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WEEK OF 07/29/15 - 08/04/15 

Wednesday 07/29/15

You may see your past having an effect on your present today as something that you’ve said or done comes back to you in an unexpected manner.  Mercury and Pluto are in a tense transit that will be amplified by the fact that they are in opposing signs - Fire & Earth do not get along easily!  Given the nature of this transit and the energies involved, it is likely that there will be disagreeable repercussions that arise right now.  It will also be a challenge to make any decisions under this influence since it seems as if you can see only the most negative of potential outcomes.  The only way to manage this energy is to take everything at face value and consider how you can use it as a learning opportunity.  Deal with each situation as it comes up in as open and positive a manner as possible and then move on.  You don’t want to dwell on anything right now as it will only bring doubt and mental struggles that could prove debilitating.  Use Smokey Quartz to help you extract the good and useful elements and leave the rest behind. Indicolite (Blue Tourmaline) will help you to benefit from the energy by balancing the more challenging aspects and showing you how to merge the opposing elements to produce a positive outcome.

Number of the day: 8

One of 8's goals is to help us achieve balance, so it is a reminder that efforts are rewarded in kind.  Dioptase assists with showing you the results of your work.

Thursday 07/30/15

Mars and Neptune could easily lead you astray today as they are in a transit that will not make it easy to accomplish anything of value.  It will be hard to choose among the many elements of this transit to determine the real culprit of your lack of productivity.  It could be poor planning, a lack of initiative, a tendency to choose fantasy over practicality, or just plain old laziness.  The truth is that it will be a combination of all these little factors that add up to a day where it is too easy to feel unaccomplished and ineffective.  Don’t let the negativity bring you down since this transit will move on before you know it and you’ll be back to your usual pace.  Lithium Quartz will encourage you to take it easy and let things go for another day wherever possible. Orange Aventurine will bring some much-needed lightness to your outlook and the overall mood of the day.

Number of the day: 9

9 reminds us that we are all a part of the world, but it is our individuality that enables us to connect with others.  Iolite lets you learn more about yourself so that you can find your place within the world.

Friday 07/31/15       

Confusion rules the day with Mercury and the Moon in a transit that will have you questioning your thoughts and your emotions.  If it makes sense mentally, but then it doesn’t feel right, or you sense that things are perfect, but keep thinking you are missing something important.  How can you trust yourself when you are questioning everything that comes at you?  It’s a dilemma and it’s likely that you won’t find any satisfying answers under this influence.  Others won’t be able to guide you since they are experiencing the same indecisiveness.  Let your instincts be your guide until the energy clears.  If you don’t feel comfortable taking an action right now then wait.  If it seems good to go – then go but be sure that you are able to work with the consequences if things don’t turn out as you expect. Carry Stilbite to keep your intuitive skills high throughout the day. Emerald can give you the confidence to proceed and trust that everything will work out as it is supposed to in the end.

Number of the day: 8

Ups and downs are natural in the life cycle.  8 will help you to see the benefits of your present no matter where you are in your current cycle.  Green Tourmaline keeps you positive and productive through rises and falls.

Saturday 08/01/15

We’ve got another day where making decisions and taking actions will be a challenge.  Now it is the Sun and Neptune who will be testing your confidence and ability to focus.  If you have already made a choice and/or begun a course of action, then you should be fine.  This transit tends to focus on those areas where we are still hesitating due to personal fears, a lack of clarity or insecurities about being able to carry out a cohesive plan. Those doubts are going to be amplified under this influence, so you absolutely do not want to begin anything new until you have a more positive mindset.  Use this energy to consider why you have been holding back and see if you can overcome those internal objections, so that when the atmosphere is friendlier, you are ready to undertake a new enterprise.  Use Amazonite to understand the source of your doubts so that you can effectively turn them to your advantage. Dalmatian Jasper will bring you some peace from the stress of dealing with what feels like unproductive energy over the last few days.  It may not feel like it but you can accomplish a lot today by just staying positive.

Number of the day: 9

If you feel as if you aren't getting anywhere, look to 9 for insight into how much you achieve every moment.  Amber teaches us to appreciate ourselves for all that we do.

Sunday 08/02/15

Mercury wants to give you the opportunity to gain from the wisdom, enthusiasm and expertise of others today.  It is in a trine with Uranus and that will make even the most introverted among us want to interact with other people.  This is the perfect day to attend a meeting or join a group with a focused agenda or activity.  You may be surprised at just how beneficial group activities will be under this influence.  You want to get out of your own head because a Mercury/Chiron transit is going to make it a challenge to trust yourself if you give things too much thought.   You always want to follow your instincts, but do not allow yourself to read into anything because you may create issues that only exist in your mind.  Use the energy of the day to focus on what is going on around you and leave the introspection for another day.  Bloodstone can keep you focused in the present, while Garnet helps you find and enjoy the company of like-minded individuals.

Number of the day: 1

Within each of us lies an unrealized skill.  Use the energy of 1 to uncover your hidden talents and make them work for you.  Herkimer Diamond will aide in your investigation.

Monday 08/03/15

You should expect to be frustrated by regulations, rules and systems with a Jupiter/Saturn square dominating the sky.  Jupiter does not like to be held back by anything, while Saturn is all about boundaries.  You will feel the tension between these planets as they each flex their muscles in an attempt to sway you to their side.  This transit can be extremely powerful if you can push aside the stress and strategically use the combined energies of these planets.  The optimistic and expansive energy of Jupiter combined with the calculated approach of Saturn could enable you to make some meaningful progress towards a plan or goal.  You don’t want to start anything new because the energy is too volatile to take a risk, but it is perfect to continue on a current track or revive an old one. Bronzite will allow you to find productive outlets for this energy. Use Howlite to see how expansion and boundaries can work together to benefit you.

Number of the day: 2

It can be hard to put your own feelings aside in consideration of another.  The energy of 2 reminds us that when we help each other everyone benefits. Agate will add to the flow of love and generosity.

Tuesday 08/04/15

Jupiter has moved on to join up with Venus and create a splendid and sumptuous atmosphere for your day.  You will be feeling friendly and generous and will want to share as much as you can with others - including your bubbly attitude!  It will be easy to overdo the good things right now as you simply want to indulge yourself and others.  A little restraint might be necessary in order to avoid overspending your finances or energy, but otherwise you want to allow yourself to enjoy the mood.  This is an especially good time for relationships whether you want to build a new one, strengthen an existing one or heal one that has taken a hit or two.  Pluto also has a presence today, so some of your experiences may be colored by the fear of losing something dear to you.  Just be aware and don’t allow the possibility of future disappointment to ruin the joy in your present.  Carry Malachite as a grounding influence that allows you to indulge without excess.  Fluorite will help you to manage any negative feelings in a positive manner.

Number of the day: 3

Use the expressive energy of 3 to creatively make your presence known.  Others will see how much that you have to offer and doors will open.  Carnelian will hold them open for you to stride on through. 


Posted on July 28, 2015
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