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WEEK OF 05/04/16 - 05/10/16


Wednesday 05/04/16

You are longing to express your innermost feelings through your words and deeds, but doubts about acceptance will have you holding back.  Venus and the Moon are at odds making it difficult to feel comfortable letting your emotions out in the material world.  You’ll simply care too much about what others think during this transit and that will impact your self-confidence.  You could find yourself working very hard to make others think that you don't care by being overly aggressive and arrogant.  At the same time your true, caring self will be suffering in silence and feeling ashamed of your actions.  You want to avoid all this by focusing the energy inward and recognize what you need to be happy.  You don't need or want to share that right now, but by honoring your feelings instead of attempting to repress them, you’ll avoid creating difficult situations.  Dumortierite will be a beneficial tool while working with this energy.   Rhodochrosite can help you to successfully control your mood and temperament and that will ultimately lead to confident progression on your path.   

Number of the day: 9

Every challenge has a solution and it is up to you to find it.  Serpentine will help you solve any puzzles and remind you that this journey will leave you better than before.


Thursday 05/05/16

We have several transits today bringing a mix of energies that all offer powerful opportunities for success.  The Sun and Saturn may have you wondering if you’re good enough to get the job done.  Remember, Saturn is retrograde, so others won't see this self-doubt unless you allow it to negatively impact your work.  You’ll need to make a purposeful effort to use this energy as a catalyst to show yourself just how capable you are and others will see your talents.  Mercury and Uranus will help by encouraging you to try a different approach to your daily activities.  It may feel as if a change of course is being forced upon you because Mercury is retrograde, but adapting to your environment will increase your self-confidence.  Mars replaces Mercury and brings edginess to the atmosphere where you feel compelled to make some kind of move - whether it’s necessary or not.  Mars is a little more withdrawn during its retrograde period, so it’ll be easier to temper the potential hazards of this energy and envision a rewarding outcome.   You are working with several planets in retrograde right now, so you will feel the focus of this energy internally.  Seraphinite will energize your imagination.  It is a good time to use the power of thought to manifest what you want to see in your physical world.  Your instincts will be strong, so carry Blue Sapphire to listen and learn.

Number of the day: 1

Do not let your doubts become what defines you.  You have the ability to be whoever you want to be and the energy of 1 can help you to uncover that person.  Clear Quartz will remind you of your personal power.


Friday 05/06/16

What is most meaningful for you and your happiness?  The New Moon in Taurus will focus your attention directly on the answers to that question.  A New Moon is the starting point of a new cycle and that typically relates to initiating change.  A Taurus New Moon can feel a little tricky because Taurus energy is not about change as much as it is about basking in the moment.  Taurus wants you to appreciate what you have and spend more time with the things that mean the most to you.  This is a time to feel settled, secure and satisfied from an emotional standpoint.  It’ll bring to light any areas of your life where you don't feel that kind of comfort and that is where the necessity of change becomes important.  Use Jade to recognize what needs to change for you to feel that positive Taurus energy, and Emerald to help your create new beginnings that are designed to retain your sense of peace.   

Number of the day: 2

You will weather the storm and find your place of peace.  2 drives our desire for balance by leading us to those things that will bring us contentment.  Use Ametrine to feel the spirit of how everything works together for a higher good.


Saturday 05/07/16

What happens when the all-powerful Sun is in a trine with Pluto, the planet of rebirth?  We have the insight, energy and endurance to create our very best life!  Now is the time to get rid of anything and everything that is not working for you.  You still have that New Moon energy showing you what really matters to you and what doesn’t.  Use this Sun/Pluto trine to understand why you’re holding on to anything that is counteracting your happiness and needs to go.  Pluto has the power to offer a lot of clarity when it comes to the challenges of letting go.  The energy of this Sun/Pluto combination will help you replace fear with confidence and excitement for a future filled with positive energies.  Isn't that what you deserve?   It will be easy to make those life-altering decisions and take the necessary actions under this influence.   Chrysoprase will complement this energy and help you use it effectively.  Use Sunstone to increase your confidence and make those bold choices that will bring you happiness.

Number of the day: 3

A new month starts and a new pattern emerges as we step back to the energy of 3.  3 encourages fun and excitement, so carry White Agate to continually surround yourself with this optimistic vibe.


Sunday 05/08/16

Honesty is the theme of a Mercury/Moon trine.  This energy brings your inner thoughts and feelings in perfect alignment.  The result is that you’re comfortable with your personal truth and are no longer interested in living a life that does not allow you to be you!  You know who you are, what you want and you’re ready to be true to yourself.  This is an empowering transit and you will feel changed for the better.  The Mercury influence will make it easier to express yourself to others and receive acceptance and support.  Now that you are comfortable with who you are, it’s time to look outward and see what is not in agreement with you.  This may require more change, so use Turquoise to recognize that as long as you are true to yourself then you’ll make the best choices.  Remember that Mercury is retrograde, so outward results of your efforts may not manifest as quickly as you hope, so work with Amber for patience. 

Number of the day: 4

4 will keep you steady on your path as you face new energies.  Some will support you and others might present a challenge, but you have the strength to maintain your course no matter what.  Pink Aventurine will simultaneously keep you grounded and open to the surrounding energies - the best way to approach any situation!


Monday 05/09/16

You'll be getting a powerful shot of positive energy as the Sun and Mercury combine some of their best qualities while in a conjunct transit.  Both planets are in Taurus, so your focus will be on things of quality and meaning in your life.  You will not only know exactly what you want and what is important to you, but realize the best way to attain and/or retain those things.  The Sun and Mercury are both on your side, helping you to take actions that are in your best interest.  Whatever you do during this transit is sure to have a beneficial and lasting impact, so make this energy count.  Mercury is retrograde, so you may find it easier to align your thoughts and set personal goals before you express them to others.  This is an excellent time to let others know what you want and how you’re going to get it.  While the overall spirit of the day will be based in reality, there will be an added ethereal quality produced by Venus and Neptune.  They are in a sextile transit that will focus particularly on those things that cannot be easily felt through your physical senses.  Celestite can help you connect to this energy and recognize the many energies that are just waiting to support you.  Carnelian will get you moving in the best direction to make the most of the powerful Sun/Mercury combination.

Number of the day: 5

True freedom lies within each of us....and we are the only ones who can threaten it.  Other people and situations can never cage your spirit as long as you don’t permit it.  Amethyst will shield and empower you. 


Tuesday 05/10/16

Has it seemed like you've been dealing with a lot of deep, soul searching kind of energy over the last few days?  The mood changes today with a Venus/Jupiter trine, making everything bright and warm and just inviting you to have some fun!  You have spent enough time thinking about who you are and now it is time to come out and be that person.  The air is filled with feelings of hope and you want to jump in and enjoy it.  Venus will encourage companionship and camaraderie, while Jupiter just wants you to have more of the stuff that brings you joy and fulfillment.  It is just coming out of a lengthy retrograde period and it will take time to get up to full speed, but you won't notice that right now.  All you will feel is the optimism and happiness that these planets want you to know are yours - not just for today, but for every day.  Pyrite will help you to relax and indulge in the positive energy of the day.  While you are just enjoying yourself, carry Unakite to attract people, situations and opportunities that will enrich your life.

Number of the day: 6

Let 6 be your reminder to consider others as you do what is right for you.  It is always important to take care of ourselves but it doesn’t need to be at others’ expense.  Rhodochrosite will encourage your caring side to be front and center.



WEEK OF 05/04/16 - 05/10/16


Wednesday 05/04/16

You are longing to express your innermost feelings through your words and deeds, but doubts about acceptance will have you holding back.  Venus and the Moon are at odds making it difficult to feel comfortable letting your emotions out in the material world.  You’ll simply care too much about what others think during this transit and that will impact your self-confidence.  You could find yourself working very hard to make others think that you don't care by being overly aggressive and arrogant.  At the same time your true, caring self will be suffering in silence and feeling ashamed of your actions.  You want to avoid all this by focusing the energy inward and recognize what you need to be happy.  You don't need or want to share that right now, but by honoring your feelings instead of attempting to repress them, you’ll avoid creating difficult situations.  Dumortierite will be a beneficial tool while working with this energy.   Rhodochrosite can help you to successfully control your mood and temperament and that will ultimately lead to confident progression on your path.   

Number of the day: 9

Every challenge has a solution and it is up to you to find it.  Serpentine will help you solve any puzzles and remind you that this journey will leave you better than before.


Thursday 05/05/16

We have several transits today bringing a mix of energies that all offer powerful opportunities for success.  The Sun and Saturn may have you wondering if you’re good enough to get the job done.  Remember, Saturn is retrograde so others won't see this self-doubt unless you allow it to negatively impact your work.  You’ll need to make a purposeful effort to use this energy as a catalyst to show yourself just how capable you are and others will see your talents.  Mercury and Uranus will help by encouraging you to try a different approach to your daily activities.  It may feel as if a change of course is being forced upon you because Mercury is retrograde, but adapting to your environment will increase your self-confidence.  Mars replaces Mercury and brings edginess to the atmosphere where you feel compelled to make some kind of move - whether it’s necessary or not.  Mars is a little more withdrawn during its retrograde period, so it’ll be easier to temper the potential hazards of this energy and envision a rewarding outcome.   You are working with several planets in retrograde right now, so you will feel the focus of this energy internally.  Seraphinite will energize your imagination.  It is a good time to use the power of thought to manifest what you want to see in your physical world.  Your instincts will be strong, so carry Blue Sapphire to listen and learn.

Number of the day: 1

Do not let your doubts become what defines you.  You have the ability to be whoever you want to be and the energy of 1 can help you to uncover that person.  Clear Quartz will remind you of your personal power.


Friday 05/06/16

What is most meaningful for you and your happiness?  The New Moon in Taurus will focus your attention directly on the answers to that question.  A New Moon is the starting point of a new cycle and that typically relates to initiating change.  A Taurus New Moon can feel a little tricky because Taurus energy is not about change as much as it is about basking in the moment.  Taurus wants you to appreciate what you have and spend more time with the things that mean the most to you.  This is a time to feel settled, secure and satisfied from an emotional standpoint.  It’ll bring to light any areas of your life where you don't feel that kind of comfort and that is where the necessity of change becomes important.  Use Jade to recognize what needs to change for you to feel that positive Taurus energy, and Emerald to help your create new beginnings that are designed to retain your sense of peace.   

Number of the day: 2

You will weather the storm and find your place of peace.  2 drives our desire for balance by leading us to those things that will bring us contentment.  Use Ametrine to feel the spirit of how everything works together for a higher good.


Saturday 05/07/16

What happens when the all-powerful Sun is in a trine with Pluto, the planet of rebirth?  We have the insight, energy and endurance to create our very best life!  Now is the time to get rid of anything and everything that is not working for you.  You still have that New Moon energy showing you what really matters to you and what doesn’t.  Use this Sun/Pluto trine to understand why you’re holding on to anything that is counteracting your happiness and needs to go.  Pluto has the power to offer a lot of clarity when it comes to the challenges of letting go.  The energy of this Sun/Pluto combination will help you replace fear with confidence and excitement for a future filled with positive energies.  Isn't that what you deserve?   It will be easy to make those life-altering decisions and take the necessary actions under this influence.   Chrysoprase will complement this energy and help you use it effectively.  Use Sunstone to increase your confidence and make those bold choices that will bring you happiness.

Number of the day: 3

A new month starts and a new pattern emerges as we step back to the energy of 3.  3 encourages fun and excitement, so carry White Agate to continually surround yourself with this optimistic vibe.


Sunday 05/08/16

Honesty is the theme of a Mercury/Moon trine.  This energy brings your inner thoughts and feelings in perfect alignment.  The result is that you’re comfortable with your personal truth and are no longer interested in living a life that does not allow you to be you!  You know who you are, what you want and you’re ready to be true to yourself.  This is an empowering transit and you will feel changed for the better.  The Mercury influence will make it easier to express yourself to others and receive acceptance and support.  Now that you are comfortable with who you are, it’s time to look outward and see what is not in agreement with you.  This may require more change, so use Turquoise to recognize that as long as you are true to yourself then you’ll make the best choices.  Remember that Mercury is retrograde, so outward results of your efforts may not manifest as quickly as you hope, so work with Amber for patience. 

Number of the day: 4

4 will keep you steady on your path as you face new energies.  Some will support you and others might present a challenge, but you have the strength to maintain your course no matter what.  Pink Aventurine will simultaneously keep you grounded and open to the surrounding energies - the best way to approach any situation!


Monday 05/09/16

You'll be getting a powerful shot of positive energy as the Sun and Mercury combine some of their best qualities while in a conjunct transit.  Both planets are in Taurus, so your focus will be on things of quality and meaning in your life.  You will not only know exactly what you want and what is important to you, but realize the best way to attain and/or retain those things.  The Sun and Mercury are both on your side, helping you to take actions that are in your best interest.  Whatever you do during this transit is sure to have a beneficial and lasting impact, so make this energy count.  Mercury is retrograde, so you may find it easier to align your thoughts and set personal goals before you express them to others.  This is an excellent time to let others know what you want and how you’re going to get it.  While the overall spirit of the day will be based in reality, there will be an added ethereal quality produced by Venus and Neptune.  They are in a sextile transit that will focus particularly on those things that cannot be easily felt through your physical senses.  Celestite can help you connect to this energy and recognize the many energies that are just waiting to support you.  Carnelian will get you moving in the best direction to make the most of the powerful Sun/Mercury combination.

Number of the day: 5

True freedom lies within each of us....and we are the only ones who can threaten it.  Other people and situations can never cage your spirit as long as you don’t permit it.  Amethyst will shield and empower you. 


Tuesday 05/10/16

Has it seemed like you've been dealing with a lot of deep, soul searching kind of energy over the last few days?  The mood changes today with a Venus/Jupiter trine, making everything bright and warm and just inviting you to have some fun!  You have spent enough time thinking about who you are and now it is time to come out and be that person.  The air is filled with feelings of hope and you want to jump in and enjoy it.  Venus will encourage companionship and camaraderie, while Jupiter just wants you to have more of the stuff that brings you joy and fulfillment.  It is just coming out of a lengthy retrograde period and it will take time to get up to full speed, but you won't notice that right now.  All you will feel is the optimism and happiness that these planets want you to know are yours - not just for today, but for every day.  Pyrite will help you to relax and indulge in the positive energy of the day.  While you are just enjoying yourself, carry Unakite to attract people, situations and opportunities that will enrich your life.

Number of the day: 6

Let 6 be your reminder to consider others as you do what is right for you.  It is always important to take care of ourselves but it doesn’t need to be at others’ expense.  Rhodochrosite will encourage your caring side to be front and center.



WEEK OF 05/04/16 - 05/10/16


Wednesday 05/04/16

You are longing to express your innermost feelings through your words and deeds, but doubts about acceptance will have you holding back.  Venus and the Moon are at odds making it difficult to feel comfortable letting your emotions out in the material world.  You’ll simply care too much about what others think during this transit and that will impact your self-confidence.  You could find yourself working very hard to make others think that you don't care by being overly aggressive and arrogant.  At the same time your true, caring self will be suffering in silence and feeling ashamed of your actions.  You want to avoid all this by focusing the energy inward and recognize what you need to be happy.  You don't need or want to share that right now, but by honoring your feelings instead of attempting to repress them, you’ll avoid creating difficult situations.  Dumortierite will be a beneficial tool while working with this energy.   Rhodochrosite can help you to successfully control your mood and temperament and that will ultimately lead to confident progression on your path.   

Number of the day: 9

Every challenge has a solution and it is up to you to find it.  Serpentine will help you solve any puzzles and remind you that this journey will leave you better than before.


Thursday 05/05/16

We have several transits today bringing a mix of energies that all offer powerful opportunities for success.  The Sun and Saturn may have you wondering if you’re good enough to get the job done.  Remember, Saturn is retrograde so others won't see this self-doubt unless you allow it to negatively impact your work.  You’ll need to make a purposeful effort to use this energy as a catalyst to show yourself just how capable you are and others will see your talents.  Mercury and Uranus will help by encouraging you to try a different approach to your daily activities.  It may feel as if a change of course is being forced upon you because Mercury is retrograde, but adapting to your environment will increase your self-confidence.  Mars replaces Mercury and brings edginess to the atmosphere where you feel compelled to make some kind of move - whether it’s necessary or not.  Mars is a little more withdrawn during its retrograde period, so it’ll be easier to temper the potential hazards of this energy and envision a rewarding outcome.   You are working with several planets in retrograde right now, so you will feel the focus of this energy internally.  Seraphinite will energize your imagination.  It is a good time to use the power of thought to manifest what you want to see in your physical world.  Your instincts will be strong, so carry Blue Sapphire to listen and learn.

Number of the day: 1

Do not let your doubts become what defines you.  You have the ability to be whoever you want to be and the energy of 1 can help you to uncover that person.  Clear Quartz will remind you of your personal power.


Friday 05/06/16

What is most meaningful for you and your happiness?  The New Moon in Taurus will focus your attention directly on the answers to that question.  A New Moon is the starting point of a new cycle and that typically relates to initiating change.  A Taurus New Moon can feel a little tricky because Taurus energy is not about change as much as it is about basking in the moment.  Taurus wants you to appreciate what you have and spend more time with the things that mean the most to you.  This is a time to feel settled, secure and satisfied from an emotional standpoint.  It’ll bring to light any areas of your life where you don't feel that kind of comfort and that is where the necessity of change becomes important.  Use Jade to recognize what needs to change for you to feel that positive Taurus energy, and Emerald to help your create new beginnings that are designed to retain your sense of peace.   

Number of the day: 2

You will weather the storm and find your place of peace.  2 drives our desire for balance by leading us to those things that will bring us contentment.  Use Ametrine to feel the spirit of how everything works together for a higher good.


Saturday 05/07/16

What happens when the all-powerful Sun is in a trine with Pluto, the planet of rebirth?  We have the insight, energy and endurance to create our very best life!  Now is the time to get rid of anything and everything that is not working for you.  You still have that New Moon energy showing you what really matters to you and what doesn’t.  Use this Sun/Pluto trine to understand why you’re holding on to anything that is counteracting your happiness and needs to go.  Pluto has the power to offer a lot of clarity when it comes to the challenges of letting go.  The energy of this Sun/Pluto combination will help you replace fear with confidence and excitement for a future filled with positive energies.  Isn't that what you deserve?   It will be easy to make those life-altering decisions and take the necessary actions under this influence.   Chrysoprase will complement this energy and help you use it effectively.  Use Sunstone to increase your confidence and make those bold choices that will bring you happiness.

Number of the day: 3

A new month starts and a new pattern emerges as we step back to the energy of 3.  3 encourages fun and excitement, so carry White Agate to continually surround yourself with this optimistic vibe.


Sunday 05/08/16

Honesty is the theme of a Mercury/Moon trine.  This energy brings your inner thoughts and feelings in perfect alignment.  The result is that you’re comfortable with your personal truth and are no longer interested in living a life that does not allow you to be you!  You know who you are, what you want and you’re ready to be true to yourself.  This is an empowering transit and you will feel changed for the better.  The Mercury influence will make it easier to express yourself to others and receive acceptance and support.  Now that you are comfortable with who you are, it’s time to look outward and see what is not in agreement with you.  This may require more change, so use Turquoise to recognize that as long as you are true to yourself then you’ll make the best choices.  Remember that Mercury is retrograde, so outward results of your efforts may not manifest as quickly as you hope, so work with Amber for patience. 

Number of the day: 4

4 will keep you steady on your path as you face new energies.  Some will support you and others might present a challenge, but you have the strength to maintain your course no matter what.  Pink Aventurine will simultaneously keep you grounded and open to the surrounding energies - the best way to approach any situation!


Monday 05/09/16

You'll be getting a powerful shot of positive energy as the Sun and Mercury combine some of their best qualities while in a conjunct transit.  Both planets are in Taurus, so your focus will be on things of quality and meaning in your life.  You will not only know exactly what you want and what is important to you, but realize the best way to attain and/or retain those things.  The Sun and Mercury are both on your side, helping you to take actions that are in your best interest.  Whatever you do during this transit is sure to have a beneficial and lasting impact, so make this energy count.  Mercury is retrograde, so you may find it easier to align your thoughts and set personal goals before you express them to others.  This is an excellent time to let others know what you want and how you’re going to get it.  While the overall spirit of the day will be based in reality, there will be an added ethereal quality produced by Venus and Neptune.  They are in a sextile transit that will focus particularly on those things that cannot be easily felt through your physical senses.  Celestite can help you connect to this energy and recognize the many energies that are just waiting to support you.  Carnelian will get you moving in the best direction to make the most of the powerful Sun/Mercury combination.

Number of the day: 5

True freedom lies within each of us....and we are the only ones who can threaten it.  Other people and situations can never cage your spirit as long as you don’t permit it.  Amethyst will shield and empower you. 


Tuesday 05/10/16

Has it seemed like you've been dealing with a lot of deep, soul searching kind of energy over the last few days?  The mood changes today with a Venus/Jupiter trine, making everything bright and warm and just inviting you to have some fun!  You have spent enough time thinking about who you are and now it is time to come out and be that person.  The air is filled with feelings of hope and you want to jump in and enjoy it.  Venus will encourage companionship and camaraderie, while Jupiter just wants you to have more of the stuff that brings you joy and fulfillment.  It is just coming out of a lengthy retrograde period and it will take time to get up to full speed, but you won't notice that right now.  All you will feel is the optimism and happiness that these planets want you to know are yours - not just for today, but for every day.  Pyrite will help you to relax and indulge in the positive energy of the day.  While you are just enjoying yourself, carry Unakite to attract people, situations and opportunities that will enrich your life.

Number of the day: 6

Let 6 be your reminder to consider others as you do what is right for you.  It is always important to take care of ourselves but it doesn’t need to be at others’ expense.  Rhodochrosite will encourage your caring side to be front and center.


Posted on May 02, 2016
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