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WEEK OF 04/29/15 - 05/05/15 

Wednesday 04/29/15

It is a powerful opportunity when you can easily recognize the differences between yourself and another.  There are two separate transits today that will focus your attention towards these differences and, while they share a similar focus, they will each take a very different approach.  Venus and Chiron are in a square and that transit will encourage you to remove people and situations from your life that have a structure that seems too different from your own.  But then the Sun and Neptune step in and they challenge you to embrace those people and situations in order to learn and grow from each other.  It will all come down to your perspective.  Can you find a common ground that can be shared to everyone's benefit?  Or will the differences seem so great that there is no possibility of a bountiful collaboration?  Either way you will possess incredible insight that will enable you to make those difficult choices.  Golden Tiger Eye gives you the courage to let go or to attempt to try something new. Use Azurite to trust your instincts and do what feels best to you.  Don't worry about logic or convention.

Number of the day: 5

It is important to take time for yourself and journey in your mind.  You want to give your inner voice a chance to communicate all that it has to tell you. Use the energy of 5 and Aquamarine to relax and listen! 

Thursday 04/30/15

You are going to feel quite accomplished today with Venus and Mars tasking you to take a good look around and see all the good things in your life.  We tend to focus on what's missing before we enjoy what we have, because it is so easy to give in to feelings of misfortune.  You want to use this time to let well-being and abundance be the dominant forces in your life.  Do that and, not only will you feel really good, but you will also be driving all of your energy - and the energy that surrounds you - towards the positive stuff in your life and that will help you create more of it. There is a lot of opportunity today to be creative, innovative and fortunate and it won't take any effort on you part as long as you allow yourself to feel content.   Aragonite will let you see clearly all the good that you have attained and accomplished.  Green Aventurine amplifies the feeling of abundance that is generated throughout the day.

Number of the day: 6

6 reminds us that more can be accomplished with kind words and actions than with harsh demands. Peridot reminds you to lead and communicate from your heart. 

Friday 05/01/15

Yesterday we considered how easy it is to give in to the idea that you are missing something or you just don’t have enough. That kind of energy will be amplified today with Mercury and Pluto in a transit that is breeding doubt, tension and an overall lack of trust in yourself and others.  Your mind could go to some dark and depressing places so you need to be proactive when it comes to working with this transit in a positive manner.  Use this energy to root out what is troubling you instead of ignoring or brushing them off.  These are your feelings and you want to give them the attention that they deserve.  This is the perfect energy to understand what is really making you unhappy and figure out what it will take to get those things out of your head and heart and more forward.  Not the best time for action, but Sodalite will assist you in your contemplations of future plans. Rainbow Fluorite will repel negative thoughts and help you to remain positive rather than allowing them to take hold.

Number of the day: 5

The energy of 5 can help you unburden yourself of previous situations that did not turn out as you had hoped.  You don't want to dwell on what went wrong when there are so many better thoughts to be had.  Pink Sapphire will let you focus on the good and release the rest. 

Saturday 05/02/15

When your mind is in pain then your body will follow. So often what we think of as a physical ailment actually has deeper roots in our present thoughts and past memories.  Mercury and Chiron are in a transit today that can help you to understand the deep mind/body connection and even take you a step further into the realm of healing.  While medical science is vital and it is important to practice good physical health, it is equally important to realize that true and lasting healing of any ailment always begins and ends in our heads.  This is an excellent time to learn more about alternative healing practices.  It is an even better time to connect with others to share theories and practices.  Why not try putting your new knowledge into practice and share a smile and a kind word with another to see how much better you will both feel.  Sunstone’s joyful energy will help you to let your body, mind and soul to feel well.  White Aventurine will help you recognize what really needs to be healed and point you towards the best resources.  

Number of the day: 6

6 will enable you to nurture your dreams and watch them grow into fact.  Everything - even the simplest of thoughts - needs care in order to thrive.  Carry Rhodochrosite for support. 

Sunday 05/03/15

You are going to see the worst in every situation and encounter, with Mercury and Saturn in an opposition and Mercury and Uranus in a semi-square.  You won’t be able to help yourself as your mind just heads right to the dark side!  So now that you have been forewarned, it is time to prepare because, while your thoughts may begin in the realm of negativity, they certainly do not have to linger there!  Laughter would be a good tool in your arsenal so try to find as many opportunities to laugh as possible.  So what if others look at you like you are crazy?  Remember they are all feeling the same energy and are probably not in the best of moods.  At best, your attempts at lightening the day will encourage others to join in and at worst, it will give them a focus for their negative thoughts.  Either way you will have the advantage because you will be proactively working with the energy and trying to find the best qualities of the day.  If there is something potentially difficult that you need to deal with, try to delay it for a few days, since you don’t want to feed this energy more opportunities for challenges.  Saturn is still in Sagittarius so there is optimism to be found there and Zebra Jasper will help to raise that energy through the problematic influence.  Rose Quartz will keep you positive and help you to take everything in stride.  Before you know it the energy will have turned for the always does.

Number of the day: 7

Perseverance is a key element to progress.  7 and Fuchsite can give you a constant source of renewal and remind you to never give up! 

Monday 05/04/15

Saturn will urge you to follow the rules while Uranus has you questioning, “What….there were rules?”  These two planets each take a very different approach when dealing with life and you will be caught in the middle today.  They are in a transit where they are both trying to get you to choose one over the other.  The important thing for you to know is that you don’t need to choose just one when you have the ability to take advantage of both of their enterprising energies.  Take a dash of Uranus’ spontaneous attitude and innovative thinking and mix it with Saturn’s structure and forward planning, and you have an amazing recipe for success.  Uranus can help you to avoid those feelings of limitation that Saturn can impose while Saturn provides structure to Uranus’ free-flying creativity.  The Sun and Jupiter are also in a square today which could have you feeling restless and vaguely disappointed without any basis for these negative feelings.  Strategic use of the Saturn/Uranus combination will easily overcome the idea that something is missing.  You’ll be so busy conceiving and building amazing things that you won’t have time to dwell in a place of discontent.  Use Moonstone to balance the energies in the most productive way to suit your well-being.  Brecciated Jasper will help you turn negativity into optimistic creativity and break any patterns of dwelling on unhappy thoughts.

Number of the day: 8

One of 8's goals is to help us achieve balance so it is a reminder that efforts are rewarded in kind.  Dioptase encourages you to work for what you want. 

Tuesday 05/05/15

Are you still working on your Spring Cleaning? Because the Sun and Pluto will be bringing you some very helpful energy early tomorrow. Of course we have infinite space for all that we need in our lives, but you still don’t want to clutter it up with what doesn’t benefit you. This influence will encourage you to look to your past in order to help you build the most positive future.  Now is when you want to gather your resources to determine what will be useful as you move forward and what may only slow you down.  Be sure to take a close look at the latter before you eliminate anything, because there may be some hidden benefits that you want to be aware of before you release something once and for all. This transit will illuminate all those positive aspects that you may have overlooked.  Since you will feel quite decisive and focused, it is not only a good time to free up space, but to also begin work on new enterprises.  Overall this is the perfect time to make things happen, so carry Ruby for productive actions. Petrified Wood will help you review your past with an objective eye and a subjective heart for the best choices.

Number of the day: 9

9 challenges you to take what you have learned and incorporate it into your future actions.  The tricky part is to go deep enough to find the true lesson, especially when it seems easier to just ignore it and move on.  You have the courage to face your truths so work with Alexandrite to see how strong you can be. 


Posted on April 28, 2015
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