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WEEK OF 06/15/16 - 06/21/16


Wednesday 06/15/16

You are prepared and ready to accomplish so much today but you just can't seem to achieve even one of your many goals.  The Sun and Mars are pitting your determination against an environment where things are simply not ready to progress.  It is frustrating and debilitating to say the least!  You know that you can't change the energy so you will need to choose how you want to work with this transit.  If you decide to keep pushing your agenda forward, you need to be prepared to accept that you will not finish what you start.  Yellow Jasper can help you find peace in the achievements that you do make - even if it is just that you did not give up.  Want to practice patience and wait for a day that is more supportive of your efforts?  Good for you!  Green Kyanite will help you to hold off on what you can and take care of what needs immediate attention.

Number of the day: 3

There is always a reason to be optimistic.  If 3 wants us to know anything, it’s that things are always getting better and better each moment.  Meditate with a Botswana Agate to feel the endless flow.


Thursday 06/16/16

You will be looking to others to help you learn and grow, but that may be the wrong direction to get you where you need to be.  A Sun/Chiron square heightens even the slightest indecision and brings out issues of self-doubt, including ones that may be dormant and deeply buried.  You simply don't trust yourself, so you look to others for guidance.  You can accept the suggestions and leadership that others will readily provide; but once you try to follow it you’ll quickly realize it will not bring satisfactory results.  Only you know what is best for you!  You can use this transit as an important exercise that will increase your ability to strengthen and assert your will when it comes to your personal well-being.  Carry Star Sapphire for confidence and self-reliance.  This is stressful energy so don't worry if you don't want to push forward to find some kind of gain from it.  Scapolite will remind you that it’s healthy to just leave energy that isn't working for you be and wait for a better time. 

Number of the day: 4

Take it one step at a time and follow the plan - even if you are unsure of what the "plan" actually is or where it will lead.  This is how you control the energy and make it work for you!  Green Aventurine will keep you steady.


Friday 06/17/16

What if you discovered that you had an extraordinary ability that you haven't been using?  Would you continue to ignore it or figure out how to perfect it and utilize it to better your life and the world as a whole?  That is the question that the quintile aspect challenges us to answer.  This energy points us towards those unique skills and talents that we possess but haven't realized or have been underutilizing.  Mercury and Chiron are in that transit today, giving you the chance to recognize any mental acuity, creative/imaginative and impressionable communication skills that you possess.  You may suddenly become aware that you possess these talents or find new uses for current skills.  These could be awakened by a desire to heal and help others, or limited by your own doubts of worth as a result of Chiron's influence.  This transit could effectively neutralize and eliminate those limiting beliefs but you will need to be open to the energy and be willing to work with it to transform your self-image.  Rhyolite will be a wonderful crystal to assist with your transformative efforts.  A Saturn/Neptune square transit will try to block your efforts as dreams seems impossible to realize in the face of harsh realities.  Be comfortable with your ability to do the work and get the resources that you need and the Universe will have your back.  The planets and stars want to direct you towards finding your happiest place here on earth - not prevent you from enjoying your journey!  Work with the positive energies and use Banded Amethyst to uncover your calling and assert your will.

Number of the day: 5

Quintiles work very well with the energy of 5 so this is a particularly powerful time to understand the impact of you living your life with purpose.  Life is a constant adventure and everything changes from one moment to the next.  Always know that it will turn your way.  Celestite will encourage you to keep the faith.


Saturday 06/18/16

Ideas are plentiful today but you'll have so many things cluttering your mind that it will be a challenge for them to come through and be recognized.  Mentally you feel uneasy with Mercury and Uranus in a transit that produces clever thoughts, but won't give you the footing you need to get them out of your head and into the world.  When you do try to express them, your brilliance falls flat and even your best suggestions will be easily dismissed.  Disharmony will always result in some kind of breakthrough.  You want yours to be of the highest value, so use this energy for insights, but hold off on communicating your intentions.  Now is not the time to initiate, but it is perfect to let your imagination run wild.  Blue Tourmaline will help you to scrutinize and finesse your thoughts so that you can set the best of them into action when the atmosphere is more motivational.  The inner frustration and outer turmoil of this energy will make it easy to take a negative tone when expressing yourself, so carry Green Quartz to maintain a congenial attitude.   

Number of the day: 6

What you send out will come back to you.  Include consideration for others in your thoughts and actions and you can create a circle of love and kindness that benefits all.  Morganite will support your efforts.


Sunday 06/19/16

Uranus has moved away from Mercury and now it’s mixing it up with Mars to throw your most foolproof of plans into disarray.  You could allow yourself to give in to defeat or you could follow the guidance of Uranus.  Don't get frustrated...get clever!  As soon as you know that things are not going to go as you expected, begin devising a new scenario.  If that one doesn't hold up, create another and keep going until you get what you want.  The results may take longer and require resources, thoughts, and actions that you hadn't anticipated, but so what?  This energy can inspire you to find new strengths and determination that you never realized.  That is a much better use of your energy than allowing disappointment and impatience to drain and defeat you.  Chalcopyrite will boost your perseverance and personal power when you need it.  Use Seraphinite for inspiration when you need to find ingenious ways to work through obstructions.

Number of the day: 7

When 7 is present you will find yourself to be more pensive and thoughtful.  Keep those thoughts positive and enthusiastic to overcome any other energies that might want to challenge your happy mood.  If you feel a thought bending towards the negative, use Tangerine Quartz to set it straight.


Monday 06/20/16

Saturn and Neptune are causing Mercury to be quite unhelpful when it comes to positive, cognitive reasoning today.  It begins with a Mercury/Saturn opposition where process and procedures are blocking your imagination and resourcefulness.  If you don't have a plan then you’re lost, and if you do have one, you’re incapable of operating outside of it.  Things can go awry very easily under this influence and send you into a state of panic.  Fortunately you have the power to bring the best of these opposing energies together and make them work for you with just a little will and effort.  Ruby in Kyanite can help you to use your inner resource with Saturn to ignite your logic when things become chaotic and Mercury to awaken your instincts and ease self-doubt.  Trust yourself and you will be fine!  That may not be easy later in the day when Mercury moves into a square with Neptune.  Your awareness is off and your focus is confused as you are torn between real facts and ideal hopes.  You won't find straightforward answers, so do your best to avoid commitments and conclusions.  If you must focus on details, then Fuchsite will strengthen your concentration.

Number of the day: 8

Good things don't just suddenly happen - even if it may seem that way.  They are always a culmination of positive feats that we consistently perform each and every moment.  8 and Red Jasper encourages you to keep up the good work.


Tuesday 06/21/16

It is the first full day of summer as the solstice occurred last night with the Sun's move into Cancer.  If you are starting the season with bounce in your step, then you may be feeling the energy of our second Full Moon in Sagittarius.  We are getting a double dose of the Sagittarian optimism and enthusiasm with both the May and June Full Moons in this spirited sign.  The solstice is the mid-point of the year, marking a time to reflect on what has reached a positive conclusion and where it’s going to take you over the next six months and beyond.  If you’ve been going through some challenging stuff, then this is where you’ll recognize that you haven't just survived - you have triumphed!  You have earned that feeling of satisfaction and elation because nothing is more empowering than turning a challenge into an opportunity.  The solstice has transformed the darkness into light and you have done the same on your personal journey.  Congratulations!  Now you know that you have the power to turn it all around and begin again with a bright and upbeat outlook.  Be adventurous and dare to live the life that you deserve.  Green Aventurine will infuse everything with your harmonious energy and help you create a life filled with good luck!  Use Lapis Lazuli to feel the invincible strength of your personal power.  Choose your course and let nothing stop you!

Number of the day: 9

Reflection before action can make all the difference.  Visualize the results of your plans and interactions before you execute them to make sure that you are producing the desired effect.  Amethyst will allow you to see clearly.



Posted on June 13, 2016
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