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Dear Ol,

I must share the standard disclaimer that I am not a doctor and cannot give out medical advice.  Crystals for healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. 

I am giving you a list of stones I feel has the best chance of effecting healing and some relief in your cancer. It is a long list so look over the stones and chose those you feel resonant with you and your situation.  I will add you to my prayer garden, that you reach the best possible outcome.

Amber-Amber absorbs pain and negative energy and transmutes it to healing energy. Amber cleans and draws disease from the body and assists in rejuvenation of cells and tissues, helping the body heal itself. A powerful healer in general, Amber is  use with kidney, bladder issues and Lymph nodes and the lymph system.  Will assist in the healing of kidney and bladder cancers.

- While Amethyst is a general healer in the case of cancer it is an immune booster and a stone of balance.  It is particularity good at treating diseases causing cellular disruptions.  It strengthens the system organs and is a blood cleaner and dissipates pain.

-Bloodstone is good for assistance in healing Blood related cancers such as leukemia, skin cancers and all blood rich organs.  Bloodstone over time can shrink tumors.  Bloodstone is also useful in the healing of bones cancers

and Blood stone in combination are effective  at healing Liver  and kidney cancers.   Both are workhorses at healing blood rich organs including bones.  Carnelian is one of these stones that transmutes and cleanses negative energy, making it an effective cancer healing stone.

- Emeralds are an important stone in the detoxifying, repair and boosting of the immune system and a healer for the organ of the chest cavity and spine. It is said that it can heal any malignant condition. It is very effective in eye disorders and cancer of the eyes. It is a stone that you could call a seek and destroy against any infectious condition.  

Rainbow fluorite
one of the best over all healers, amplifies healing of all other stones.

There are several colors and varieties of garnet that assist in the healing of cancer.
Uvarovite- A Bright Green Garnet, is a physical and emotional detoxifier, reduces inflammation and assist in the healing of leukemia.

Merelani Garnet is a mint green garnet. Tsavorite Garnet is a dark green garnet to almost black or with  inclusions of black.  Both are of the  Grossularite  garnets.  They work mainly with the emotional and mental bodies but also assist in the healing of all mucus membranes and skin type cancers.  

Herkimer Diamond-Another stone for the pro-active self healer.  Increases the While light energy a body can hold speeding healing on all levels.

- Healing for the elimination systems such as Kidney, liver, prostrate and adrenals.  Heals at the cellular level. 

- It is a stone for those who are proactive in self-healing.  It is particularly healing for the mouth, throat, head, neck and chest. Larimar is exceptional for cancer that has invaded the lymph nodes and lymph system.  Placed on the point of pain, Larimar will draw it out and release the pain, place over the site of the disease, Larimar will pinpoint the illness to effect direct healing. 

-Malachite is the most underused healing stone, It pinpoints tumors and growths, correcting and repairing the DNA and cellular structure that causes cancers.  It can be used on all forms of cancer and stimulates and enhances the immune system. 

-one of the ultimate energy healers on all levels.  Used in the healing of Aids and all cancer.

Red Aventurine
- Used more often to treat cancers of the abdomen, Red Aventurine is an anti-inflammatory and works more on organs, skin and tissue which is damaged by cancer. 

-Rhodonite is a wound healer and useful after any surgery, it has been found to be useful to effect healing in cases of bone cancers.   It is also used to shrink  tumors.

- While Rhodochrosite is most often known as an emotional healer, it is also effective in the healing of respiratory illness and the healing of lung cancers.  It is particularly helpful in healing cancers caused by air born pollutants and irritants.  This stone is also used to shrink  and slow the growth of tumors.
-all colors-works on all body systems. Neutralizes negative energy, shrinks tumors.

is known for helping cellular issues such as cancer, assisting in the regeneration of healthy cells.

Smokey Quartz
- Smoky Quartz is a general healer for the lower body, the abdomen and legs.  It has the additional properties of assisting in the treatment of radiation sickness and the after effects of chemotherapy.  The darker the Smoky Quartz the more effective it  has been known to be.
-This stone is called the stone of spiritual love and assist in the healing of cancer in two ways.  First as would be expected, Sugilite assist in  healing the emotional aspects of cancer.  It relieves the despair and confusion that can accompany  a diagnoses of cancer.  Secondly is assist in treating cancers that have infiltrated the lymph node and lymph system.

-While all colors of Tourmaline are general healers, Black Tourmaline is another stone that can be used directly over the site of the cancer to draw out the negative energy associated with cancer and its growth.  Bright Blue tourmaline is a pulmonary healer and effects the healing of throat and esophagus.
Dark Blue tourmaline is one of the few stones known to effect healing for brain tumors and brain cancers.  Placed directly over the site of the tumor, this tourmaline draws out the energy of the cancer, and is effective taken as an elixir. 
Brown Tourmaline is a general healer in that it heals in all parts of the body to correct cellular growth and stimulate proper cell function and cellular regeneration.
Green Tourmaline
is a general healer, it also treats brain cancers and cancer centered in the thymus gland.  It is an immune system activator.
Watermelon Tourmaline
breaks through any resistance to healing and is best used in conjunction with other stones for specific healing. It boost the effectiveness of any healing stone.  It is another proactive self-healing stone. 

Vesuvius-This stone, while a general healer works best combines with other stone as it boost the healing abilities of those stone focus on tissue regeneration.  Combines best with Garnets, Emerald, Dioptase for enhanced healing.

Yellow Kunzite
- assist in healing after  Radiation treatments.  Restructures and stabilizes cellular function.  

Roslyn Bohanan
Master Crystal Healer

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Posted on January 06, 2012

  Please pray for my friend Brent, he has been diagnosed with liver cancer.
Thank you, and many blessings to you as well!!!!  (Submitted by: Stephanie on June 12, 2020)
  Thank you for the great detailed breakdown. My daughter has been diagnosed with cancer and the study of the Stones helps us with the whole process.  (Submitted by: Maryanne Hyson on January 12, 2020)
  Great information and just wanted to thank you for posting this. I have just started to explore crystal and are taking some workshops so that I may help friends and family members. Any tid bit of guidance would be appreciated. Thank you
Michael  (Submitted by: Michael on April 16, 2019)
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