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WEEK OF 06/08/16 - 06/14/16
Wednesday 06/08/16
Chiron reminds us that often the path to self-healing is only possible when we focus less on ourselves and more on others. That calling will be particularly loud today with Mercury joining Chiron in a beneficial transit that encourages us to help and care for one another. It is so easy in our pursuit towards individual goals to avoid compassion, empathy and basic humanity - especially when it gets in our way! This transit makes it very clear that those selfless qualities will expedite your progress, add value to your life experience and make your achievements more worthwhile. It doesn't need to be a deliberate effort to have a positive and meaningful effect. Trust your intuition and allow yourself to care for and treat others as you would like to be treated. Sugilite will assist as you unconsciously do your part to make this a better world. This is an illuminating transit on many levels, so use Cavansite to see things in a more kind and objective manner. If you have been looking for a solution, this may be the day that you find it!
Number of the day: 5
Maybe you are afraid that you want too much or have unrealistic ideals that can never become realities. Don't allow those fears to become a prison that holds you back. Black Jasper will allow you to free yourself from doubt and open you to the boundless expansion that is always possible.
Thursday 06/09/16
Should you rush into immediate, definitive action or explore your options and talk things through? This will be the dilemma you face with every situation and interaction as Mercury and Mars are in a tense opposition that is pulling you in different directions. You might think you'll just lay low and wait it out, but that may prove impossible. These are two demanding energies and if you’re not careful and work towards striking a balance between them, it is likely that nothing you do will work in your best interest. Conversations and communications will be distorted by a snarky edge resulting from Mars' impatience, while actions are thwarted because Mercury won't support anything that is unfocused. You don't want to allow these conflicting energies to rule your reactions because that will result in hurtful situations that will leave you stressed and on the defensive. Instead, take the best of these energies and bring them together using your will and intention. It is possible to direct this energy exactly where you want it and make some astounding progress. Green Tourmaline will help you to find the unique balance that will work for you. You are going to be looking for a fight, so fight for something that is constructive and rewarding! Use Carnelian to set positive goals and focus on those to avoid having your efforts being scattered in detrimental ways.
Number of the day: 6
All that 6 really wants to do is keep the peace. Its energy will help you to balance any inner conflicts and find the best solution. Honey Calcite will remind you there is always a positive answer.
Friday 06/10/16
Analysis and detail rule during the First Quarter Moon in Virgo. The combined energy of meticulous Virgo and the potential for growth of the First Quarter Moon make this an outstanding time to finish what you have begun. This is the time in the Moon's phase when you are working on bringing life to those ideas that were begun at the New Moon. You have an extraordinary opportunity for success with the added benefit of Virgo's ability to refine and complete. Use this energy to tighten your process, fix any flaws and resolve any issues. Apatite will stimulate your mind and lead you towards healthy actions for optimal results. Fancy Jasper will illuminate those areas that need attention and give you the focus to adjust and move on.
Number of the day: 7
You really never know what will happen until it is done. 7 reminds us that is where faith comes into play. Believe in the outcome you are working towards and let Pyrite amplify your intentions.
Saturday 06/11/16
A Pluto/Moon trine is the perfect combination of energies to offer inner guidance and self-motivation that will enable you to ambitiously meet the demands of living your best life. You need to put in the work to be happy and content but often we dismiss this fact in favor of illusions and dreams. This is grounded energy that will make you aware of what needs to be done and help you to just do it! You understand the challenges involved in completing short-range and long-term goals and you’re excited to work through them. This atmosphere is intense, but you will be feeling it in the most positive way. You are prepared to confidently tackle problems and find resolutions with far-reaching value. Use Hematite to recognize any issues that need this kind of attention. White Topaz will channel the energy and direct it towards both specific objections and your overall intention. This is a powerful burst of energy that will enable you to discover new strengths and make significant progress - so be ready to work with it!
Number of the day: 8
Often the best way forward is with a plan. Make a list, get your thoughts in order and take the necessary steps as you work to obtain your dream. 8 can show you the value of the details and Septarian will guide you towards success.
Sunday 06/12/16
Venus' benevolent energy helps us to attract and enjoy all of the good things in life like love, beauty and wealth. Still, you can't just sit back and wait for them to come to you...you've got to go after them and sometimes that requires a spark. Uranus is joining up with Venus today in a favorable sextile transit that will set you in motion towards attaining new and exciting elements in your life. Fears and doubts fall away and taking a risk seems like an excellent idea. This is provocative energy that will inspire you to dive in to new experiences that may change your financial and romantic outlook. Just remember this is powerful energy to embark on adventures, but not the best time for commitments and obligations. Sandstone will allow you to enjoy the present without feeling the necessity of future responsibilities. You want to be carefree without being careless, so carry Rhodochrosite to treat others with kindness and respect.
Number of the day: 9
Sometimes you simply cannot do it all and it is vital to your own well-being to stop and give yourself a break. Aqua Aura will remind you to take care of yourself.
Monday 06/13/16
You may experience difficulties during your interactions with others today - particularly in your closest relationships. Your intent is to be friendly and kind, but instead you appear to be challenging and confrontational. You think you’re building a mutually satisfying situation while others feel you’re being dominant by focusing solely on your wants and desires. Mars and Venus are producing an atmosphere where your intention is at cross-purposes with your delivery. It will be very easy to be misunderstood until this energy clears, so do your best to avoid important messages and keep everything light and impartial. Sodalite will remind you to be cautious when you communicate, because your words and actions won't be an accurate portrait of your intent. Later Venus moves into a transit with Chiron and that vague aggression is replaced with overwhelming insecurities. Now you’re avoiding others and pushing them away out of fears that you’re not worthy of their attention. This energy moves through quickly, but carry Tiger Eye to keep your confidence intact. You don't want to allow the energy towards self-defeating measures.
Number of the day: 1
You are the leader and where you go the energy will follow. It is that simple. Let Amethyst show you the best use of all that incredible power.
Tuesday 06/14/16
Your state of mind won't be positive as the day begins with a Mercury/Pluto transit causing some mental tension. This energy will drive you to seek and find solutions that will alleviate any doubts or worries that are present. The challenge is that it is so forceful that it can create problems that don't exist just so that you have something to resolve. The Sun and Uranus will clear all that negativity clouding your mind away once they join up in a providential sextile. Now you see potential instead of problems and your focus is redirected from what you are missing, towards what you are about to create for yourself. Be spirited in your thoughts and actions to make the most of this transit. It will attract the best stuff to you when you aren't working towards something specific, but instead are just riding the waves of the day and seeing where it takes you. Pietersite will alleviate any nervousness about taking that leap into unfamiliar territory. If you feel the urge to hang on to unresolved issues from earlier in the day, use Aqua Aura to release them for now and just enjoy a moment in the Sun!
Number of the day: 2
Aggression will only take you so far. 2 has a gentle vibration that adds a touch of sensitivity to every situation. Together they can make you a truly unique and unstoppable force. Carry Moonstone as a reminder.
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