Hello there my wonderful cyber-friends! I do declare that it gives me great joy just having the time to get back on line shop on your site and know that I will have my material before I depart again! Thank you Kim for your gift voucher! I received the e-mail while I was still in Nepal! I just arrived three days ago! Just to find out they had an Earthquake there, and I am so depressed! I am needed there now more than ever and I just can't postpone other responsibilities I have here at home for at least another 4 weeks. I stayed northwest of Kathmandu, in an area known as Jitpur Phedi, and I saw quite a number of children and some young adults; what I did for them though , has no comparison on what they did for me! My heart is just in pain for the extra suffering they will have to endure, and though it is early for us as far as Winter goes, it is extremely cold over there right now. I want you all to know, that every piece of crystal and stone that I had obtained from you was used to its blessed purpose at Jipur Phedi. The healings went flawless, some results were seen in hours! I was hosted by old retired monks and herders and I was gifted with wealth of information in their beliefs and traditions, and it really sadden me when I left, specially the children and their tears. Oh, I know I will be back, have too, it was a sacred promise, and I don't give many of those, for my word carries the same validity as a,legal written contract. Any way I thought that it would all do us some good, to know that what we are doing is really working to heal the Planet, even if it is a few people at a time. I want to thank you all from the deepest part of my heart, for always sending me such good quality material, even when I can't afford the very best, for I finance my own missions, and have never, ever! , sought sponsors of any kind. This is something I must accomplish with my own means and with the only profit being the satisfaction of helping individuals that can not help themselves, may it be for lack of means, access or because of sheer ignorance of not knowing any better. Thank you, again for each application, each therapeutic session, each empowered satchel or mojo bag done, given, or applied by me produced wonderful results, some even better than the results I got using the modern medications I took with me. Therefore, I extend to you all the appreciation all those wonderful people expressed to me for the services I gave them with the material obtained from Healingcrystals.com, You are amazing! Please, who ever reads this note, make sure it is made known to each and every single individual on your staff!
Sincerely yours,