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White Jade, a variety of Nephrite jade, is also known as “mutton fat jade” when it is a translucent white to light yellow; and "chicken bone" jade when an opaque white to cream/light brown. It is quite a valuable stone.

White Jade is a calming, grounding Nephrite jade that also protects the wearer from negative energies. It brings peace, harmony and luck. White Jade is also wonderful in the decision-making process, as it blocks distractions, allowing for the best results to reveal themselves (which makes it especially useful for children).

Physically, White Jade assists the body to heal itself, helps with bladder and kidney problems, and eases the pain of arthritis and other joint illnesses, especially in the hips. White Jade also helps with fluid retention, high blood pressure and imbalances in blood sugar levels.


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Physical and Metaphysical Properties for
Crystal Name:White Jade
Alternate Stone Name:White Nephrite Jade
Pronunciation:wahyt jeyd
Affirmation:I enjoy peace and harmony in all areas of my life.
Question:When do you feel most content?
Astrological Sign:Libra (September 23 to October 22), Pisces (February 19 to March 20)
Primary Chakra:Heart Chakra
Secondary Chakra:Crown Chakra
Rarity:Fairly Common
Mineral Class:Silicates
Crystal System:Monoclinic Crystal System
Hardness:6.0 to 6.5 Hardness
Numerical Vibration:Number 11
Chemical Composition:Ca2(MgFe)5Si8O22, Calcium Magnesium Iron Silicate
Physical:Body Detox, Cancer, Diabetes, Edema, Eye Disorders and Infections, Health and Healing, Immune System Strengthening and Support, Infertility, Liver Disorders and Health, Skin Infections and Irritations
Emotional:Coping with Grief, Emotional Body Purification, Emotional Healing, Harmony, Rage Diffusing or Release, Relaxation, Serenity, Tranquility
Spiritual:Aura Cleansing and Clearing, Balances Yin Energy, Connecting and Communicating with Spirit Guides, Grounding, Healing, Past Life Recall, Spiritual Learning through Dreams, Spiritual Protection

Posted on March 29, 2013
  My experience with white ! Are positive it does protect. You from bad energy's.

And also you can hear them ! At least I did !.
I took my daily walk one morning! To a trail I always ! Go to and heard ! This loud noise ! Behind me ! I got scare for minute !

When I look back ! Nothing around me but two big old trees !.

I believe jade has alert me and protected ! Of this bad influence and that hour ! .

Jade does work for me!.  (Submitted by: Jademen on February 11, 2020)

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