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Hello Tara. My mother suffers from back pains and has had a few surgeries. I read your article "What Crystals Would You Recommend For Spine Problems?" I just wanted to understand when you said "When I have lower back pain I will place a Carnelian on my back and right below my belly button and I always feel some relief". Do you place a Carnelian on the back and the below belly button the same time?


Hi M:

Thanks for your question about crystals that can help with back pain.  I'm sorry to hear that your Mom suffers from this pain.  I need to give you our standard medical disclaimer that crystals are for healing and should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. Crystals are not a medical treatment and should not be used as a replacement for medical care. Please consult your (or your Mom's) healthcare specialist for your particular needs. 

I do often use 2 Carneliansand place one below by belly button and the other on my lower back - right at the base of my spine.  I usually lie on my stomach when I do this but you can lie on your back as well...the crystals just stay in place better when I'm on my stomach.  I have found that that whenever there is back pain it typically means that there is a blockage in one of the lower chakras like the Root or the Sacral Chakra.  By using two crystals I keep the energy flowing between them  - with me in the middle- to clear both Chakras.  I like the Carnelianfor both Chakras but it can also be very effective using 2 different crystals like Ruby, Garnet,AragoniteJasper(a Red and a Yellow) and Clear Quartz.  Using the Clear Quartz with any of the others will amplify their energy and can really boost the clearing process.  I would suggest that you try different crystals and see how they make your Mom feel.  My pain usually gets better as I clear and open the chakras to accept the positive energy of the crystals.  I hope it has a similar result for your Mom.

Thanks again for your question and for your support of Healing  I hope that this information will help and that you will let us know if you have any more questions.

Wishing you lots of love and light!

Crystal Blessings!

Tara Mideaker

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Posted on February 20, 2013

    (Submitted by: Stawr on February 24, 2013)

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