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WEEK OF 04/02/14 - 04/08/14 

Wednesday 04/02/14

There is a lot of energy today and the planets are very active.  You will probably feel the urge to follow their lead but the wisest move will be to lay low and use this time to gather information rather than taking action.  The Sun and Uranus will show you things that could lead to important realizations, particularly when it comes to unethical behaviors.  The need for change will be evident, but now is not the time.  While intuition is strong there is the possibility to overdo things and let unclear thoughts overcome your desire to make a positive change.  Take this time to formulate a strategy and gather allies and resources.  Mercury and Saturn can enhance your planning skills so use Sapphire for mental focus.  Ruby will help you to balance the need for action with the practicality of preparation.

Number of the day: 4

Before acting on the urge to strike, consider the benefits of careful timing.  Use the energy of 4 and Amber when you need to take a breath and focus your energies in a new direction.

Thursday 04/03/14

The Sun and Pluto in a square will highlight flaws and critical issues that needed to be addressed - both personally and globally.  This is your time to help you find your personal power and then use it to begin positive change.  Determine what you can do and don't focus on what others have done or should do.  Venus and Uranus join in and produce an unstable atmosphere, so you don't want to make sudden changes.  Particularly if it seems that they will make things more pleasing visually because it will backfire on you.  You are powerful and you can contribute to bringing about a greater good.  Just don't rush into anything!  Pink Tourmaline lets you take a softer approach while Black Jasper lets you feel your strength.

Number of the day: 5

5 reminds you to consider a non-traditional approach to make a more significant impact.  Use Prehnite to trust your instincts.

Friday 04/04/14

Venus and Pluto each have a very serious focus and when they get together the energy will be intense.  You may feel emotions imploded within and drive you to act very out of character.  They are in a semi-square transit that will highlight any fears of losing things that are important to you.  It can make you feel as if you are caught in a "do or die" moment  - but you are not!  Things could take a turn in that direction if you are not careful, so you want to make an effort to avoid outbursts of  jealousy or possessiveness.  Do not make any decisive actions right now - particularly when it comes to relationships or finances.  Larimar will exchange worry for peace.  Antigorite will remind you that, if it hurts to hold on so tight,  it might be best to let go.

Number of the day: 6

6 is the "hugger" in numerology.  You could probably use a comforting reminder today that you are cared for, so bring Rainbow Moonstone with you to feel nurtured.

Saturday 04/05/14

You've been dealing with some enlightening energies over the past few days.  Have you learned anything from it?  Of course you have and now the Sun and Chiron will help you to define those new strengths and/or purposes that you have discovered.   Even the most challenging of energies and experiences has a positive and now is when you can take issues and turn them into opportunities.  This is very empowering energy so take the time to really consider your thoughts, emotions and experiences over the past few days and use that to build your confidence.  Use Amazonite to feel how invincible  you are and Citrine to uncover how you will triumph.

Number of the day: 7

Some believe that 7 is a lucky number.  Is it luck or is it having faith that good things will always come and then allowing those things to happen?  Carry Prasiolite and find out for yourself. 

Sunday 04/06/14

The Moon and Mercury will make it easy to express feelings right now, but think twice before you share more than is comfortable for you.  You could become insecure if you believe that you have confided too much and thus diminished your personal power.  Fortunately, the Sun and Saturn will help you regain and strengthen your confidence by giving you the tools to make some productive headway.  You can see the necessity of order right now and appreciate the difference that a detailed approach can make as you work towards something that matters to you.  Use Brown Aventurine to focus your energies and perfect each step before you move on to another.  Apache Tear will help you to maintain your self-control.

Number of the day: 8

8 enables us to realize our power and flex it when we need to take charge of the situation.  Carry Tiger Iron to stand up for what is right for yourself and others.

Monday 04/07/14

You've got to be quick if you want to take advantage of Mercury in Aries!   It is only there for a few weeks - probably because it is so exciting that any longer would just wear us out.  Any trepidation that you have felt toward speaking your mind, showing yourself in a new light or taking any new initiative will disappear along with the "let's think it over" Pisces energy.  You do want to be cautious because Aries has a tendency to go too fast without considering the ramifications and you will feel some urgency.  However, if you've been spending the last few months going over everything and you feel prepared, then now is your time to make something happen.  Green Kyanite lets you speak your truth in the best manner for others to hear it.  Malachite will amplify your efforts for positive transformation.

Number of the day: 9

Change yourself and you change the world.  9 and Labradorite will help you to bring about a positive and impactful revolution.

Tuesday 04/08/14

Mars is in retrograde and all of the feisty, aggressive energy has had nowhere to go but inward.  Today's opposition with the Sun could bring all that internalized energy to the boiling point and have you feeling as if it is time for battle and it won't matter if there is nothing to fight for or about!  This combination can lead to impulsive actions and careless behavior.  The energy is particularly tricky because you are led to believe that it's alright since everything is working against you anyway, and what does it really matter how you act or what you do.  It does matter and you don't let this energy control you and allow you to take actions that you will regret.  It is likely that internal confusion is the real culprit and, once you realize that it is not as important as you think, then you can let it go.  Once the unimportant stuff is out of the way,  you can now focus on what really matters.  That is how you win the war.  Use Celestite for peaceful resolution and Amethyst as a reminder that you are in control of what happens next.

Number of the day: 1

1 is the creator so when it's energy is present it wants us to be mindful that our intent matches our actions.  What do you want to create?  Optical Calcite will remind you to consider that question before making any moves.




Posted on April 01, 2014
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