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Subject: Crystals for Sleep and Remembering Dreams
Date: 03/09/10
From: Amanda H
To: Healing Crystals

I was just wandering which crystals would be good to aid with sleep. Is there anything that can help you get a more deep and restful sleep? And is there anything that can help you remember your dreams?



Hi Amanda,

This is a very popular question and one that I can share several recommendations for.

Let's start with preparing for sleep.  Many times our minds do not automatically shut off when we are ready to go to bed.  There are crystals that can help relax the mind. Amethyst and/or Lepidolite can help to calm the mind and prepare us for sleep.

Celestite and/or Lapis Lazuli can help to go into a deep, restful and recuperative sleep.

Other crystals that can help ready the body for sleep and allow for a deep, refreshing sleep include Hematite, Moonstone, and/or Selenite.

For dreaming and remembering dreams, I recommend Strawberry Quartz.

My favorite by far is Howlite.  Howlite is a super sleep stone!  It will calm and soothe the emotions, slow the overactive mind and help to achieve a deep and restful sleep.  Howlite also helps to access/retrieve wisdom during the dream state and bring it back into consciousness upon waking.

Choose the crystals you are drawn to and work with them a while.  I am sure you will find the perfect ones to help accomplish your sleep goals :)

Sweet dreams!

With love and crystal blessings,

Kristi Huggins
Expert Contributor for Healing Crystals

Posted on March 14, 2010

  This is very insightful, thank you for the wonderful information!  (Submitted by: HippinTrippy on December 27, 2013)
  What would I do without you! ♥  (Submitted by: Saribonita on September 21, 2013)
  I hold lodestones in my hands before sleep, and they seem to help me achieve sleep more quickly.
With their high iron content, they are like hematite.
Thanks for the tip on Howlite!  (Submitted by: Paul W. on June 13, 2013)
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