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Healing Crystals ANCHIPS ANCHIPS
All of the pieces were very chunky B-A grade, ranging from 1 3/8" to 2 1/8" at a price scale you just can't beat! The only thing that could have made this deal sweeter was if they added a card with the names of the crystals included, but I wasn't expecting one since I read the description. Do be sure to read the description so that you won't be disappointed with the assortment that you receive.
4 5
I just got this bag of stones, and am very happy with them, i automatically piled them in a circle shape with all the quartz and amethyst in the middle, and put some tibet points i also bought in there as well, could really feel great energy from them, my knees even had a bit of a tingle, i looked at the grid i threw together again today and noticed it was in the shape pretty much of your logo. : ) i am new to working with crystals and will be ordering many others from this site in the future, a beautiful way to keep intentions focused and energy balanced. glad to have found this site, keep up the good work, thanks!!!
5 5
Great pieces, I have bought this one before too. Jen
5 5
I am very happy with the wide assortment of sizes and types of stones.
5 5
I know the description says "i may" get the listed stones, but I have one left over not on that list. I didn't get the Tiger's Eye, and *did* get a darker shade of what looks like a piece of broken glass- much like what must be amethyst & clear quartz, only this is darker. I can only assume it's Smoky Quartz, but didn't know if that was one of the possible stones to be sent... I don't want to assume what it is, though. ? Any feedback from the site would be great. Thanks. Nice specimens either way... =)
4 5

Assorted Natural Chips/Chunks (Brazil)    [ANCHIPS]


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