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Wednesday 8th June
Chiron, ruler of all things strange, bizarre, psychic and spiritual goes retrograde today and set the tone for the unusual occurrences to manifest. Emeralds were long thought to give a person mental and psychic control to protect you from the chaos of psychic energy that manifest in strange and oft times wondrous ways. Add to that another day of celestial hyperactivity and anything can happen. If you get the feeling you are in the twilight zone, or fell through the rabbit hole, stop, take time for some meditation, center and prepare for the fun and games.
Thursday 9th June
Chiron and yesterday’s mix are still active; add to that a Mars-Pluto friction and emotions run close to the surface. Carry a piece of Clear Quartz to get you past the emotional outburst. But lovely Venus moves into Gemini and Love of art, beauty and creativity take center stage, later a Lunar trine to Venus creates an atmosphere of romance and Feminine power flows freely.
Friday 10th June
Today is another day requiring strength and fortitude. Eleven solar alignments in one day can create a mixed bag of good and bad and the energy is nonstop throughout the day. Chrysocolla will strengthen your resolve to survive on an even keel. Hi-light of the day is Vesta favorable assist in the form of added resources, while lunar ties add a dash of spice and artist creativity to the mix.
Saturday 11th June
A day of peace and calm as the cosmos prepares for Saturn to stop and go direct. Take advantage of this break to catch up on any ongoing planes but watch out the devil is in the details. Keep an eagle eye on the bottom line. Uvarovite Garnet and Sugilite will let you experience this peace to its fullest.
Sunday 12th June
Saturn stops and goes direct today. All things considered this is a positive sign if you are the focused, logical, grounded, sensible, responsible, careful, conscientious and trustworthy kind of person. A Moon in Scorpio trine with Chiron in Pisces is favorable for all things metaphysical. Today give extra emphasis on healing. Venus exerts her feminine wiles and powers feminine intuition. Moonstone, long known to enhance feminine intuition, will give you that needed boost and guidance to trust what your intuition tells you.
Monday 13th June
Saturn blues got you down? Then let lovely Carnelian will protect you from any anger outburst during that pesky Lunar void. A Venus-Chiron link opens the doors to higher learning in the metaphysical areas.
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