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WEEK OF 05/29/13 - 06/04/13
WEDNESDAY 05/29/13
If something requires a detached, clinical study then you had better get to it. Mercury will be on the move Friday leaving the inquisitive energy of Gemini for the emotional impact of Cancer. Mercury in Gemini had you yearning for more information and more outlets for your studies. Mercury in Cancer will encourage you to focus closer to home on you and yours. This is the kind of energy that wants you to use your heart and gut when you interact - even if it is not the most rational choice. This is your best time to focus on things that you are passionate about and get closer to those who matter. Watch out for mood swings and outbursts that can arise from letting all of those emotions out. Lapis Lazuli will add a rational edge to your heartfelt doings. Abalone Shell lets you enjoy the wonder of letting your words and thoughts flow from the heart.
Number of the day: 4
4 will remind you to take the time to focus on the details. That is where you can find access to the big picture painted by your dreams. Aragonite offers stability that will illuminate the journey.
THURSDAY 05/30/13
Mars didn't want to be left behind so it will fill the void in Gemini as it makes it's move also on Friday. Mars may have enjoyed it's time in Taurus but now that you are comfortable it will urge you to action - but not the physical kind. Mars in Gemini is about mixing Fire and Air in the most positive manner. You have new thoughts and ideas and you are anxious to share them with others. This is excellent energy for planning new ventures and finding like minded individuals with whom you can share stimulating exchanges. Those exchanges might get heated - Fire and Air will light things up - but that is all part of the process and you can benefit from these spicy interactions. Just remember that you are all working towards the same goal. Blue Aventurine will remind you that respect and consideration are essential. Tangerine Quartz will fire up the energy.
Number of the day: 5
Freedom truly is a state of mind and 5 wants you to eliminate anything that will keep your thoughts from expanding to the limits and beyond. Let Moonstone show you the endless possibilities of an unfettered imagination.
FRIDAY 05/31/13
Right before they slip into their new signs, Mercury & Mars will meet up in a friendly semi-sextile position. You are mentally active and your thoughts are spot on as the energy encourages you to make things happen. Is there something that you have been on the fence about? This influence will allow you to break though any barriers caused by doubts or over-thinking. Make a decision and see how everything just falls into place. It is the last day of what has been an interesting month. You have learned much and you are ready for the next step. Mahogany Obsidian lets you take the risk and trust. Citrine shows you how well your wisdom will pay off.
Number of the day: 6
You know what you want so now trust that you can make it happen for yourself. That is how you find harmony within yourself. Let Emerald show you how the Universe will respond to a peaceful and confident You.
SATURDAY 06/01/13
The Sun and Pluto are going to vividly illustrate for you the necessity of change. It may happen in an instant or it may be a gradual dawning but make no mistake...you are going to want to change something because you will realize once and for all that it is the only way that you can move forward. Change is hard and we will almost always go to great lengths to avoid it. Grasp this energy with both hands and just go with it. It will be the beginning of some amazing things for you. Uranus will lend a helping hand by also working with the Sun to show you how easy it can be once you take that first step. Use Aquamarine for courage and insight and Carnelian for willpower and strength. They will be your guides into new territory.
Number of the day: 4
Here we are on another volatile day and 4 steps in with it's calm and direct attitude. Take it one step at a time and follow the plan - even if you are unsure of what the "plan" actually is or where it will lead. This is how you control the energy and make it work for you! Green Aventurine will keep you steady.
SUNDAY 06/02/13
The warmth of nostalgic memories and the comfort of being cared for are some of the elements to expect as Venus enters Cancer. Even the wildest among us may find themselves thinking about settling down amidst those situations and people that make them feel at home. That is the overall theme for Venus in Cancer...a desire for the romanticism of feeling at home. Note that reality has not been mentioned so far. This energy is more about looking for an ideal than a real situation. This can prove to be a very positive goal as long as you stay grounded. When you reach for the stars while you keep your feet firmly planted on the ground you may find exactly what you are looking for or at the very least enjoy the journey. That is when the ideal becomes real. Pink Aventurine is perfect for feeling the sways of love while you remain steady. Malachite will show you how to make the feeling endure.
Number of the day: 5
Maybe you are afraid that you want too much or have unrealistic ideals that can never become realities. Don't allow those fears to become a prison that holds you back. Black Jasper will allow you to free yourself from doubt and open you to the boundless expansion that is always possible.
MONDAY 06/03/13
Our day begins with Mercury and Neptune in a lucky trine where everything works in your favor. The only effort required by you is to envision success and then let the creative and bountiful energy carry you along to your destination. If you're feeling a little lazy you might want to envision Mercury staying right where it is because later it moves on to another trine with Saturn. And you know that Saturn is going to put you to work! Fortunately this is still a very pleasant influence where your work will yield very positive results. No matter how difficult the task it is always easier and more fun when you are confident is a positive outcome. Amazonite will enhance the wandering creativity when Neptune is in the house. Moldavite will add a spark to your efforts when Saturn gives us the nudge forward.
Number of the day: 6
Now you can see how it all works in your favor and you simply cannot lose. Don't be mistaken that you will get something for nothing but know that you can get much more than you ever expected. Use Chalcopyrite to really feel all of the energy that supports you.
TUESDAY 06/04/13
The Sun urges action but it's square with Chiron has you questioning if you are ready. It is almost impossible to make any real progress when your head is full of questions and doubts. Instead of trying to forge ahead anyway (the Sun's influence) or just give in and give up (Chiron's influence) work on finding the balance that will allow you to benefit from the dueling energy. Think of Chiron as the sunglasses that will cut the glare of the Sun and allow you to see where you might make adjustments. Then allow the Sun to lighten up that gloomy attitude of Chiron so that you are prepared to face everything with a positive attitude. By working with the energy you can use the best of both planets to have it all rather than wondering if you can have any of it. Pyrite captures the active energy of the Sun while Fluorite adds the wisdom of Chiron.
Number of the day: 7
7 breaks the pattern of the last week and sets us you up for adventures of the mind. Maybe there are questions and concerns but this energy will allow you to find the answers that giveyou the knowledge to forge ahead. Charoite will enhance your inner journey.
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