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Bowenite, also called Tangiwaite or Tangawaite, is the state mineral of Rhode Island. It is often incorrectly referred to as Jade. In truth, it is more accurately identified as a variety of the serpentine mineral, Antigorite and a close relation to Jade (but NOT Jade). High grade Bowenite can be considered a semi-precious stone as it has a transparent to semi-transparent appearance and is usually a much higher grade of material.

Bowenite is a pale green to light green stone that ranges from transparent to opaque. It has a greasy shine, and can appear waxy, silky, or dull with a resinous texture.

Used as a talisman or worn as an amulet, Bowenite protects from destructive forces by facilitating a protective energy shield that radiates in all directions.

Bowenite is a dream stone. It enhances the memory of dreams and helps in dream-solving. Bowenite can also help to release suppressed emotions via the dream process.

Bowenite can bring success to all pursuits or to make a clean break from past traumas/environments.

This stone is a true symbol of love, friendship and thankfulness.


See all items related to Bowenite in our online catalog.

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Physical and Metaphysical Properties for
Crystal Name:Bowenite
Alternate Stone Name:Tangiwaite/Tangawaite
Affirmation:My dreams help me find solutions to problems.
Question:Do you believe that a talisman or amulet can help provide protection?
Astrological Sign:Aquarius (January 20 to February 18), Gemini (May 21 to June 20), Libra (September 23 to October 22), Taurus (April 20 to May 20)
Primary Chakra:Heart Chakra
Location:Africa, China, Pakistan
Rarity:Fairly Common
Mineral Class:Serpentine Group (Phyllosilicates)
Crystal System:Monoclinic Crystal System
Hardness:5 to 5.5 Hardness
Numerical Vibration:Number 3
Chemical Composition:Mg3(OH)O4Si2O5
Physical:Blood Sugar Regulation and Management, Diabetes, Hair, Hormonal Balance, Masculine/Feminine Balance
Emotional:Anxiety, Friendship, Love, Protection
Spiritual:Dream Interpretation and Recall, Shielding, Spiritual Protection

Posted on March 13, 2013
  Hi interesting read, and I'm adding this to my work,being a may born I'm going to work on myself and see the results.  (Submitted by: khonsu bey on December 24, 2020)

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Metaphysical Directory: Detailed description of each stone