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Take advantage of Mercury's last days in Aquarius to communicate any necessary information. Aquarius will help you to be intelligent, cohesive, and direct as you make your point and impress others with how well you present yourself. Stilbite will keep your thoughts and actions clear and purposeful while Morganite will encourage a flow of communication.




The Moon is in the time between the Full and New which brings powerful energy for planning and research (New Moon to Full Moon is when you want to take action!). Your planning has the added benefit of retrograde Mars so with the Moon in Libra today why not take some time to figure out ways to bring more balance into your life. Couldn't you really use some? Ametrine and Ruby in Fuchsite are very supportive when seeking balance - perhaps because they are the result of two crystals working together!




You may find it easier to listen rather than speak today as Mercury moves into gentle - if a little moody - Pisces. The best thing about Mercury in Pisces is that you will really feel your instinctual skills kick in and you can rely more on intuition. You will find yourself more open-minded making it hard to take decisive action. How can you make a choice when everything seems like a good idea? Sugilite will help hone your intuitive skills while Jade will keep your mind from drifting too far off into dreamland..




Sometimes the walls just have to come down and this is going to be one of those days. It is almost impossible to hide who you are and how you feel as Mercury conjuncts Neptune - in Pisces to make things even more interesting. Neptune wants us to see the things that normally can't be seen and feel the things we may not want to feel and it won't let us hide from ourselves or others. You are likely to feel emotional, confused and extremely ungrounded. And, yes, it's also Valentine's Day which will bring more tension to the mix. Try not to fight it and let yourself flow with the tide. Letting the boundaries go for a day will clear a path for a better tomorrow. Try wearing or carrying a Moonstone to help guide your instincts and Chrysocolla to soothe and calm your nerves.




There is a lot of tension today with Venus and Pluto in a square position. Jealousy, possessiveness and hidden agendas are easy to give into under this influence. These are all just different results of fear which may be justified and may not be. So be cautious not to take any sudden measures regarding love or money until these planets move on and you can think clearly again. Jet or Black Obsidian will make you feel protected and give you the strength to banish any fearful thoughts.




Listen to your heart and follow your instincts - that is what a Mercury/Chiron conjunction is all about. This is an excellent time to try new avenues in communications. Maybe you always wanted to write or you think you'd be an awesome teacher. Even though you may feel vulnerable, go for it! And if you're not sure where to start, ask for help. This is a very supportive transit where you can see many things in a new way and make positive changes that will have long reaching effects. Aqua Aura will help you to visualize what you want and Emerald will support a positive outcome.



You have a strong need to be in control and on top of you game today with the Moon & Pluto in Capricorn. So the slightest unforeseen element could throw you into a tailspin. Don't let it! While you cannot control what goes on around you, you can always control how you deal with it. Flexibility is the key to always remaining in true control. Azurite will support you by removing anything blocking your way.


Mercury is sextile Pluto in a harmonious aspect today making this a great time to get to the heart of any matter. Under this influence it is easy to analyze and deal with any situation in a very positive way. Communications are also favored and you'll find you are able to captivate others with your insight. Just be cautious not to be overly analytical. Lapis Lazuli will support your analytical and communication efforts while Selenite will keep your thoughts from becoming too overactive.

Posted on February 10, 2012
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