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WEEK OF 02/25/15 - 03/03/15 

Wednesday 02/25/15

A Venus/Saturn trine yesterday motivated you to work on your interpersonal relationships.  That proactive energy continues with Mars stepping in to replace Venus and your focus will be redirected to personal goals.  Your goals are taking shape and the necessary actions will be clear.  Best of all, you will see how your efforts will bring you the desired success.  This transit will be a wonderful grounding influence for the annual Sun/Neptune Conjunct transit.  Both planets are producing very sensitive energy from the Pisces influence.  You want to follow those strong instincts and believe in yourself and your imagination.  Overall, this can be a very productive day as long as you remain realistic and don't get carried away by fantasy.  Brecciated Jasper will enable you to remain practical, while Fluorite invigorates your imagination.

Number of the day: 8

Nothing is ever guaranteed, but the energy of 8 makes it probable that what you put out will come back to you in a very positive way.  One of 8's goals is to help us achieve balance so it is a reminder that efforts are rewarded in kind.  Dioptase encourages you to work for what you want.

Thursday 02/26/15

A Venus/Neptune semi-sextile will set you off in pursuit of magic.  You want to feel inspired and enchanted by everything and you will be willing to do what it takes to bring those elements into your life.  This is a fabulous opportunity to breathe new life into anything that seems dull and lifeless.  If there are things that seem unworthy of your efforts or simply cannot be resurrected, then it may be time for a change.  We are a few weeks away from a new Astrological year and now is when you want to consider what you may want to leave behind before you can move forward.  Blue Goldstone will help you to find the good and release the rest.  Carry Pink Tourmaline for inspiration and enchantment.

Number of the day: 9

9 reminds us that we are all a part of the world - but it is our individuality that enables us to connect with others.  The strength and value of those connections is what enables us to create the best possible world.  Iolite lets you learn more about yourself so that you can find your place within the world.

Friday 02/27/15

You can expect some confusion today as Jupiter and Pluto in a Quincunx force you to take a look at what is not working in your life.  Your initial inclination may be to blame yourself or your environment for anything that has not proven successful.  If you work with this energy, it will become evident that it’s not your lack of effort that’s to blame and it’s time to stop berating yourself.  Adopt a new attitude that will help you release what is just not right for you. Expansion almost always requires some form of release to be truly beneficial.  Spring is on the horizon and, as we move into a new period, you want to be free to explore new opportunities.  Apatite will help you to trust your instincts and just let go.  Green Quartz will help you attract new and beneficial energies. 

Number of the day: 1

Use the power of 1 to radiate positive energy that will attract the same back to you.  Yellow Jasper will keep your rays of influence sunny.

Saturday 02/28/15

The Sun in Pisces marks the end of the Astrological Calendar and it offers some very important energy that can help us as the next phase begins.  Use this time as a period of reflection and consider all of the good and not-so-good things that are in your past, in your present and on your mind.  You want to employ positive tools like acceptance, compassion and forgiveness and avoid tendencies to feel victimized and/or incapable of moving past difficulties. If you are positive and proactive, you can use this spiritual energy to propel you forward in the physical world as spring arrives and we all begin anew.  Mercury is in Aquarius due to its previous retrograde and that will be very beneficial if you are working through emotional situations.  It will make it very clear that whatever has happened in the past that felt bad will no longer be acceptable. It will encourage you to find your own original path that is free of old hurts.  Best of all, it adds idealistic and fully rational energy to our thoughts and communications that will enable you to use this energy for positive change.  Labradorite is always supportive when you are working with the energy of regeneration.  Aquamarine will enable you to maintain a positive emotional state.

Number of the day: 2

It may not always seem like it, but the Universe has your back.  The energy of 2 encourages you to keep that thought in mind and see how much easier it is to face any challenge.  Botswana Agate reminds you that you are never alone.

Sunday 03/01/15

A Venus/Sun semi-sextile will have you wondering if the things that you want and are actively pursuing will prove to be good for you.  While you consider if you may be your own worst enemy, you will also question if you’ve been attaining your desires at the expense of others.  All that doubt and guilt is sure to cause some stress, but if you can get past the urge to blame yourself and feel defeated, you will find a bright side. The value of this energy is that it will point out any areas of your life where you’re not feeling completely comfortable.  Best of all, it can inspire you to make the necessary adjustments – and those may be minor – that will help you to get things in a very pleasing alignment.  Be wary of becoming overly emotional when Venus moves into an opposition with the Moon.  You could feel undervalued, unappreciated and generally as if everyone is attempting to hurt your feelings.  This transit passes quickly, so don’t let it ruin your day.  Amethyst will help you to avoid unpleasant encounters, while Zebra Jasper encourages you to feel optimistic and find some fun.

Number of the day: 3

When you feel stress from fears of not being perfect, take 3 slow breaths - in and out - and feel the comforting energy of 3.  Honey Calcite reminds you that your will to be perfect means that you already are!

Monday 03/02/15

Mercury is quite social today as it joins up with Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto in different transits that all carry one central theme:  insight!  Knowledge is power and you will always be able to create so much more value in your life by knowing as much as possible about yourself and your environment.  These transits will make it easier for you to look beyond the obvious to see and understand the many facets (even those deep, hidden ones!) of the people, things and situations in your life.  The energy will offer invaluable support, but it won’t do the work for you.  The truly difficult part won’t be the discoveries that you make, but what you do with them.  It is never easy to face the truth and the Jupiter influence could lead you to believe it will be best to just ignore certain things.  Use the rebellious power of Uranus to willingly accept and deal with everything you encounter.  If you’re willing to do the work, then you will find creative solutions.  Use Pluto for patience and strategic planning that will be rewarded with substantial benefits now and in the future.  Dumortierite will be a wonderfully calming influence, while it also keeps you from stubbornly holding on to things that need to go.  Howlite will keep you alert and aware, while reducing the urge to feel negative.

Number of the day: 4

You always have the ability to change obstacles into opportunities.  4 lets you choose how you want to see things and Black Agate makes that vision bright.

Tuesday 03/03/15

Once again we are all feeling a lot of sensitivity in the atmosphere, but now we are concerned less with personal needs.   Mercury and Chiron will be encouraging you to put aside your own needs in favor of helping all who inhabit the world around you.  We all have the ability to heal, but often we don’t recognize the gift that we possess.  You will be very aware of your power right now and you will be inspired to use it to benefit others.  You will want to be open and allow others to be open to you which makes this an excellent time for beneficial communications.    You may have a very different perspective today where you see only the good that surrounds you and you’ll want to find unique ways to be a part of it.  Carry Chalcedony for harmonious communications and energetic interpersonal activities.  Selenite will enhance your healing abilities.

Number of the day: 5

Now is the time for courage and adventure.  5 wants you to feel the excitement of the un-explored so do something different and bring Green Tourmaline along to find new ways to indulge your curiosity. 


Posted on February 24, 2015
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