards that simple goal. When you recognize that something is not beneficial, you are prepared to figure out how to turn things around. Look within yourself and also to others for advice, support and fresh ideas. You have a lot of self-confidence, so work with Amber to use it well. Your willpower will diminish as the day goes on and the Sun slips into a transit with Neptune. Suddenly you feel drained and unfocused as a lackadaisical attitude takes hold. You don’t need to take a step back, but you do need to listen to your mind, body and spirit and accept that it is time to rest. Bloodstone will help you avoid the urge to fight the energy and keep going.
Saturday 07/22/17
The Sun may not realize that it is the center of its Universe, but you will when it moves into proud and powerful Leo. Take hold of your life and make it what you want it to be. If you aren’t sure what that is, then evaluate your present situations with a subjective view that helps you determine what is in it for you. Does that sound selfish? We have many responsibilities and often it is the one to take care of our own well-being that we ignore. Take this time to honestly assess what everything you do and encounter means to you. If it isn’t making you feel good, then this is your chance to change that. Use Gold Tiger Eye to channel this energy and understand who you are and what you need. Then Citrine boosts your motivation and determination to go and get it. When you are happy you cannot help but make others happy and that is how we create a better world for everyone.
Sunday 07/23/17
A New Moon in Leo is the perfect energy to help you kick start a new goal, project or behavior. This is aggressive energy that is playful when it is at its best. This makes it easy to get excited about new ventures and approach them with enthusiasm and confidence. Change feels right during this influence, so use Labradorite to take advantage and enjoy the journey out of your comfort zone. This Moon is in a transit with Mars, so you want to be cautious of your overall intention and your approach. There is a tendency to act out of selfishness and conceit rather than following a true call towards something better. Star Sapphire will remind you that bravado won’t get you as far as sincerity.
Monday 07/24/17
Today's Venus/Saturn Opposition will cause you to question your value to others. It may feel as if you are being treated in a manner that justifies your concerns about being unappreciated and unloved. These fears and doubts about your self-worth are a heavy burden that will be magnified during this transit. The nature of this energy makes it easy to project fears instead of objectively viewing facts when it comes to personal and business relationships. You want to react positively and use this as motivation to make things better for yourself. First you need to employ an objective point of view to determine if you are projecting your own self-doubts or being enlightened by the facts. Then you can direct your energy towards freeing yourself from whatever is harming you. It may be a situation that doesn't deserve you or inhibiting self-doubts that need to be eliminated. Carnelian will help you discover the source of your unhappiness and do something about. If something doesn't feel right, then this is an opportunity to create a new path. Mercury and Uranus will help open you to doing things a new way when they combine their energies later in the day. You will have flashes of insight and you want to trust them and follow through, so work with Amethyst. They are going to set you in the best direction.
Tuesday 07/25/17
Mercury is moving into Virgo for an extended visit and this is a really nice placement for the planet of the process, output and communication. Virgo gives your greatest ideas and highest goals purpose and direction. There will be a strong emphasis on work and health since these are areas guided by Virgo's energy. Use this energy to consider your current commitments in these areas and how they are - or are not - working for you. Stichtite will make the evaluation process practical and productive. You need to pay attention to each and every detail as you formulate your plans and set them in motion. This is a time to focus on the small stuff, so use Amazonite to help keep you on point. This is how you will get to great places and make big achievements for yourself, so don't hold back and follow the procedures with care and precision.
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