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WEEK OF 06/11/14 - 06/17/14 

Wednesday 06/11/14

There is a vague sense of apathy and discontent right now as a result of a thought provoking Jupiter/Neptune transit.  Your daily routine and activities could feel unsatisfying and focus is a challenge.  You may feel a lack of interest and a loss of conviction in believing that what you are doing matters.  It is hard to pinpoint the exact culprit (because there really isn’t one!) but suddenly you wonder what is the point?  Stay positive and on point because this energy will pass and you don’t want to let important matters fall by the wayside.  You can use this energy to find inspiration and allow yourself to become enlightened rather than allowing it to draw you into dispirited actions like extravagance or indulgence. Carry Pink Calcite to bring some joy into your day.  Carnelian will remind you that you have all the power to be happy and optimistic no matter what the planets throw at you. – now that is inspiring! 

Number of the day: 6

 All that 6 really wants to do is keep the peace.  Its energy will help you to balance any inner conflicts and find the best solution.  Honey Calcite will remind you there is always a positive answer.

Thursday 06/12/14

Your thoughts will wander and you may find it a challenge to get along with others with Mercury & Venus in a semi-square.  In your dealings with others it could feel as if you are coming from different perspectives and that finding a happy middle ground is simply not possible.  Mercury is retrograde so its energy is a little diminished, while Venus is in Taurus and quite happy and comfortable.  So you may find that this transit doesn't have the difficult punch that it might normally.  Don't allow those wandering thoughts to take you to a dark place where you imagine slights against you and you’ll be just fine.  Apophyllite will keep your ego from overriding your instincts when it comes to communications.  Use Azurite for patience with yourself and others. 

Number of the day: 7

We are constantly surrounded by magic.  We just don't always realize that it is there for us.  Let 7 and Tsavorite point you in the best direction.

Friday 06/13/14

This is a powerful day with an alignment of planets that is designed to help you feel better about yourself and bring about perpetual healing.  It begins with Venus and Chiron in a sextile that is all about acceptance.  Have you ever tried to accept and love yourself as you are?  What about doing the same for others?  It may sound like a very simplistic approach to deep, long-standing issues but acceptance and trust that everything (and everyone!) is exactly as it should be is never easy.  This transit will encourage you to go for it and see if it doesn't make things a whole lot better.  It may seem as if the day takes a dark turn when Venus moves into an opposition with Saturn, but really it is an opportunity.  Concerns that seem insurmountable may become a fixation in your mind but that is so that you can see them for what they truly are (remember - accept & trust!) and know that you will overcome them.  That message is driven home as a Saturn/Chiron trine enables you to realize your rare & special qualities.  You are confident, secure and won't have to work as hard at the acceptance and trust when you know that you are perfect just as you are and you will succeed at everything that you set out to do.  What a fabulous Friday the 13th!  A mix of Tourmalines will show you how best to use this energy.  Blue-Pink in particular will strengthen your efforts at healing when it comes to the mind & heart.  Scolecite will bring you the peace of mind you need to heal past issues.

Number of the day: 8

Often the best way forward is with a plan.  Make a list, get your thoughts in order and take the necessary steps as you work to obtain your dream.  8 can show you the value of the details and Septarian will guide you towards success.

Saturday 06/14/14

There is a little more encouraging energy left over from yesterday when the Sun and Jupiter gave your sense of self and confidence a big boost.  You may be recognized by others for your shear awesomeness - or maybe you've just seen it in yourself and isn't that the most important reward?  Try not to let the Mars/Pluto square later in the day fill your head too much with your own self- importance.  Remain grounded and balanced and this energy could help you to make great strides towards achieving something important.  It could just as easily cause serious setbacks if you use your passions and newfound confidence to appear overbearing and uncaring.   Fluorite will humble you (when you need it) and reminds you to be at empathic to others.  Brecciated Jasper will keep you grounded enough to see the potential for advancement.

Number of the day: 9

Sometimes you simply cannot do it all and it is vital to your own well-being to stop and give yourself a break.  Aqua Aura will remind you to take care of yourself.

Sunday 06/15/14

A Sun/Saturn transit late yesterday will help you bring more order into your life. This is the perfect energy to look at things objectively and devise a plan that will improve your situation.  Venus and Neptune are teaming up to produce some very sensitive energy that will be a powerful tool for visualization.  See it in your mind and magically things begin to manifest in the physical.  You want to avoid any kind of negative people and situations during this transit.  You don’t want to get sucked into their gloomy force and allow it to impact your good vibes.  Star Sapphire will prevent any negative impact from outside forces.  Zebra Jasper keeps you optimistic as you work towards creating order in your surroundings.

Number of the day: 1

You are the leader and where you go the energy will follow.  It is that simple.  Let Amethyst show you the best use of all that incredible power.

Monday 06/16/14

Doing the minimum simply won’t make the cut right now.  Mars and Neptune will embolden you to reach beyond expectations and show yourself and the world just how much you are capable of achieving.  You will be driven to add your personal flair to everything that you touch and make your mark.  Are you ready to get noticed because this is your time to rise!   Use Malachite if you need to be reminded of your limitless potential.  Carry Sunstone to enjoy your time in the spotlight.

Number of the day: 2

Aggression will only take you so far.  2 has a gentle vibration that adds a touch of sensitivity to every situation.  Together they can make you a truly unique and unstoppable force.  Carry Moonstone as a reminder.

Tuesday 06/17/14

The True or North Node of the Moon is about working towards experiences that will allow you to grow and prosper in this lifetime. Its goal is to get you on your path to personal fulfillment – whatever that may mean to you!  Expect a shot of positive energy coming your way as a result of a trine between the True Node and the Sun.  This transit can align you with the components that you need for success.  We all know that true growth is rarely easy and takes perseverance and faith.  Today those efforts will be rewarded as everything comes together to give you that perfect moment.  Here is the confirmation that you are headed in the right direction!  Green Quartz can show you how your success will benefit - not only you - but the world.  Use Pyrite to carry that feeling of well-being with you into the days ahead.

Number of the day: 3

There is always a reason to be optimistic.  If 3 wants us to know anything it is that things are always getting better and better each moment.  Meditate with a Botswana Agate to feel the endless flow. 


Posted on June 10, 2014
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