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WEEK OF 02/03/16 - 02/09/16


Wednesday 02/03/16

Mercury and Chiron in a square could have you holding tight to what you know instead of letting go and seeking alternative methods.  The familiar may appear secure but that doesn’t mean that it is the most comfortable or positive situation for you.  You may need to take the more difficult path and choose to change course in order to attain a more healing experience.  A Sun/Saturn sextile can help you to initiate those changes by creating realistic goals and taking specific actions to reach them.  You could experience a major turning point during these transits, but don’t expect a lot of flash and dazzle.  This is mature and grounded energy that will help you to develop a more meaningful and fulfilling existence.   Self-reliance is a key element to successfully working with this energy and Hematite will help you to trust your instincts.   Use Jade to dedicate yourself to the completion of what you begin.

Number of the day: 5

5 wants us to know the joy of change.  Change is not something to be dreaded.  It is something that we should welcome with open arms and hearts.  There will be ups and downs, but it is all part of the flow that takes us where we need to go.  Rainbow Obsidian shows you how to keep things upbeat.


Thursday 02/04/16

One of the best things about Venus/Saturn transits is that they encourage you to recognize the good things that you’ve got going on in your present.  Today’s semi-sextile transit will direct your focus towards your responsibilities and how you are managing them.  Are you feeling comfortable and fulfilled?  Are you seeing reciprocating results from your efforts?  Are you confident that you are meeting expectations of yourself and others who benefit from your work?  These are some of the questions you may be asking yourself right now and, if some of the answers are not as affirmative as you hoped, then now is the time to do something about it.  Your heart will be speaking to you loud and clear and if a change is in order, you will know it.   You want to feel good about what you’ve done and, if it feels as if something isn't being met, then you consider how to change your ways.  Ruby will help you listen to your heart and follow its guidance.   Orange Aventurine reminds you that you are always doing your best, even if circumstances may cause you to think differently.

Number of the day: 6

Send your positive intentions out into the world and use the energy of 6 to spread love and happiness.  It is what binds us all together and makes everything better.  Orange Calcite will keep you smiling.


Friday 02/05/16

Most of us understand the benefits of operating within the means of practicality and security - not only for ourselves, but for our families, our associates and our societies.  We follow the rules, we consider others and we make the choices that will bring us stability and longevity in an effort to be balanced and centered.  And yet we all feel that compulsion to explore the edges and see what is beyond the safe and familiar.  That call will be particularly enticing today as a Sun/Pluto transit drives you leave the safety net behind and plunge headlong down the path that is filled with wonder and risk.  Once Mars and Uranus add their energy, it will be nearly impossible to remain neutral and not boldly go where you’ve never gone before.  Your desire to be unique and to experience different things could overwhelm you past the point of reason and it will take up all of your energy.  You want to use this energy thoughtfully despite its erratic nature, because otherwise you will expend a lot of time and energy and have nothing but exhaustion to show for it.  If you slow down and focus, you can direct your irrepressible passion towards direct intentions that will have an amazing impact.  Venus and Pluto will help by attracting interesting people and situations that keep you interested and engaged.  Botswana Agate lets you enjoy the freedom of going wild, while Selenite helps you control the energy instead of the other way around.

Number of the day: 7

7 will encourage you to face the truth and uncover those things that you hide from yourself.   Bringing them out into the light will transform their energy and you can find a way to make them work in your favor.  Red Tiger's Eye provides strength.


Saturday 02/06/16

Do you want to remain comfortable in the present or impulsively venture out for new territories?  These kinds of thoughts will run through your mind all day and they will be the source of inner tension as you agonize over what to do.  The real stress arises from the feeling you’ve got to either stick with what you’ve got, or reach for the stars.  The recognition that compromise can give you the potential to have both will make a huge difference in how you process the various transits of the day.  A Sun/Uranus sextile will enlighten you to the value of adaptability, while Mercury and Jupiter in a trine show you how to take your grandest ideas and turn them into realistic and reachable goals.  Both of these transits will help you find the means for success by opening your eyes to the value of people and situations in your midst that you may have overlooked, while simultaneously attracting new energies towards you.  Unexpected emotions and impulses could arise later in the day with Venus and Uranus in a square.  You may feel ill-prepared to deal with whatever this energy brings, but don’t take extreme measures in an effort to make yourself feel better.  Instead, remain patient and positive and it will all level off on its own. Rhyolite will encourage you to approach the components of the day with peaceful neutrality.  Heliodor portrays the potential of using the energy to establish and strengthen rational goals.

Number of the day: 8

The balancing energy of 8 will be a real help as you make your way through a stimulating day.  Let it remind you that everything swings both ways and finding your true center will offer the most benefits.  Aragonite will enable you to remain steady.


Sunday 02/07/16

Motion will be an absolute necessity for your well-being today with a Sun/Mars square that will not allow you to sit still for a moment.  Since you will be action-driven, you might as well make it count for something; otherwise you run the risk of not only wasting your time and energy, but also getting yourself into needless trouble by being impulsive and reckless.  It won’t be easy, but you will need to stop (or at least slow down) long enough to find specific objectives to direct your focus.  Remember that what you put out there is what comes back to you and you want to use this high energy to attract positive results.  Use Tourmalated Quartz to avoid the urge to take the defensive position when faced with blockades and instead find clever ways around (or straight through) whatever is holding you back.   If you’ve got some long-term barriers, you might make it one of your objectives to find a permanent solution.  Hemimorphite will help you to find the direction you need to make this a very beneficial day.

Number of the day: 9

When the inner voice becomes too much to bear, it might be time to look outward.  Empathetic 9 encourages us to consider others and that might be the best way to quiet any negative thoughts.  Help someone else and see if it doesn't bounce back and help you too.  Carry Sugilite for perspective.


Monday 02/08/16

Trust will be a recurring theme with several transits that challenge us to repair any relationships or situations where suspicion and fear is predominant.  Chiron and Venus will help you begin the healing process by increasing your powers of observation and enabling you to understand others and how you relate and interact with them.  Relationships can benefit from a deeper intimacy under this influence, since we see and accept each other for who we truly are, rather than continuing to work with the projections and expectations of the past.  Once Chiron moves on to a semi-sextile with the Sun, you experience an eagerness to find more meaning in your interactions and activities.  The calling that you discover (or recover) will increase your confidence and inspiration.  Your motivation is best used for plans and ideas rather than actions right now, since a Mercury/Neptune semi-square will make physical progress difficult.  Don’t be disappointed if you can’t get things off the ground today, because you’ve got an energetic year ahead as we usher in the Chinese New Year of the Fire Monkey.  Monkey is a curious energy and the element of Fire will charge that inquisitiveness with a willingness to take a gamble and go after what you want.  It is sure to be an interesting year!    Sugilite will support your healing efforts and enable you to establish trust.  Use Aquamarine for the motivation and courage to discover and work towards a purpose.  If you are looking for a crystal to symbolize the Year of the Red Fire Monkey, try Red Tiger Eye as a reminder that risk brings reward. 

Number of the day: 1

1 is an invaluable tool to help us cut through the clutter and get right to the heart of any matter.  Let it guide you through the conundrums of the day and you may end up with surprisingly positive results.  Jade will amplify the energy.


Tuesday 02/09/16

You might not consider aggressive Mars to be an advocate for healing, but sometimes you need to be a warrior in order to find peace.  Such will be the case today with a Mars/Chiron trine that will encourage you to step up and right any wrongs that you are seeing or feeling in your life and/or your environment.  This is the time to deal with any problems that you have been avoiding and step out of your comfort zone when it comes to taking charge of situations.  You will be able to be in command without being offensive or domineering.  Your guidance will attract the support of others and lead to the advancement of your cause.  Your success will increase your self-confidence and initiate (or progress) a period of healing.  Everyone wins with this energy - whether you are the initiator or the beneficiary - so use Sandstone to help you find the best purpose for this fortunate vibe.     Antigorite will help you allow others to see your confidence and leadership abilities.

Number of the day: 2

Patience comes from knowing that everything is possible and every dream does come true.  Tree Agate enhances your faith in the inevitable.



Posted on January 31, 2016
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