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Beginner's Reference Guide Main Page

Developing Your Intuition with Crystals Workshops

The goal of these mini-workshops, created and presented on our Facebook page by our Healing Crystals expert Brana, is to introduce you to working with crystals intuitively as well as to help you enhance your intuition through working with crystals.

We would usually do a few things together and then there was a mini-assignment to work on during the week and report back during the following session.

Make sure to cleanse your crystals using some of the methods mentioned here before and after working with them


Workshop #1 – General Introduction


1) Take a deep breath, and center yourself. Take any crystal from your collection that attracts you most at this moment. Hold it in your hand, and ask a question, any question is fine as long as it is meaningful to you – quiet your mind for a few moments – and see if anything pops into your mind –a thought, an image, a name of a person, or a more direct answer to your question

(During the workshop, participants were asked to write their experiences in the comments section)

When you are done with this go to the next step:

2) Take a Third Eye or a Crown Chakra crystal such as Amethyst, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli,Iolite, Tanzanite, Blue Apatite, to mention a few

For a full list See all items related to

3) Repeat the exercise, asking a different question. See if the speed with which you get the answer or the clarity of the answer changes . . .


Reading/Viewing list:


Homework Assignments


1) See which crystal attracts you in the morning, take it with you and have it during the day, and see if you notice any correlations between what is happening and why you chose that crystal (after you record your experiences you may want to read about the crystal--not before, so as not to influence your experiences/expectations).


2) Have a specific question in mind and put your crystals on a table in front of you and ask which crystal will help you receive the clearest answer. Then close your eyes and see which crystal you choose (by doing this you will let your energy choose for you)


Write down your experiences and any questions that arise for you.


Workshop #2 was devoted to answering the questions from the previous workshop

Some of the questions that were addressed were what kinds of messages they are getting and what kinds of questions to ask:

Sometimes it takes a while before you start getting messages that you can recognize as relevant. Also, for some people, it helps when asking a specific question before choosing a crystal--helps focus the energy.

In terms of questions-- starting simple and with easily verifiable questions is the way to go when you are just starting with this process . .

Workshop #3 -- Working with Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is known as the "Master Healer" of the mineral kingdom, with its very high vibration, and is the most versatile healing stone among all crystals.  Quartz is said to be the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom, able to work on any condition.  Clear Quartz is also known as the "Stone of Power" and can help to amplify any energy or intention.

Let’s do the following:

Take a deep breath, and center yourself. Take a clear quartz crystal from your collection. Hold it in your hand, and ask a question that is meaningful to you – quiet your mind for a few moments – and see if anything comes to your mind –a thought, an image, a name of a person, or a more direct answer to your question.

(During the workshop, participants were asked to write their experiences in the comments section)

There was a question during the workshop that might be relevant for many people, so I’ll repost it here: how can one know if one received an answer from the intuitive self and not from the ego-self?

One way to release that doubt is to see if the same message or image comes up again. Many experienced psychic teachers say that intuition typically nudges us more than once and gives us clues in different shapes and forms that kind of point to the same thing. The more you see the "results" --when you listen to the intuition and see what happens as a result -- the more you'll be able to determine when it is your intuition speaking and when it is something that you want.

Sometimes, however, a strong "want" indicates intuition . . . write it down . . . and keep collecting such "evidence" . . . this will strengthen your abilities . . . and give you hope if you start doubting again . . .

Reading/Viewing list:

Homework Assignment:

Every morning spend some time with your quartz crystal and ask a question that is important to you--open-ended questions are the best.

The answer may appear at that time and it may appear later. During the day write down anything that you notice related to your question. Review in the evening and make additional notes, if necessary.

Remember to cleanse your crystal regularly.

If you want to participate next week, you will need a pendulum and a set of crystal cards--any pendulum and any crystal cards deck.

Our pendulum selection:

Crystal Cards:


Workshop #4 -- Working with Pendulums and Crystal Cards.

Take your pendulum (I like to use clear quartz but it can be any crystal pendulum) and ask it to show you a “yes” and a “no”

This brief video shows how to do that

If you are wearing any crystals take them off.

Then ask a question on what crystal to work with now during the workshop:

you can ask, for instance, “is carnelian the best one for me right now?” and go on until you get a “yes” . . .

Next, take any crystal card deck that you have and ask a question “what crystal would be the best for me right now?”

See if the answers match, or if they are complementary, or if they are different . . . and feel free to write about your experiences . . .


There are many things you can do with both the pendulum and crystal cards.

I like to ask pendulum to help me decide on all kinds of things

For ideas on what to do with crystal cards check out our video

Your homework for this week is to experiment with both, asking different questions and writing down your experiences.


Workshop #5--Working with the Full Moon Energies: Releasing the Old and Inviting the New

1) Take a clear quartz crystal in your hand, close your eyes and ask “What do I need to release out of my life and into the Universe right now?” Write down whatever message you receive on a small piece of paper.

(After the workshop is done you may want to write more on this until you have said all you needed to say. Then tear up the paper in small pieces, and burn it—safely!—saying “ I release and let go of all that does not serve my highest good.” If you do not want or can not burn it, just destroy it in another way)

2) Then, holding clear quartz in your hand, put all your orange and yellow crystals in front of you, close your eyes and choose one by touch. Ask—“What is the first/next step I can take to bring my dream into reality?” and then write that down . . .

3) The last question you want to ask—holding clear quartz and another orange or yellow crystal from your collection is – “What can I do to honor myself and my Inner Child more?” and write down what you get.

During the time of the Full Moon dreams can be powerful and symbolic. Write down your dreams upon waking, and see if you can make any connections to what is happening in your life.



During the week, spend some time every morning and every evening with those crystals and with those messages, in silence, with your journal next to you . . . and ask “is there anything else I need to know right now” and see if anything else shows up . . .  Write down your experiences and feel free to share them during the next workshop.

For the next workshop you will need one Fluorite and one Clear Quartz crystal.           


Workshop #6 -- Automatic Writing and Crystals


Our goal in this workshop is to use automatic writing to connect with our Higher Self or with our spiritual guides.

We will use two crystals in this process—Fluorite (excellent support for writing) and Clear Quartz (amplifier).

Automatic writing means writing in a “stream of consciousness” manner, writing whatever comes to the page, without stopping to correct grammar, punctuation, or think about your next sentence. Even if it sounds strange at first, just get into the flow and keep going.

Ok, so sharpen your pencils Jand let’s get started:

1)    Get your writing tools ready

2)    Get one Fluorite and one Clear Quartz, hold them in your hands, and ask

3)    “What is the most important thing for me to know in relation to ______________?” (my job, my path in life, my soulmate, my next step . . . anything you want)

4)    You can address this question to your spiritual guides (whether you know them or not) or your Higher Self, whatever you feel more comfortable with

5)    Put the crystals in your lap and start writing/typing . . .

6)    You can give yourself a time limit (I’ll do this for 10 minutes) or you can go however long you feel like . . .

(Participants were then asked to share their experiences)

Reading/Viewing list:




Day 1: Take your Fluorite and Clear Quartz crystals and ask a question that is important to you. Address it to your Higher Self or your spiritual guides. Write three pages as described in the links above.

Day 2: Take the same crystals and ask “what else do I need to know?” Write three pages as described in the links above.

Day 3: If you got some answers but also things that were not clear, get a Clear Quartz and a Black Tourmaline and say “I would like more clarity on ___________” Write three pages . . .

Posted on July 07, 2013

    (Submitted by: mae on February 17, 2014)
  Thank you for your workshops!!! Love them and learn so much! Thank you  (Submitted by: Martie on July 29, 2013)

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