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I have another unrelated question. Vilomi Pranajam teaches selected awareness of Left/Right nostril. This appears to have a significant effect on Yin/Yang balance training. Are you perhaps familiar with gems that will tend to activate the Left nostril while it is not sufficient active? My brief self experimentation shown Sodalite, Green Aventurine, and Rose Quartz to seem to have such effect. While Citrine/Yellow Fluorite seem to have opposite effect (activate right nostril) Thanks.




Hi again A:


You are asking such interesting questions...I love it!


I am not an expert but Yin energy is associated with water, earth and feminine (passive) crystals.  Yang energy is associate with earth, fire and masculine (aggressive) crystals.  I am assuming that the Left Nostril is Yin since left energy is associated with feminine energy so the Sodalite, Green Aventurine and Rose Quartz make perfect sense since they are associated with Yin energies.  I would suggest an Aquamarinesince I think that would compliment your Left Nostril work.  Citrineand Yellow Fluorite have a lot of Fire energy which would activate the Right/Yang Nostril.  Amberwould also be a good choice and I think you could use some Earth energy like a Red Jasper or Black Onyx.  Dalmatian Jasperwould be very interesting to try since it is a very balancing crystal and carries both Yin and Yang energies.


Thanks again for reaching out to us and for your support of Healing   I hope I was able to help and I will look forward to hearing from you again soon.


Wishing you lots of Love and Light!

Crystal Blessings!


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Please Note: Crystals are for healing and should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. Crystals are not a medical treatment and should not be used as a replacement for medical care. Please consult your healthcare specialist for your particular needs.

Posted on October 26, 2014
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