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WEEK OF 05/31/17 - 06/06/17


Wednesday 05/31/17

Don't be surprised if you find it hard to concentrate on what is right in front of you.  Mercury and Pluto are in a Trine and they want to send your thoughts in pursuit of other intangible matters and won't allow you to get sidetracked by physical necessity.  It is likely that there is stuff you will need to accomplish today, so carry Blue Calcite to help you focus on completing your tasks successfully.  When your mind begins its wanderings try to let it go where it wants.   There is much wisdom to be gained during this influence but it will escape you if you won't allow yourself to be guided.  You will want to keep your feet firmly on the ground to get the most value.  Use Smokey Quartz to feel secure on your journey and to help you retain your newfound awareness. 


Thursday 06/01/17

The heart and mind are working as one with Venus and Saturn in a Trine.  Your desires and purpose are matched, enabling you to go after what you want the most with a practical attitude and well-developed plan.  You are not operating under any kind of illusion, but are instead realistically aware of your ability to attain your heart’s desire.  You will be feeling and acting with maturity and responsibility that will produce results.  They may be small but they will be enough to let you know that you are headed in the right direction. Use Emerald to take each moment that shows and senses progress and use it as a sign to keep moving forward.  You are able to accept the guidance of those who have gone this way before you and gain from their wisdom.  Use Blue Topaz to seek out and attract both old and new associates who can help you.


Friday 06/02/17

It seems as if you are being carried away from your usual duties by today’s Sun/Uranus transit – and it feels really good!  You are more excited about getting things done because you already sense this isn’t going to be your typical day.  A new pattern will bring new opportunities and you are eager to discover them. You want to enforce some of your own will so that you are not wasting time on irrational, erratic actions.  Too much control will eliminate the fun and it won’t encourage you to sharpen your skills at overcoming unexpected challenges.  Citrine will help you create and enforce direction while retaining flexibility.  Later in the day you may feel guided to help others by a Mars/Chiron Square.  Just be careful that you are not too aggressive in your approach because you could hurt instead of help.  Sandstone lets you find the necessary balance to see how you can do some actual good.


Saturday 06/03/17

However you changed things up yesterday was great and you know it.  But, it still isn’t enough to satisfy Venus and Uranus today. They are producing very demanding energy that is driving your need for instant and drastic transformation in those important areas of your life like love and finance.  You want the thrill of something new and the excitement of experiencing the unexpected.  Having the freedom to explore is going to be your greatest desire during this influence, so work with Rutilated Quartz to gently pull away from present circumstances without permanently ending things.  You want to give new things a trial run without breaking old ties. We also have a glorious Sun/Jupiter Trine that will be filling you with optimism and confidence.  You can have it all and Tanzanite will help you to see how.


Sunday 06/04/17

Mercury and Saturn will make it difficult to convey your true meaning or state your feelings with clarity.  You will probably be forgetful and slightly scattered in your thinking throughout the day.  If you do need to manage details and/or communicate something important, try Turquoise to help you focus and be more conscious of your words and actions.  You may prefer to spend your time on more artistic or ethereal pursuits with the Sun and Neptune creating an imaginative atmosphere.  They will be in a Square, so while you are dreaming you may find practical matters and insecurities getting in the way of making them come true.   Stibnite will help you see how to work through any obstacles and create the life that you want for yourself.  You have that power - so use it!


Monday 06/05/17

You will be giddy and slightly off balance because you are so filled with good feelings.  You may in fact be surrounded by that many positive vibes, but you want to be certain that the cause of this joy is real. It is very possible that a Venus/Neptune Semi-Square is creating an illusion that you are too willing to accept.  It will take an effort, but it you are willing to look a little deeper to find and appreciate the imperfections, then you will find real and lasting happiness. Tree Agate will help you find the whole truth.  Mercury and Uranus will also help as your curiosity will be more active than usual.  You don’t want to follow the crowd and just take things as they are presented.  You want to learn what is beneath the surface and Labradorite will help you find ways to satisfy your need for more information.


Tuesday 06/06/17

The Moon and Uranus are in a Trine, which allows you to be emotionally and mentally prepared to fully evaluate the situations in your life and how they make you feel.  You will be very aware and highly intuitive during this transit.  If something needs to change you will know it.  Ruby in Kyanite will help you do something about it and begin to improve your life.  Unexpected development may catch you off guard but they will ultimately prove positive and fortuitous.  Use Morganite to receive news with an open mind and be able to see all the good that will come from the subsequent changes.



Posted on May 29, 2017

    (Submitted by: SerAl on May 30, 2017)

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