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WEEK OF 05/28/14 - 06/03/14
Wednesday 05/28/14
A Mercury/Venus sextile is going to offer you all kinds of benefits that will light up your efforts at advancement. If you have been going it alone, this is an excellent time to consider a partnership. There is a receptive quality where presentations are well met and everyone is able to add something unique and valuable to the mix. This is also a positive atmosphere to commit to a course of action. Suddenly you have the answers and the best way to proceed seems clear. You are comfortable with your choices and confident in your decisions. You can already feel the success, so let Moss Agate encourage you to enjoy the moment. Use Rutilated Quartz to connect with the synergy of this glorious energy.
Number of the day: 4
Practical 4 will help to bring all of your heavenly thoughts down to earth where you can make good use of them. Bronzite will keep you focused.
Thursday 05/29/14
Late yesterday a Sun/Neptune square transit tried to undo the progress that you made earlier. You may second-guess your decisions and believe that you acted rashly without having all the facts. Neptune will always encourage your mind to play at "what if " since it is the planet of imagination and that is how creations are born. The nature of the square transit tends to bring out the most negative elements of your imagination, but you don't want to allow them to sway you from your plans. Try to recall the confidence and joy you felt yesterday. Take the ideas that arise today - no matter how dark - and record them for consideration at another time. The energy is too unrealistic right now to make logical sense of them, but clarity will allow you to see them as either pessimism or true challenges to be overcome. And have no doubt, because you will overcome them! Amazonite will reignite your confidence, while Kunzite clears away the negativity and reminds you to be kind to yourself.
Number of the day: 5
Do not get stuck if your plan falls apart. 5 helps you to know when to throw out the agenda and just go with the energy. Snowflake Obsidian offers support.
Friday 05/30/14
Whenever Chiron is prominent in the sky, it brings amazing opportunities for healing and growth and tomorrow is no exception. You may think there is little to be positive about when it comes to a Venus/Chiron semi-square. Insecurities are highlighted and become more present. Your efforts at building anything are blocked and progress seems futile. It is all based out of fear and the only way to overcome your fears is to acknowledge and deal with them. You need to face those fears and bring them out of the dark. What comes to light can be gotten rid of for good. What if you no longer had that fear of failure, intimacy, abandonment or whatever fears are stopping you in your tracks? Imagine the possibilities because that is true freedom and that is how we heal ourselves. Angelite will help you to recognize and eliminate your fears. Use Picture Jasper to visualize the new you that is free of past hindrances.
Number of the day: 6
Exuberance is a powerful tool but you don't want it to make you careless as you move upward and onward. 6 reminds us to use care with everyone's emotions - including your own. Mookaite will help you to be gentle.
Saturday 05/31/14
Are you ready to conquer the world? Good, because you’ve got one of the most proactive transits to support you. A Sun/Mars trine is going to motivate you to step up and take the initiative. The powerful Sun that represents self and feisty Mars that represents action are working together to get you wherever you most want to be. You are strong, confident and you will rule the day. Malachite helps you to lead with your heart, while Hematite keeps your activities focused and successful.
Number of the day: 7
Trust your inner voice and follow its lead. It may take you somewhere out of the ordinary, but you will definitely want to go there. Peach Quartz enhances your adventure.
Sunday 06/01/14
A few days ago Venus got all warm and cozy by moving into it's home sign of Taurus. You may find that your perceptions and senses are a little keener right now. You have a deeper appreciation of the pleasures that you have in your life and the feelings of comfort and prosperity that they bring to you. Remember that, for all of its ethereal, artistic aspects, Venus is an Earth sign. While its energy is practical and materialistic, Venus' focus is on the beautiful achievements and acquisitions that are a result of your labor. You are going to want to bring more lovely things into your life - whether they be physical items, plans and travels or viscerally pleasing experiences. Take this time to enjoy the fruits of your hard work (without going beyond your means because that is never pretty!) and let Rose Quartz brighten your vision and Petrified Wood help you discover what will bring you the most joy - and how to get it!
Number of the day: 5
Freedom truly is a state of mind and 5 wants you to eliminate anything that will keep your thoughts from expanding to the limits and beyond. Let Lapis Lazuli show you the endless possibilities of an unfettered imagination.
Monday 06/02/14
Even the toughest among us will be feeling sensitive with Mercury in Cancer. Everything is very personal right now and you will find that you focus more on yourself and those closest to you rather than taking a worldly view of things. Your communications and reactions are genuine and come more from the heart (and the gut!) than from reason and intellect. This is an excellent atmosphere to strengthen your personal relationships and take care of you and yours. Your words and actions will let others know exactly where you stand and what is most important to you. They will have an impact, so take care that you show others kindness and sensitivity. Use Moonstone to make the most of your feelings and achieve emotional balance. Ruby in Zoisite will encourage you to be open and communicate your truths.
Number of the day: 6
You know what you want,so now trust that you can make it happen for yourself. That is how you find harmony within yourself. Let Emerald show you how the Universe will respond to a peaceful and confident You.
Tuesday 06/03/14
The Sun/Pluto transit will remind you that nothing is constant. Tweaks and adjustments are crucial for you right now to continue on a positive trajectory. A lot of ups and downs over the last few days should have given you an indication of where you need to make some changes and what kind of mental, physical and even spiritual adjustments are vital to your well-being. If you have to let go of something, know that it is time and you won't miss it as much as you may think. The world is constantly in motion and sometimes we need to direct the motion of our own world - this is one of those times. Orange Aventurine will help you to persevere through it all and keep things lively and creative. Pietersite offers valuable insight and gives you the strength to take those difficult first steps.
Number of the day: 7
7 will break any destructive patterns and set you up for adventures of the mind. Maybe there are questions and concerns, but this energy will allow you to find the answers that give you the knowledge to forge ahead. Charoite will enhance your inner journey.
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