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From: irene
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 5:11 AM
Subject: Comment from - Discount Prices on Healing Crystals, Minerals & Tumbled Stones

Does this crystal come with activation ? I have read that crystal must be activated then become effective .
Is your crystal is geninue or manmade crystal ? As there are a lot of fade crystal on the market.

Thank you
Good Morning Irene,

Crystal Activation is a really easy process and most of the time this is done once the customer receives the crystal. Most folks like to take their new crystals out of the box, give them a cleaning and then set an intent (tell the crystal what you want its help with--it could be to help with healing, to assist in forgiveness, to increase the feeling of love, etc. Whatever you want the crystal to help you with). Some folks believe that once you have set your intent into the crystal, that it becomes activated. Others believe if you blow a breath into the crystal, that this will activate it. I personally feel that once you pick up your new crystal and hold it in your hand that your energy and the energy of the crystal bond--and this is all it takes to activate the crystal. Do what you feel is best for you.

Here are some great articles that can help:

All of the crystals at are natural, genuine crystals. We do carry some lab enhanced pieces, like Aqua Aura, Rainbow Aura, Tangerine Aura, etc as well as a few heat treated pieces like Citrine (some, not all) or Topaz (some, not all)--ALL of these, lab enhanced or heat treated, are marked as such in the description. For instance, at the bottom of each Aura product description, you will see this line, which tells that this particular product is lab enhanced.

"Editors Note: We feel that lab enhanced stones can be effective for transmitting healing energy. Heat treating or enhancing a crystal in a lab does change the vibration, but it does not eliminate or reduce the potential healing effect."

Of course, if you are ever unsure of a piece, please know that you can email us and ask before you purchase. We will be more than happy to share any information that we have.  Thank you for your questions. I hope this information has been helpful :)

with love and crystal blessings,

Posted on August 16, 2009
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