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Animal symbolism & Animal Totems or Animal Medicine is shared across cultures all over the world, mainly passed on through stories and teachings in Indigenous cultures. Mother Earth has many lessons to teach us, and she connects us with our animal brethren to remind us that we share this world with an unimaginable amount of intuitive and intelligent beings. A symbolic encounter can be at any level – it could be a random sighting of an animal you don’t normally see, or an animal appearing in your dreams. Basically, the animal making itself known to you. Take these encounters to heart and use the lessons animal medicine teaches us to improve ourselves and respect the natural world around us.
The main message lynx teaches us is silence. It is so easy to fill the natural silence around us with movement, thoughts, music, or television. But when we become silent, we observe so much more of the world around us, as well as the world inside of us. Listen to the lesson of the lynx by finding silence and embracing it. Suddenly, you’ll realize how alive the whole world is, and you’ll appreciate each moment so much more when you observe it for what it is, instead of filling it with restlessness.
Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone and Black Obsidian and they can all be used to connect with Lynx.
More information about animal symbolism & animal totem meanings can be found in our Animal Totem Deck #1
Please feel free to comment your questions and stories, as well as share this post with your friends.
Mother Earth Blessings,
Lizzy Baxter
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