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WEEK OF 02/05/14 – 02/11/14 

Wednesday 02/05/14

Are you holding yourself back?  It can happen to all of us when we let negative attitudes and self-debilitating beliefs keep us from realizing our dreams.  Today’s transit between Jupiter and Chiron will give you the chance to release yourself from the bonds of self-doubt.  Use this energy to let those nagging low opinions be replaced with a new, positive and self-affirming confidence.  You are open to creating new thoughts and perspectives and they can get you moving in a new and prosperous direction.  This is an excellent time to look towards others whom you admire and emulate them.  You can achieve anything and everything is possible.  Believe and watch as you make it happen.  Use Labradorite to take those negatives and transform them into positives.  Rutilated Quartz can motivate you towards taking an active role in changing your perspective.

Number of the day: 5

The number 5 shows itself today to let you know it is time to just let it go.  Whatever “it” is, you no longer need it and you are ready to be free.  Dalmatian Jasper encourages reflection and release. 

Thursday 02/06/14

You could be feeling heroic today as the Sun and Jupiter call on you to solve problems and tackle chaos.  You’ve got the know-how and energy to create order and bring peace to anything that needs a resolution right now.  This is an especially good atmosphere to give and receive valuable counsel.  Focus on professional and enterprising activities for the best use of your constructive efforts.  Lapis Lazuli will activate your problem-solving skills.  Unakite lets you envision the results of your efforts.

Number of the day: 6

Do something for yourself or someone else that makes you feel good and feel the comforting energy of 6.  Rhodochrosite will enhance the good feelings. 

Friday 02/07/14

Mercury went retrograde yesterday and will remain there for the rest of the month.  We know from nature that everything needs a period of rest in order to grow and flourish.  So why do we fight against it when we are offered this essential opportunity?  Mercury in retrograde will only cause you problems if you refuse to accept the gift it will present you…the chance to slow down and relax!  This is meant to be a period of rest so that you can come back revived and stronger than ever.  Use the energy to your advantage and don’t fight it!  Sugilite can promote inner calm while Apatite will enable you to relax and take things in stride.

Number of the day: 7

Don't let the fear of stopping your crazy momentum keep you from enjoying a moment of peace.  Angelite & 7 can give you time and perspective to build faith in yourself. 

Saturday 02/08/14

Feeling a little restless?  Could be the Gemini Moon showing you so many paths and of course you want to take them all.  It can be easy to feel overwhelmed when everything looks so good that it is impossible to choose one over another.  Instead of feeling as if you need to take action now, use your mental skills to envision where each goal will take you.  A cerebral journey will give you the opportunity to calmly assess where you want to go and what it will take to get there.  Then when the time is right you will be prepared to strike.  Use Bloodstone for grounding and balance to aide in your focus.  Smokey Quartz will expand your consciousness for a successful inner journey.

Number of the day: 8

Use the successful vibration of 8 along with Pyrite to manifest only the most positive and abundant outcome for any present and future endeavors.  See just how powerful your imagination can be. 

Sunday 02/09/14

When Mercury is in Pisces, there is a strong potential for the lines of communication to extend far beyond the earthly energy that surrounds you.  Psychic abilities are intensified during this time and you may realize a skill that has previously been dormant.  Important messages can come at you from all kinds of avenues including dreams, thoughts  and out of the blue revelations.  Mercury will only be in Pisces for a few more days before it heads back in Aquarius due to the retrograde period, so you want to tap into your psychic powers while the energy is strong.  Selenite will be a powerful tool to keep you open to receiving what is sent your way.  Sodalite will help you make sense of what you learn.

Number of the day: 9

The energy of 9 helps us to deal with endings in our lives.  Too often we can only see the darkness when there is always a light that is brighter.  Blue Goldstone will help you find your way to that light. 

Monday 02/10/14

The Sun and Saturn meet up in a square tomorrow that brings us the potential to be slammed by reality.  You could clearly see the obstacles ahead and it can be tough right now to overcome those challenges.  But as you push through and succeed – and you will succeed – your confidence grows and you will get closer to your goals.  This transit will let you realize your strength and persistence.  Tap into them and they can take you far.  Rose Quartz will bring your inner strength to the forefront.  Chrysoprase gives you the confidence to overcome all odds.

Number of the day: 1

Within each of us lies an unrealized skill.  Use the energy of 1 to uncover your hidden talents and make them work for you.  Herkimer Diamond will aide in your investigation. 

Tuesday 02/11/14

The atmosphere is touchy today with Mercury and Venus in a moody mix.  Miscommunications are prevalent since everyone is taking things the wrong way.  The meaning behind your words will not translate well, so wait for another day to discuss complex issues.  Keep it light and sweet to get through the day unscathed.  Chrysocolla will remind you to tread softly.  Carry Garnet for positive interactions. .

Number of the day: 2

It can be hard to put your own feelings aside in consideration of another.  The energy of 2 reminds us that when we help each other, everyone benefits. Agate will add to the flow of love and generosity. 


Posted on February 04, 2014
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