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WEEK OF 07/06/16 - 07/12/16


Wednesday 07/06/16

You want to take a forthright approach today with Venus and Mars in a Trine.  Be yourself and let your originality shine through in everything that you do.  You won't need to make a huge effort to see results.   It can be as simple as outright asking for what you want.  A Sun/Mercury transit will enhance your communication skills, making it easy to be open and honest.  You will make an impression that others will respond to, so carry Blue Lace Agate to portray your integrity in a magnificent way.  This is powerful energy to use for positive resolutions to any concerns or issues.  Dalmatian Jasper will give you insight into where to focus your efforts.

Number of the day: 4

4 is the power behind the scenes.  It will help you to make everything happen just as it should and keep you on track.  Carry Tiger Iron to use this skillful energy.


Thursday 07/07/16

The atmosphere may not feel as positive, but you still have lots of great energy to work with today...the trick is knowing how to use it!  Mercury is in an Opposition with Pluto and your thought patterns will be unsettled.  You will compulsively go over everything again and again in an effort to find the ‘truth’.  There will be many ‘truths' that you uncover and all or none of them may be the right one.  This will be a stress-inducing exercise unless you can use your will to just let it go and move on - at least for now.  Try distracting yourself with more physical activities that can be done by reflex and give your mind a rest. The Sun moves Mercury out of Pluto's path and now you have a Sun/Pluto Opposition urging you to take control and complete something.  You need to direct you attention away from important, life-altering matters because it’ll be too easy to make a bad choice right now.  Your need for control will override other emotions like reason, compassion and love.  If there is a serious situation that needs a swift and finite resolution, then go for it.  Otherwise, do something that’ll make you feel accomplished without producing dramatic changes.  You could use this energy to manage and master the reckless and impulsive behaviors that the Venus/Uranus Square will drive you towards as the day comes to a close.  Overall this is a day to recognize and use your inner strength and maintain a personal code despite what kind of energy you’re dealing with, so carry Petrified Wood for power and protection.  Muscovite will help you slow down, feel positive and consider ramifications before you react to any urges or outer stimuli.

Number of the day: 5

So many ideas and all of that abundant energy - these can be put to excellent use on a 5 day when you are looking to take a chance that will pay off well.  Green Kyanite will help you turn those ideas into actions.


Friday 07/08/16

Your outlook is positive and your observations are sound with Mercury and Jupiter in a Sextile.  This is a comfortable transit where you’re eager to apply logic, experience and talent to achieve your greatest ambitions.  It is a particularly supportive atmosphere for learning - both directly and unintentionally.  You may not reach your goal right now, but you will gain ground and insight.  Spend some time focusing on those insights later in the day when Venus and Saturn make interactions more difficult than they need to be.  Expectations will be high, making it easy to be disappointed when it comes to relationships and financial matters.  In general you will feel misunderstood and it’ll feel better to separate yourself from others than to successfully work with them.  Your confidence, so high and powerful as the day began, will gradually deflate as the energy shifts, so work with Moonstone to maintain a healthy perspective.  Remember, it is alright to give yourself a time-out from social interaction.  Aquamarine will help you use the break productively for positive contemplation.    

Number of the day: 6

The energy of 6 can bring some much-needed harmony in to your day.  Let Amber bring you back when it feels as if you might have flown too high.


Saturday 07/09/16

Everything may look rosy and flawless with Venus and Neptune in a dazzling transit that will blind you to reality.  You could buy into the illusion and ignore those facts that are lying just beneath the surface.  That momentary happiness will be shattered once those truths come out, so use this influence to your benefit and dig them out now!  It is very possible to create lasting gain using this energy, as long as you’re willing to proactively look for the flaws and challenges.  Reality will be your friend right now, so don't ignore it!  Use Amber to avoid acting on impulse in pursuit of immediate and momentary satisfaction.  Ocean Jasper will offer clarity and diligence that will encourage you to uncover all the details and deal with them before you proceed.

Number of the day: 7

7 reveals itself when it is time to go within.  Its energy will enable you to put aside the material world to focus on your mental and spiritual workings.  Amethyst will be your guide.


Sunday 07/10/16

This is a stellar day on so many levels!  First the Sun and Jupiter shower us with an overall feeling of joy in the present and hope for continued and increased prosperity in your future.  You’re ready to work towards bringing more good things into your life - and you know that you’ll succeed.  Your confidence and comfort with who you are and what you have to offer will shine through in all of your interactions.  If it hasn't been evident then you may be surprised by the respect and appreciation that you have earned.  You can capitalize upon that when Mercury and Mars move into a Trine that fires up enthusiastic and productive communications.  Your intellect is powerful under this influence and you want to be direct and focused in all of your pursuits.  Red Jasper gives you the determination to go after what you deserve and accept nothing less (but be open to more).  Tourmalated Quartz will amplify the overall fortunate atmosphere and encourage you to adopt it as your own.  This day will remind you that when you feel as if you have it all - then you do!  

Number of the day: 8

If you are willing to do the work, then you will win the day.  That is what 8 has for us.  Do your part and let Tiger Eye point you towards success.


Monday 07/11/16

Mercury begins the day in a Square with Uranus that will awaken dormant areas of your mind that are usually laying back and keeping quiet.  Now is the time to tackle complex issues and problems because you will see them in a new light.  Your thoughts are working in different patterns than usual and that will produce insights and creative solutions that have been eluding you.  While you may uncover objectives and ideas, you don't want to enact anything under this influence.   While you are mentally productive it won't be as easy to accomplish physical tasks.   You will be too busy innovating to focus on your normal routine and you won't have the clarity to communicate effectively.  Once Mercury moves into another transit with Saturn you will feel overwhelmed by policies and procedures.  You don't want to allow the stress of this energy to override your potential for life-altering mental breakthroughs.   Defer what you can and use Blue Tiger Eye to concentrate and power through the rest.  It will also help you feel comfortable with the probability that you may need to amend things at a later date.  Spend quiet time with Chiastolite to increase your vision and ingenuity.     

Number of the day: 9

Often we dismiss an idea or plan when it seems too hard or impractical.  9 can help you to fully consider all of the options before you discard an opportunity.   Use Azurite to see the true potential beyond the labor.


Tuesday 07/12/16

A Mercury/Neptune transit will have you feeling listless and starry eyed.  This is constructive energy for rest and rejuvenation, but not as helpful when you've got to get things done.  Try to avoid situations that require attention to detail, precise actions and focused presentation.  It may not be as hard as you think because everyone will be affected by this transit.  It is likely they will be grateful for the opportunity to re-schedule and slow things down until the atmosphere is more favorable for successful actions.  This is great energy for optimistic planning and manifesting new possibilities, so use Labradorite to help your mind to create, because that’s what it wants to be doing right now.  If you do need to turn your attention to more realistic matters, use Rutilated Quartz for productive concentration. 

Number of the day: 1

1 is the number of ambition and determination and it will put you in the proper mindset to make significant progress.  Clear Quartz will enhance your navigational skills.



Posted on July 05, 2016
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