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WEEK OF 02/12/14 – 02/18/14 

Wednesday 02/12/14

You will be driven towards taking action and itching to try something new tomorrow with the Sun and Uranus in a semi-square position.  Unexpected blocks will show up to test your patience and commitment.  You will learn a lot from powering through, but don’t be surprised if you don’t make the headway that you expect.  It will be better if you use this energy as a learning exercise rather than a means to an end.  You surely will not be bored so use Mexican Fire Opal to keep the excitement positive and Black Agate for grounded benefits.

Number of the day: 3

Use the expressive energy of 3 to creatively make your presence known.  Others will see how much that you have to offer and doors will open.  Carnelian will hold them open for you to stride on through. 

Thursday 02/13/14

You want it all and you want it now when the Sun and Jupiter meet up in a sesqui-quadrate position.  The challenge comes in when you are deciding exactly what it is that you want more of and what you are willing to do to get it.  It is easy to overestimate your resources and commitment right now.  You could feel let down and disappointed if you allow the energy to overcome your reason.  Sometimes discontent can be used as a catalyst to make important changes, but you don’t want to take any drastic steps right now.  Moss Agate will allow you to work towards your desires at a healthy pace, while Inclusion Quartz offers valuable insight into what is truly most important. 

Number of the day: 4

4 will let you hold your own and stay true to your personal code no matter what the universe throws at you.  Tree Agate will keep you firmly anchored. 

Friday 02/14/14

The Sun and Mars in a trine will have you feeling strong and positive and ready to take on the world.  You are confident without being brash and it feels natural to take the lead in situations.  While this is good energy for decisions, you may want to consider the emotional effect of tonight’s Full Moon.  The best decisions always have one foot in logic and that may not be easy with the over-the-top energy of a Leo Full Moon.  Take the time to consider the ramifications of any choices made right now.  Golden Tiger Eye increases your personal power while Moonstone helps you manage your emotions.

Number of the day: 5

5 carries the energy of the unpredictable and unexpected. Are you ready for an adventure?  Of course you are and Mahogany Obsidian is the perfect companion for surprises. 

Saturday 02/15/14

You will need to find answers to the many questions and doubts that are running through your mind with Pluto and Mercury in a semi-square.  Don’t let those concerns cause you stress, because you will find the answers that will satisfy you – although they may not be the answers that you want.  You will get some help from the Sun and Mercury in a conjunct transit that will sharpen your mental skills and benefit your investigation.  There is a lot of very creative energy to avail yourself of that will enable you to see past any illusions to find the absolute truth.  Remember that Mercury is retrograde, so this could be an opportunity to resolve and heal something from your past.  Blue Kyanite helps you to process what you learn and Howlite lets you deal with it for the healthiest and most productive results.

Number of the day: 6

6 will bring you patience when you need it and couldn't you always use a chance to just breathe? Carry Chrysoprase to give yourself that moment. 

Sunday 02/16/14

Communications are direct, on-point and productive with Mercury and Mars on hand to support your efforts.  You will lean towards the objective so don’t expect empathy or sympathy to play any part in what you have to get across right now. Keep it succinct, because it is easy to overwhelm everyone with too much information due to a sesqui-quadrate with Jupiter later in the day.  A Sun/Pluto transit will task you to be cautious in the presentation of the facts.  The urge to manipulate others is high and you don’t want to put the recipients of your communications in fight or flight mode.  Even with all this energy, if you want something to be heard and understood, now is the time.  Charoite will remind you to be gentle and Blue Topaz helps you to get your point made.

Number of the day: 7

The energy of 7 can have a powerful impact by encouraging you to believe in more than the obvious.   Meditate with Amethyst and see what faith can do for you. 

Monday 02/17/14

Mercury and Uranus are in a minor skirmish for control of our mental faculties today.  The result is erratic brain function that could produce insightful breakthroughs or crazy ideas.  You may not be able to effectively discern between the two, so keep that in mind before you take action or announce your discovery to the world.  Here is the opportunity for the perfect use of Mercury Retrograde energy.  You won’t feel at peace because thoughts are coming fast and furious, but you could allow yourself to relax and let those thoughts slip away.  If they do have merit they will return at a more useful time.  Lapis Lazuli will allow you to keep your thoughts under control.  Prasiolite will encourage calm.

Number of the day: 8

Ups and downs are natural in the life cycle.  8 will help you to see the benefits of the present no matter where you are in your current cycle.  Green Tourmaline keeps you positive and productive through rises and falls. 

Tuesday 02/18/14

The Sun and Moon in a trine is always one of the best transits to experience.  These two cosmic forces that have such an impact on us are working together to make us feel whole, happy and balanced.  Your inner self and your outer self are in perfect harmony and it is reflected in your feelings, communications and actions.  Don’t be surprised if you see and feel a glow surrounding you throughout the day.  Enjoy this glorious energy and make this a day to remember.  Rose Quartz will always illuminate and magnify your personal light.  Clear Quartz will remind you to enjoy the happy energy that surrounds you.

Number of the day: 9

If you feel as if you aren't getting anywhere, look to 9 for insight into how much you achieve every moment.  Amber teaches us to appreciate ourselves for all that we do. 


Posted on February 11, 2014
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