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WEEK OF 05/11/16 - 05/17/16
Wednesday 05/11/16
You may be uneasy with Venus and Saturn in a transit that produces an air of doubt that surrounds our feelings and emotions. It will be so hard to trust yourself or anyone right now and that will keep you on edge throughout the day. The anxiety will build and it will be very easy to release it in an unpredictable - and potentially damaging - manner. You will be so sensitive that it will be just as harmful to hold back and just absorb whatever is bothering you. Apache Tears can help you to find a healthy outlet to express yourself. Remember that everyone is feeling extra sensitive, so try to keep things private rather than sharing your feelings. Use Howlite to avoid situations that make you feel uncomfortable or hesitant without making any permanent decisions until the energy clears.
Number of the day: 7
Often the greatest mystery is what is going on in our own heads. The energy of 7 can help you to understand yourself on a deeper level. That is how we transcend beyond any perceived limits. Hold Lapis Lazuli on your Third Eye for fruitful communications with yourself.
Thursday 05/12/16
You know how important and healthy it is to be adaptable, but it can be a struggle when you are focused on achieving your goals. A Sun/Uranus transit will show you how changes to your plans don't need to sidetrack you. In fact, your ability to meet and work with new developments will be exactly what you need to get what you want. That kind of potential is not always immediately evident, so it is imperative that you stay positive. This planetary combination will make it easier than usual to retain that kind of attitude no matter what unexpected situations you need to face. Fortunately, your insight and awareness of the good stuff that comes from change will be increased with the support of a Mercury/Pluto trine. Overall this is a creative and empowering day where you will see how you can make any situation work in your favor. Dendritic Agate will complement your resilient and optimistic approach. Use Citrine to recognize the opportunities for fortuitous growth and success that surround you.
Number of the day: 8
You have the knowledge. You have the support. You have the resources. Now all you need is to take the initiative and do the work and you will triumph. Dioptase energizes your efforts.
Friday 05/13/16
We would rather play than work today with a Venus/Mercury transit that will have you seeking pleasure over achievement. If it feels like responsibilities can wait for another day then they probably can. Sometimes it is more important to relax and enjoy yourself than it is to get things done. This is definitely one of those days and you may find that you inadvertently accomplish quite a lot. Venus is also in a trine with Pluto and that is producing additional supportive and fabulous energy. It is very possible to create meaningful relationships right now that will produce material and emotional benefits. Mangano Calcite will help you to focus on what makes you happy and let go of expectations. That is the real key to getting the most benefit from this energy. Rutilated Quartz will remind you that feeling happy and content with your present will attract more of that good stuff for the future.
Number of the day: 9
It is easy to become exasperated when things simply do not go your way. Especially when you are giving it all that you've got! 9 can help you turn frustration to sympathetic understanding. It will help you to realize that everything does happen for a reason. Apache Tears will replace hostility with a caring vibration.
Saturday 05/14/16
It is a more thoughtful atmosphere as the Sun and Chiron challenge you to question why you are doing the things that you do. You will feel a powerful need to understand how your thoughts and actions are affecting your life and how they impact others. This energy is meant to make you feel strong and confident about the place that you have created for yourself in this world and it will help you to make the influence of the Taurus Sun work for you. Chiron is going to spotlight any areas that are not meeting your needs and expectations when it comes to substance and contentment. It will then be up to you to take this opportunity to fix those things. Prehnite will help you use the Taurus energy to recognize what needs to be done for your personal fulfillment. Use Fire Agate to be comfortable and confident making the necessary changes.
Number of the day: 1
Self-reliance lies within each of us - even when we do not realize it. Recognize how strong and accomplished that you are and use Cavansite to uncover your unlimited potential.
Sunday 05/15/16
You will be very comfortable putting yourself out there with a Venus/Moon trine casting a happy glow throughout our atmosphere. Your guard will be down as you trust yourself and others to be kind and receptive. You will be very open to enjoying the company of others and spending time and money on anything that feels and looks good. The most important thing right now is that you are emotionally satisfied during all of your activities and encounters. Fortunately, you will be feeling so good that it won't take much to achieve that kind of contentment. Use Imperial Topaz to spend your day engaged in situations that are fulfilling and joyful. Be engaging and friendly with everyone you encounter and carry Rhodonite to attract a positive response.
Number of the day: 2
Do not allow yourself to become frustrated by being stopped in your tracks by outside forces. Consider the positive aspects of slowing down and finding a new way to accomplish an old task. Use Yellow Calcite to discover the peace of accepting what is and making it your own.
Monday 05/16/16
What do you deserve? You still have a few more days of the luxurious Taurus Sun to help you not only get the answer to that question, but also figure out how to get it! Taurus is about realizing the benefits of your hard work. If you are not taking advantage of everything that you have earned, then you are probably feeling the imbalance physically and emotionally. Taurus wants us to feel the peace of comfort and stability. If there is something in your life that doesn't feel rewarding then you want to use this energy to turn that around. Change is not easy under the realm of Taurus because even positive change will upset the calm that it strives to maintain. One of the many benefits of Taurus energy is that it will show you how to get the rewards that you deserve and do it in a manner that feels right. Golden Tiger Eye will help you to recognize those messages and opportunities. Watermelon Tourmaline will enhance your focus and determination as you go after what you want.
Number of the day: 3
Put away your stress and worries for a moment and just enjoy the now! 3 reminds you that you have the right to just be happy. Perhaps when you look back at those concerns they may seem insignificant in the greater picture. Orange Aventurine enhances the joy.
Tuesday 05/17/16
You have a few days left to enjoy the benefits of Mercury in retrograde. That's right....I said benefits! Taurus is an Earth sign that focuses outwardly on material goods and gain but while Mercury is retrograde, that energy is turned inward. Your Taurus mindset will have you wondering what you value and what your value is. You will need to listen to heart and soul to find the answers and create new ways of attaining those things that mean the most to you. Whether it is money, time, relationships, or things that you need to feel satisfied, this energy will help you gain and/or regain them in a meaningful way. A retrograde period teaches you how to operate in a new way and this time it will help you manifest your wants and needs into the physical world. If it feeds you emotionally and soulfully, then it can also feed you physically, so use Bloodstone to feel inspired to reach for gain from your spiritual gifts and talents. Use Lepidolite to align your thoughts, feelings and actions with the single focus of getting what you want from doing what you love.
Number of the day: 4
Each of us makes a much larger mark that we ever realize. 4 wants us to know that the slightest effort and the smallest kindness can result in amazing things. Carry Dalmatian Jasper to make every action meaningful.
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